Page 33 - SAMENA Trends - March 2020
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        awareness and  implementing  digital   of the circular economy and the significant   with  just  22% of used electronics being
        technologies  to minimize our negative   opportunities for  growth that  can and   recycled. Moreover, with  the introduction
        impact on the  environment  and increase   do  materialize  from  the  modification  of   of 5G, numerous devices that  are not
        the sustainability  of our activities.” Al-  production  and consumption  processes   compatible  with  the technology  will  be
        Kharafi continued, “We hope that through   under  the  model. Transformation must   discarded. Recent  studies reveal  that  48
        our forward-looking thought  leadership   occur, not just  from an  economic model   million tons of e-waste are produced every
        reports, the public  will  be inspired to act   perspective but from a mindset standpoint   year.  According  to The  World Economic
        in  a  manner  that  benefits  our  planet  and   as well. Finite resources  should not be   Forum, e-waste is currently considered the
        all those who inhabit it. We believe that by   exhausted and the only way to ensure that   fastest-growing source of  waste  today.
        embracing  the circular economy  model,   is to adopt new and progressive economic   On Zain’s part, as part of the  company’s
        our region stands to benefit immensely as   models  that promote  waste reduction   waste management program, Zain Kuwait
        new jobs can be generated across sectors,   and sustainable production.”  Given  the   installed  filtered  processed  water  coolers
        while implementing sustainable solutions   current  extreme weather  conditions and   on all  floors of its  headquarter  buildings,
        to help solve current issues. We encourage   the urgency for policymakers; businesses   thus reducing the use of single-use plastic
        all our  stakeholders  to play a positive   and governments to address climate   employees. Furthermore, the company
        and transformational role with us in   change, Zain was compelled to focus this   provided each employee with  reusable
        recalibrating the way in which we conduct   year’s report on the circular economy. The   water tumblers. Plastic  waste  in general
        our businesses,  so that together we can   flexibility and adaptability of the model   is  a  large issue  in  Kuwait  as  it  has  been
        achieve a progressive and sustainable   also  helps address multiple Sustainable   estimated that  18%  of  solid  waste  in
        future.” Uncollected  waste and  waste   Development  Goals  (6,8,11,12,13,14,15)   Kuwait  is  plastic  which around 200,000
        directed  to  open  landfills  is  extremely   as articulated by the United Nations. The   tons is. Moreover, in Bahrain, the operator
        common  across  the region, though   circular economy can easily be embedded   recognized the negative impact of selling
        the  current  state of digitization  offers   into the Information, Communication and   products  that  turn into e-waste  and in a
        compelling  solutions  to help  address the   Technology  (ICT) sector.  For businesses,   bid to mitigate  this, partnered  with the
        negative impact of excess waste, with the   it  encourages greater innovation with   Supreme Council for the Environment
        emergence  of nascent technologies such   respect  to business models  as it pushes   and  Crown  Industries to  introduce
        as Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics,   such  companies to develop  innovations   sustainable,  long-term solutions in this
        Internet of Things (IoT). Jennifer Suleiman,   in the area of waste  management.   area. Furthermore, Zain Bahrain launched
        Zain  Group’s  Chief  Sustainability  Officer   Technology-driven  organizations  can  school  campaigns,  competitions and
        said, “The implementation  of the circular   educate  consumers and provide them   conducting awareness sessions in schools
        economy  is well suited  for the  MENA   with options on how to reuse and recycle   also collecting e-waste from schools over
        region,  and it is therefore particularly   digital products.  This step  can open   a period of six months  and conducted
        relevant to be raising the model’s benefits   doors  by  educating customers  on how   social media campaigns on the impact of
        at this point in time when the twin forces   to save money, as  well as  shedding   e-waste. Additionally, it conducted a call to
        of climate change  and the growing   light on the  presence  and activities of   action for the public to collect e-waste and
        populations  across  the region  are in full   waste  management companies.  With   place it in bins located on Zain’s premises
        effect.”  Suleiman continued,  “Our latest   technological  products,  devices and   and encouraged other  corporations to
        report focuses on the various possibilities   services being  used  by  so many people,   participate in collecting e-waste.
        brought about by the widespread adoption   most gadgets end up in landfills after use

                                             Accenture and  Microsoft Collaborate to help

                                             Entrepreneurs Amplify Social Impact

        Microsoft Corp. and Accenture are teaming   the world.  Microsoft and Accenture’s   the impact of their solutions; and provide
        to help deepen the reach of entrepreneurs   collaboration  is part of their shared   support in exploring  and using Microsoft
        and start-ups that  are focused on social   vision to  amplify  the societal impact of   technologies.“Startups in the social impact
        impact and sustainability.  The joint   emerging  technology  with the long-term   and sustainability  space are  among the
        initiative will  provide hands-on support   goal of reaching a  million lives  globally.   world’s most inspiring organizations,” said
        and technologies  to social enterprises,   Through the program, Microsoft Research   Jean-Philippe  Courtois, executive vice
        helping  them to  build scalable  solutions   India and Accenture Labs will help social   president and president, Microsoft Global
        and business  models  that can lead   enterprise  startups test and validate   Sales, Marketing  and Operations.  “It’s
        to  more  tangible  and  lasting  benefits   proof-of-concepts;  conduct  design  important that their passion for meaningful
        for a greater number  of people around   thinking sessions to help them re-envision   innovation  and  creating positive  change

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