Page 32 - SAMENA Trends - March 2020
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the number of IP connections keeps simplified network protocols, flexible state-of-the-art networks is key for Zain.
increasing, Zain also seeks quick network programmability, slicing, simplified inter- SRv6, as a next-generation IP network
deployment and accurate fault locating to domain transmission, and seamless protocol, is simpler and more suitable
achieve autonomous-driving networks. support for IPv4/IPv6 services. In this way, for building intelligent IP networks. Zain
In preparing for the launch of 5G services the best-effort IP network will become plans to deploy SRv6 and slicing ready
in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia as well as an intelligent 5G transport network that IP networks in multiple regions in 2020,
for other operations on Zain’s roadmap can support committed SLA, meeting the and works with Huawei to build intelligent
to launch 5G services, Zain began re- most demanding service scenarios such IP networks featuring ultra-broadband,
planning and re-designing transport as URLLC and VIP private lines. Zain also committed SLA, and autonomous driving
networks in early 2019. After an in-depth regards the slicing technology as one of function.” Daniel Tang, CTO of Huawei's
analysis of the existing network and long- the key capabilities for building intelligent Datacom Product Line, commented:"
term aims, Zain chose to apply Huawei's IP networks, and plans to, in cooperation Huawei has launched the industry's first
committed SLA IP solution. The network with Huawei, start the SRv6-based E2E committed SLA IP solution to provide
slicing function of the solution can ensure slicing POC test in the near future. The test premium transmission services for a wide
bandwidth for mission-critical services in will confirm the feasibility and business variety of vertical industries in the 5G era.
vertical industries. The SRv6 intelligent value of the solution from the aspects The solution has been widely deployed
routing function is at least one year ahead of planning, design, deployment, and in multiple leading operators around the
of competition and allows for deterministic maintenance of network slicing, laying a world. Huawei anticipates making IP
paths and committed latency. The In- foundation for further usage. Mohammed transport networks even more intelligent
situ Flow Information Telemetry (iFIT) Al Murshed, Core Networks Director, Zain through our continued cooperation with
function can locate faults in minutes to Group, said "Ensuring that our users enjoy Zain."
ensure high availability. SRv6 features an excellent mobile experience on our
Zain Publishes Thought Leadership Report: ‘The Circular Economy:
Embedding Sustainable Solutions in a Bid to Save the Planet’
Zain Group, the leading mobile telecom
innovator in eight markets across the
Middle East and Africa, announces
the publication of its annual thought
leadership report, this year entitled, “The
Circular Economy: Embedding Sustainable
Solutions in a bid to Save the Planet.” The
report captures how the circular economy
fits into helping address some of the
devasting impacts of climate change.
This type of economic model is essentially
based on the principles of designing out
waste and pollution; keeping products and
materials in use; and regenerating natural
systems. Current linear economic models
utilize raw and non-renewable materials
to create products and once the product
is consumed it becomes waste, which
is neither efficient nor sustainable. The
negative impact of inefficient economic
models is real and growing. Our planet is
clearly at a point where it cannot withstand
the waste generated from human activity. to the linear economy model. The insight circular economy is a progressive step in
Today, people all over the world are also highlights risks of the linear model, discovering the numerous opportunities
producing an astounding 3.6 million tons while providing views on the critical role for innovation. Such an evolution
of solid waste per day. It is estimated that technology plays in the circular economy could potentially provide societies with
by 2025, this amount will reach 6.1 million and identifies initiatives undertaken by mechanisms to successfully address
tons per day. This latest report explores Zain. Bader Al-Kharafi, Zain Vice-Chairman environmental challenges. At Zain,
the definition of the circular economy and Group CEO commented, "Exploring we are partnering with organizations
and its various dynamics; comparing it the growth opportunities offered by the and governmental entities in creating
32 MARCH 2020