Page 135 - SAMENA Trends - March 2020
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                         looking to maintain strong competition in the market   Wimborne Minster  in  East  Dorset  and Edinburgh in
                         by imposing a 37 per cent cap on the overall spectrum   Scotland. Radio Melksham will be a local radio service
                         available  to  any  one company.  Spectrum  Group   for the community of Melksham and the surrounding
                         Director at Ofcom Philip Marnick said the move would   area.  Radio Wimborne  will  provide local news and
                         bring “a much-needed capacity boost”, as demand for   content  for the people  of Wimborne  Minster and
                         data was  continuously  soaring,  and argued  the step   neighboring towns and villages. Thornbury Radio will
                         would help “cement the UK’s place as a world leader   provide a radio service for the residents of Thornbury
                         in 5G”. The authority’s initial plan from December 2018   with local information and news and opportunities to
                         was  to impose binding  coverage obligations,  which   reduce social isolation and make new friends. And Sam
                         would have forced up to two UK operators to increase   Radio will serve Edinburgh’s Asian community with an
                         coverage in  rural  areas.  However,  Ofcom decided  to   interactive service  of entertaining,  informative and
                         cancel this as the four major operators in the country   educational programmes, broadcasting in Hindustani,
                         reached  an agreement  earlier this month over a  £1   Punjabi and Arabic. Meanwhile, three further services
                         billion  Shared  Rural Network (SRN)  plan for sealing   have been turned down – East Coast Radio in Grimsby
                         coverage gaps across the UK.                   and LCR in  Lutterworth  were refused  without a
                         (March 13, 2020)               published reason whilst Bux FM in South Bucks was
                                                                        not awarded  a license  as Ofcom  says there are no
                         Three community radio groups in England have been   suitable FM  frequency  available for the proposed
                         awarded a  broadcasting license, along with  one in   service. The licenses are awarded for a five-year period
                         Scotland. The new stations will serve communities in   and will start within the next two years as each station
                         Melksham  in  Wiltshire, Thornbury  in  Gloucestershire,   starts broadcasting. (March 3, 2020)

                         The Federal  Communications  Commission (FCC) has   ensure those networks  remain up and running,"  said
                         announced  that  its  Wireless Telecommunications   FCC chairman Ajit Pai. "We have been encouraged by
                         Bureau has  granted temporary  spectrum  access   the feedback we have received so far both regarding
                         to 33  wireless internet  service providers (WISPs)   the ability  of their networks to handle  changes  in
        United           serving 330 counties in 29 states to help them serve   usage patterns caused by  the coronavirus  outbreak
                                                                        and how networks are performing so far." The Justice
                         rural communities during  the COVID-19  pandemic.
        States           The Special  Temporary  Authority (STA) allows  these   Department, Defense  Department CIO, and NTIA’s
                         companies to use the lower 45MHz of spectrum in the   Office of Spectrum Management all pitched in to speed
                         5.9GHz band (5850MHz-5895MHz) for a period of 60   the applications. (March 21, 2020)
                         days. The STAs will help serve communities in Arizona,
                         California,  Colorado, Florida, Idaho,  Illinois, Indiana,   The Federal  Communications  Commission (FCC) has
                         Kansas,  Kentucky,  Massachusetts, Maryland, Maine,   announced  the conclusion  of Auction  103, its third
                         Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska,   auction  of 5G suitable millimeter wave (mmWave)
                         New Hampshire, New Mexico, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon,   spectrum  to date. The  process  got underway on 10
                         Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia,  Vermont,  Washington,   December 2019 and comprised spectrum in the upper
                         Wisconsin,  and West Virginia. An  additional  ISP,   37GHz, 39GHz  and 47GHz  bands. According  to FCC
                         Broadband VI, which covers Saint Croix, Saint John and   data, the auction generated gross proceeds of USD7.57
                         Saint Thomas in the US Virgin Islands, is also included   billion. A total of 35 qualified bidders successfully bid
                         in the FCC documentation. (March 31, 2020)  on 14,142  of the available 14,144  available 100MHz
                                                                        Partial  Economic Area (PEA)  licenses.  The  watchdog
                         AT&T  and  Verizon  have  gone  back  to  the  FCC  for   noted:  ‘Bidding in Auction  103  has concluded.  The
                         additional  special  temporary authorities  (STAs)  for   FCC will release the Closing Public Notice in the next
                         added  spectrum as  they  deal with the increased   few days that provides official notification to winning
                         broadband load of a pandemic-sequestered populace   bidders,  specifies  the  deadlines  for  payments  and
                         trying to work and learn and get medical  treatment   long-form  applications,  and gives details for other
                         and play  online. The FCC said  it  has granted  three   post-auction procedures.’ (March 9, 2020)
                         more STAs, bringing the total to six. AT&T got access
                         to  some  spectrum  licensed  to  Dish  for  the  next  60   The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) vot-
                         days  as  well  as  access to  some AWS-3  spectrum  in   ed unanimously  to establish application  and bidding
                         the FCC's inventory. Verizon also got access to some   procedures for the auction of the 3.5 GHz band, which
                         of that AWS-3 spectrum. The FCC has been agreeing   starts June 25. FCC Chairman Ajit Pai noted that the
                         to sharing arrangements,  among usual competitors,   auction, known as  Auction 105,  will  offer more  than
                         for both  wired and wireless spectrum. “The FCC has   22,000 licenses, the most ever offered in a single auc-
                         been  coordinating closely with  network operators  to   tion. The 3.5 GHz Priority Access Licenses (PALs) up

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