Page 17 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2022
P. 17


        software  components from  different    I consider  eight  issues to  be  absolutely  critical  for  ensuring
        vendors. Thanks to open and interoperable   sustainability  in the  digital  ecosystem.  These are: making
        interfaces, to be made possible with open
        standards and open  architectures, multi-  spectrum  available  with  effective  regulatory enablement
        vendor  implementation  is possible on   practices; addressing the region's spectrum interference issues,
        a  single site, which  is a step forward in   particularly  in  the  coastal  areas of  the  Arabian  Peninsula;
        going  beyond  today’s  multi-vendor  RAN
        deployment in different sites.          adopting a region-wide optical network strategy and overcoming
                                                procedural challenges in the laying of fiber; reducing high industry
        From  the perspective  of  architecture   fees  and taxation  on  Operators  by taking  into  consideration
        design,  OpenRAN  appears  to  leave    international  practices  and  new  "collaborative regulation
        complexity  to  Telecom  Operators,  and
        for  it  to  be  deployed  in  the  region,  extra   models"  that foster  inclusive stakeholder  participation;  and
        investment  in  fiber-to-the  site  will  be   creating  a  level-playing  field  for  all  digital  communication
        essential, resulting  in higher  costs for   service providers, and certainly not at the expense of incumbent
        Operators and that too in an environment   Operators,  so  that  the Operator  community continues  to
        in which revenues have been shrinking
        whereas  customer  expectations  have   contribute to the development of ICT infrastructure.
        risen, and where there already exist other
        priorities. Such  disruptions  and their   earth sciences  and digital technologies   Bin  Rashid  Space  Center  (MBRSC)  on
        impact on operations and management are   and  space  exploration.  If  we  place  this   having publicly launched the World Space
        complex, and need to be openly discussed   in  the  specific  context  of  connectivity,   Sustainability Association (WSSA);  an
        in  an  objective  setting.  SAMENA  Council   we realize that  the global goal of   initiative that  could play  a  very  relevant
        is ever ready to provide  such objective   digitally connecting the entire planet in a   role in this region, starting with the UAE, to
        settings and platforms.              sustainable and investment-conducive   build such synergies.
                                             manner remains  a  challenge,  especially
        Q.  Lately, there has been  an emerging   since  over  36%  of  the  world’s  population   Q. What are some of the priority business
        interest in  Space. Could  terrestrial ICT   still remains unconnected or offline due to   issues for the Industry?
        players synergies with  satellite/space   lack of connectivity infrastructure.  A. I consider eight issues to be absolutely
        players in a productive manner?                                          critical for ensuring sustainability in the
        A.  Where current times are presenting   Given  the  magnitude  of  connecting   digital ecosystem. These  are: making
        new challenges and opportunities not   everyone,  and in  times  when revenue-  spectrum available with effective regulatory
        witnessed or perceived earlier,  we  are   degradation  and  numerous  other  enablement  practices; addressing the
        seeing greater synergies emerge between   challenges confront the Telecom industry,   region's spectrum interference issues,
                                             new  infrastructure  funding  and  financing   particularly in the  coastal areas of the
                                             models are being proposed, and it would be   Arabian Peninsula; adopting a region-wide
           Given the  magnitude of           necessary to foster collaboration  among   optical network strategy and overcoming
           connecting  everyone, and         the communications service providers that   procedural  challenges  in the  laying  of
           in  times  when  revenue-         are operating at the surface of the planet   fiber;  reducing  high  industry  fees  and
                                                                                 taxation  on  Operators  by  taking  into
                                             and those that are operating in space.
           degradation  and  numerous                                            consideration  international practices and
           other  challenges  confront       Thus,  I consider  new synergies  emerging   new "collaborative regulation models" that
           the  Telecom industry, new        between  the thriving digital  economy   foster inclusive stakeholder  participation;
           infrastructure funding  and       and the  emerging space economy.  With   and  creating  a  level-playing  field  for  all
                                             space  exploration  catching  pace  and
                                                                                 digital communication service providers,
           financing  models  are  being     stakeholders  drawing focus  on the need   and  certainly  not  at  the  expense  of
           proposed,  and  it  would         to address  sustainability  not only at  the   incumbent Operators, so that the Operator
           be    necessary     to   foster   surface of the Earth  but also  in  space   community continues to contribute to the
           collaboration    among      the   (which, for the reference  of  your  readers,   development  of  ICT  infrastructure.  Times
                                             includes  managing  satellite launches,
                                                                                 are calling for shared responsibilities, and
           communications          service   rocket  fuel, orbital  slots,  space debris   this has been one of the recommendations
           providers  that are operating     management, etc.), it would be interesting   in  the  SAMENA  Council  –  chaired  work
           at the  surface of  the  planet   to see how collaboration can  be built   done  at  the  Broadband  Commission’s
           and those that are operating      between  terrestrial  and space players in   working group on 21st century funding and
                                                                                 financing models.
                                             this era of 5G. Here I take the opportunity to
           in space.                         extend congratulations to the Mohammed

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