Page 13 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2022
P. 13


                              GCEO - stc Speaks to SAMENA Council

        Partnership and Progress – The Key to Driving Digital Transformation for
        the Benefit of Future Generations

        Since  its  inception, the telecommunications  industry  has
        always witnessed rapid change and growth.

        Its advent and development have been major factors in the
        economic development and growth of countries around the
        world. It brought people closer together and has acted as an
        accelerant to business for decades.

        It  also  has  a  long history  of working closely with  the
        government and the public sector in the delivery of these

           We are at a moment in history when we
           witness  economies  pulling  ahead  of
           others are rising fastest to this digital

           transformation       challenge      enabled
           by the  clearest  and  most ambitious
           governmental  digital  strategy  and

        The advent of the digital world has seen this scope, scale
        and pace  accelerate  even more. It  has also  led to the
        blending and merging of other previous unrelated sectors
        coming together and vying for the digital consumer.

        Business,  government,  communication,  leisure and
        entertainment,  to name a  few  are now increasingly
        dependent on digital solutions for their continued success
        and progression.

        As  we all  know  the digital  consumer is  very  demanding
        and discerning, so there is an ever-increasing pressure to
        deliver more and better services more cost effectively than  Eng. Olayan M. Alwetaid
        ever before. We also need to be able to deliver this in a way   Group CEO
        which is mindful of the world’s need to conserve our natural
        resources and deliver growth and progress in a sustainable  stc
        way for future generations.

        The key factors for success are how and how quickly this
        transformation occurs, which will determine the long-term
        winners and losers in this race. For this to happen it requires
        closer co-operation and partnership between governments
        and the private sector than ever before.

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