Page 20 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2022
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Among the XToB capabilities, 5G can be By combining 5G with tech- decarbonization. Together with AI-enabled
seen as the breakthrough element. As 5G analytics and cloud, 5G can help industries
matures, carriers are moving into scenario- nologies like AI and cloud, to implement new processes as an integral
specific business applications. Huawei we can effectively power part of an energy efficiency programme, by
has signed more than 3,000 commercial low-carbon development supporting the most efficient and flexible
contracts for industrial 5G applications allocation of resources. As a global ICT
globally by working with carriers and with green ICT. leader, Huawei effectively combines its
partners. These 5G applications are technical strengths in 5G, cloud, and AI to
currently seeing large-scale commercial businesses and consumers have moved provide low-carbon or even zero-carbon
use in sectors like manufacturing, mines, towards better experience, reliable energy solutions for different industries.
iron & steel plants, ports, and hospitals. connectivity, ultra-low latency, add on
In our case, Huawei's 5G solutions for the basic needs of speed, coverage, and Furthermore, we are working with global
industries have been replicated at scale capacity. Hence, many operators evolution carriers to build simplified, green, and
across eight typical application scenarios, strategies focus more on security than intelligent ICT infrastructure. By the end of
including remote equipment control, data open software, aim for architecture 2021, we have helped carriers in more than
collection, and product quality inspection. integrity than over-complicated 100 countries and regions deploy green
interoperability. Additionally, many site solutions. These solutions have helped
As the network evolves, operators believe having intelligence in the save roughly 84.2 billion kWh of electricity
a few focus areas for network and operation and implementing and reduce CO2 emissions by about 40
million tons. This is part of our greater
green solutions will fundamentally reduce
service providers to ensure costs and have better TCO. efforts to promote the green development
stable operations and offer of the ICT industry as a whole.
differentiated service to Second, service providers must themselves Creating shared value through a robust
digitally transform as they enable their
customers customers to digitize operations. Just partner and talent ecosystem is crucial for
as cloud has transformed enterprises, the prosperity of the regional ICT sector.
First we need to ensure that their networks cloudification of the communication Huawei firmly believes in empowering the
are secure. This means working with network infrastructure helps operator development of end-to-end capabilities
partners and the broader ecosystem as networks become the infrastructure for a and a prosperous industry ecosystem with
security is a shared concern. We are fully fully connected world. Many operators in partners. Building on our strengths in ICT
certified by both NESAS and SCAS, which the Middle East have also started building infrastructure technologies, characterized
are industry security standards used as up their cloud capabilities in the country, by device-network-cloud synergy, we
a unified certification system by global as the cloud is the national cloud is the have stepped up efforts to create a digital
communication and wireless technology foundation of enabling a country’s digital ecosystem where all players create and
standard bodies and regulators. More sovereignty and digital economy growth share value together in order to help
important, Huawei product and solution industries go digital. Over 700 cities
are designed to comply with 3GPP 5G Green development has become a globally and 267 Fortune Global 500 companies
security architecture. recognized mission. And as digital and worldwide have chosen Huawei as their
green technologies converge, digital partner for digital transformation, while
The demands in the network from technology will be key to accelerating over 30,000 partners are working with us
to serve the enterprise market.
Huawei is committed to
creating more value for
customers and we will al-
ways keep innovating. We
are actively seeking sys-
temic breakthroughs and
bolder investments in R&D.
Furthermore, digital talent plays a huge
role in driving digital transformation and
advancing the digital economy. This is
why we are working with our partners