Page 15 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2022
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and data storage with analysis in place. efficiency of global trade flows. Factory As an industry we have to not only compete
The telcos business as we used to define floor automation will be one of the big use strongly but to collaborate healthily. For
it is critical for this. cases. Another is fixed wireless, which to make this work, deep partnership,
could boost connectivity through private 5G openness, and a determination to make
The challenges facing the networks deployed across organizations, sound, thought through decisions at pace
ICT industry are immense regions or education establishments. In is required for the benefit of the people.
fact, almost every business and home in
and highly complex with the world can be transformed through the Now, more than ever plat-
significant decisions and connectivity of IoT through 5G. forms and organizations
investments to be made 5G is also a strong economic leveler, such as SAMENA Council
at pace. The opportunities which allows entrepreneurs and startups are critical in the preser-
and benefits are even to accelerate their growth through hyper- vation, growth and devel-
connectivity and usability to their suppliers
greater. and customers, wherever they may be opment of economies and
5G plays a vital role in all this. As many countries. At a time when
analysts and industry commentators Now, more than ever platforms and geopolitical tensions are
have mentioned, the biggest opportunity organizations such as SAMENA Council heightened, never before
for 5G is in enterprise. Whilst the rise in are critical in the preservation, growth and
consumer 5G usage is significant with development of economies and countries. has the world needed the
research estimating that 5G will hit 3 At a time when geopolitical tensions are ICT sector to drive its col-
billion subscriptions globally by 2025, the heightened, never before has the world
potential is driven by 5G connection to needed the ICT sector to drive its collective lective decision making
the IoT. This will hugely impact logistics decision making for the betterment of the for the betterment of the
management and flows, driving future world, its economy and its people.
world, its economy and its
Amongst all this conversation about
technology, we must also retain people at
the heart of everything we do. Our future
workforces are the first born digital. In
Saudi Arabia, we are blessed with a vibrant,
smart, ambitious, driven and tech savvy
young population. We must empower this
generation so that they have the skill sets
required to drive the pace of change and
development and take full advantage of the
available tech and innovations to come.
All of us, working with our governments
have the formula and need to develop their
skills further and to realize the potential
talent of our boys and girls who will take
this industry and their countries to the next