Page 118 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2022
P. 118


        NBTC Committee Calls for Halt to True, dtac Merger

        A planned merger of True Corp and dtac ran into an unexpected   was announced in November 2021 and was expected to receive
        obstacle, with the supervisory committee of the regulator urging   speedy  approval  by  regulators.  Insiders  reckoned  the  country’s
        the body  to block the tie-up,  which  would  create an operator   largest private company Charoen Pokphand Group, which owns
        controlling more than half of the country’s mobile connections,   True, was unlikely to face resistance despite concerns. Somkiat
        Nikkei Asia reported. The so-called super board, which oversees   Tangkitvanich, President of the Thailand Development Research
        the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission   Institute, in December 2021 accused the regulator of “failing to
        (NBTC),  submitted  a  letter  to  the  watchdog’s  head  highlighting   do  its  job”  by  not  opposing  the  deal.  Last  week  the  operators
        competitive concerns and suggesting the merger be halted, the   announced  they would hold a joint shareholders’  meeting  on 4
        news  agency  wrote.  Bangkok  Post  reported  an  extraordinary   April. The boards of both companies approved the deal in mid-
        House committee is also studying the impact of the merger, with   February, when they filed a merger notification with the regulator.
        its findings due to be released by end-April. The proposed tie-up   They expected the merger to close by September.

        Optus Urges ACCC to Block TPG-Telstra Network Sharing Agreement

        Optus  has  reportedly  called  on  the  Australian  Competition  and   and  seriously  placing  Telstra’s  main  competitor,  Optus,  at  a
        Consumer  Commission  (ACCC)  to  block  the  network  sharing   disadvantage … We believe the ACCC should consider consumers’
        agreement  announced  by  rivals  Telstra  and  TPG  Telecom  last   best interests in their decision and block this arrangement for the
        month, claiming it has the potential to create a 5G monopoly in   benefit of regional Australians.’ In February 2022 Telstra and TPG
        regional areas. According to the Sydney Morning Herald, Optus   announced what they called a ‘ground-breaking ten-year regional
        has  argued  that  the  agreement  between  Telstra  and  TPG  not   Multi-Operator  Core  Network  (MOCN)  commercial  agreement’.
        only highlights the latter’s lack of interest in investing in regional   Under the deal TPG will be able to utilise around 3,700 of Telstra’s
        Australia but also allows Telstra to bypass competition rules that   mobile network assets, while in return Telstra will gain access to
        restrict its ability to obtain access to valuable 5G spectrum. Andrew   TPG Telecom’s spectrum. In addition, Telstra will share its RAN
        Sheridan, Optus’ vice president of regulatory and public affairs, was   for 4G, and subsequently 5G, in the defined coverage zone, though
        cited as saying of the matter: ‘The partnership overturns 30 years   both companies will continue to operate their own core network.
        of competition policy by eliminating one of Telstra’s competitors   Telstra will also obtain access to and deploy infrastructure on up
                                                               to  169  TPG  Telecom  existing  mobile  sites,  improving  coverage
                                                               for  both  parties’  customers  in  the  zone.  TPG  will  continue  to
                                                               operate its own 3G, 4G and 5G networks in metropolitan areas,
                                                               reaching around 80% of the population – bolstered by its network
                                                               infrastructure  sharing  arrangement  with  Optus  in  those  areas.
                                                               TPG will, however, decommission the 725 mobile sites it currently
                                                               operates within the MOCN coverage area with a view to ‘reducing
                                                               environmental impact, energy consumption, operating costs and
                                                               future CAPEX’.

        New Mobile Operator Exercises Option for Reserved Spectrum

        Telecoms  regulator  the  Belgian  Institute  for  Postal  Services   to obtain the radio spectrum reserved for them against payment
        and Telecommunications (BIPT) has announced that one of the   of EUR73 million each, thereby ensuring continuity of their current
        two unnamed newcomers which have qualified to participate in   mobile services. Each operator will be assigned one 5MHz duplex
        June’s  spectrum  auction  has  exercised  the  option  to  obtain  a   block  in  the  880MHz-915MHz/925MHz-960MHz  range,  three
        reserved radio spectrum package in the various frequency bands   lots of 2×5MHz in the 1710MHz-1785MHz/1805MHz-1880MHz
        for both 5G and 2G, 3G and 4G applications against payment of   range and two 5MHz duplex frequency blocks in the 1920MHz-
        EUR83.34 million (USD91.44 million). The package, comprising a   1980MHz/2110MHz-2170MHz band. In addition to the reserved
        total of 2×30MHz spectrum in the 700MHz, 900MHz, 1800MHz   spectrum, the existing operators and the newcomers will have the
        and  2100MHz  bands,  is  intended  to  provide  the  new  operator   possibility to bid on the remaining lots in the auction for which
        with  sufficient  frequency  resources  to  enter  the  market  as  a   they are a candidate, totaling 640MHz for a minimal amount of
        fully-fledged  mobile  player.  The  three  existing  MNOs  –  Orange   EUR477 million.
        Belgium, Proximus and Telenet – have also exercised the option

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