Page 80 - SAMENA Trends - June-July 2020
P. 80


        E-government in Saudi Arabia Makes Huge Advances Amid Pandemic

        E-government  experts  recently  gathered   efficient, real-time, transparent, secure and   operational cost, he said. Bishr mentioned
        for a  virtual  “meetup” during  which they   cost-effective manner, it  was  agreed. Al-  digital transformation initiatives  such as
        discussed  how countries  with advanced   Asiri highlighted Saudi Arabia’s successful   Smart  Dubai and  Dubai Pulse that  were
        e-services managed  to continue  to   digital  transformation  to  home-based   imperative in harnessing  the power of
        serve their citizens successfully during   remote  work to contain  COVID-19.  “We   emerging and enabling technologies such
        the coronavirus disease  (COVID-19)   were very successful  in working from   as AI, blockchain, cloud computing and big
        crisis.  Organized by  the Saudi  Ministry   home  and this was  possible  because   data for sustainable and productive growth
        of Communications and Information    of ongoing  digital transformation  in the   to overcome  the  prevailing challenges
        Technology  (MCIT) and titled “The shape   Kingdom as part of Vision 2030,” he said,   of  our  society,  she  said.  The  experts
        of e-government  during  and after the   noting  that  Saudi Arabia has  taken great   agreed  that  on  this  journey  of  digital
        pandemic,”  the meeting  highlighted  the   strides in its digital transformation, ranked   transformation  governments  need  to pay
        important role  that e-government played   41 out of 193 countries around the world   great attention to Cybersecurity, resilience,
        during  the  lockdown  and how varied   in  the  UN’s  most  recent  e-government   incident  response,  awareness  and
        models  helped  employment e-platforms   development  index.  The  new  realities   business  continuity practices  to provide
        in providing  services for all.  It  was  a   of staying at  home,  social distancing,   uninterrupted  and  secure e-services  to
        lesson for many  countries  to  accelerate   teleworking and remote learning are urging   connected communities. The meeting was
        their digital transformation. Moderated by   governments across the globe to make a   held under the auspices of ThinkTech, an
        ICT  Coordinator  at  the  UN  Development   rapid digital transformation to provide easy   MCIT  initiative  that  explores  technology
        Program Dany Wazen, the meeting’s guest   use of e-services for citizens, simplifying   developments,  looking  to  achieve
        speakers included Ali Al-Asiri, CEO at the   compliance  of governmental  laws  for   sustainable  development  and build  an
        Saudi e-government program Yesser,   citizens, improving citizen engagement   innovative and informed generation in line
        Mohammed  Ali  Al-Qaed,  chief  executive   and trust  and  decreasing fraud and   with Saudi Vision 2030.
        of the information and e-government
        authority  in  Bahrain,  Dr.  Aisha  bin  Bishr,
        director  general  at  Smart  Dubai  Office
        and Andy  Main, global head  of Deloitte
        Digital.  The  experts  said  that  during  the
        crisis  governments  introduced  a  hyper-
        connected  world, which brought many
        opportunities for them to provide electronic
        accessibility  and public  services  to their
        citizens through digital platforms. Al-Asiri
        said  that  this digital  transformation was
        only possible with  strategic vision and
        policies,  ICT  infrastructure, connected
        society  and skilled human capital.  The
        fundamental  objective  of  e-government
        is to offer public services to citizens in an

        Internet Use Rose by 50 Percent during COVID-19 in Bangladesh

        State Minister for ICT Zunaid Ahmed Palak   ness Administration (IBA) of University of   being used extensively during Covid-19 as
        said that the use of the internet increased   Dhaka. Mentioning that this is one of the   the increasing usages of technology  are
        50  percent during the coronavirus pan-  best examples of how to keep the econo-  playing a pivotal role in expediting global
        demic.  Besides,  online  marketing  has  in-  my running by using information technol-  changes  including economic  activities.  If
        creased to  50  percent while the  number   ogy during disasters and pandemics,  the   we fail to adapt, the country will lag behind,
        of opening of mobile accounts went up to   state minister said that advanced technol-  said Palak. He said that ICT division’s LICT
        50 lakhs, said Palak. He came up with the   ogies like robot, machine learning, artificial   project and IBA are conducting the ACMP
        information while inaugurating “Advanced   intelligence  (AI), and data  analytics  will   4.0 training course like a virtual universi-
        Certification for Management Profession-  be the driving  force of life and economy   ty. Palak called upon the IT professionals
        als  (ACMP) 4.0  Summer  2020” training   in the future. “That's why everyone needs   to take forward the economic activities by
        course through zoom online jointly orga-  to have some idea about these technol-  taking the training suitable for the Industri-
        nized by LICT project and Institute of Busi-  ogies,”  he said.  Advanced  technology  is   al Revolution 4.0 in the changed situation.

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