Page 77 - SAMENA Trends - June-July 2020
P. 77


        Egypt’s CIT, Higher Education Ministry to Equip Space Information System


        The  Ministry of Communication and   in 2019 was the culmination of significant   said the  protocol  is an important step  in
        Information and Technology  and the   efforts and the fruition of a dream that has   the cooperation between  the ministries
        Egyptian Space Agency  have signed  a   been  in place  for 40 years. He indicated   of Communications and Information
        cooperation protocol to equip a computer   that Egypt has now become  part of the   Technology, and Higher Education and
        center  and   integrated  information  global space system. The Minister pointed   Scientific  Research.  He  emphasized  the
        system for the Egyptian Space  Agency.   out that the establishment of Egypt’s first   synergy of all  state  sectors to create
        The  protocol’s signing  was witnessed,   satellite center is a qualitative leap in this   a  knowledge-based society based on
        via  videoconferencing,  by  Minister of   field, and stressed that Egypt has become   scientific research. The Minister noted that
        Higher Education and Scientific Research   the permanent headquarters of the African   the cooperation protocol aims to support
        Khaled Abdel Ghaffar  and Minister   Space  Agency.  This has increased the   the Egyptian  Space Agency’s  information
        of  Communication   and  Information  pressures and tasks  placed  on Egypt,   systems infrastructure. This comes as part
        Technology  Amr  Talaat.  The  protocol,   and emphasizes  the country’s  aspiration   of the state’s  interest in both developing
        which  will last over three  years, will see   for developing  integrated  centres and   Egypt’s space  industry and achieving
        the preparation of infrastructure and a   information systems.  For  his  part,  Talaat   regional leadership in this field.
        data center to connect the center up with
        all  buildings under the space  agency.  It
        will  also  provide computing  equipment,
        software,  information  network  and
        security devices, servers and storage units
        for the agency.  An agency online portal
        will  also  be made available and put into
        operation,  to provide electronic services
        and  external  link  lines  to  the  agency.
        There will  be cooperation  agreements
        for training between  the agency and
        institutions  affiliated  to  the  Ministry
        of Communications and Information
        Technology.  Abdel Ghaffar said  the
        Egyptian Space Agency’s establishment

        Jordan Sees Increase in Mobile Wallet Usage Due to Government Worker's


        Jordan has  seen  an  increase in  mobile   There are multiple reasons behind  the   a prepaid mobile market with circa 80% of
        wallets  usage, as  the government  urged   boost in the uptake and transaction values   the customers on prepaid plans, the top-
        workers to open mobile wallets and telcos   of mobile wallets,  one of them being  the   up transaction being vital to keep people
        surged  their applications  for remote   government’s decision to support the daily   connected.  Overall,  telecom  operators
        payments. According to Verdict UK, Mobile   workers whose jobs were affected in this   have an important part in Jordan’s mobile
        Financial Services (MFS)  in Jordan have   pandemic  by  a  weekly fund. Therefore,   wallet  development.  For  example,  telco
        witnessed  growth with the  number  of   the Government  urged  those  workers to   Orange is  present  in this space  with the
        mobile wallets reaching 760,000 wallets in   open mobile wallets to receive their funds.   Orange Money wallet, Zain with the Zain
        April 2020. This represents around 10% of   This initial  phase of the workers’ fund   Cash  wallet,  and  Umniah  provides  the
        the total mobile subscription base, with a   started  in  April  2020  and  is  expected  to   Mahfazti  wallet.  Additionally,  financial
        total transaction value of USD 88.1 million   last  until the end  of  June  2020.  Another   institutions also  play  a  key  role in  the
        up  from  USD  26.7  million  in  December   cause for the boost of mobile wallets is the   ecosystem with solutions including Dinark,
        2019.  It  also  represents a  230%  increase   provision of mobile wallets  applications   National Wallet, Gadhaa, and other banks,
        in  transaction value in  April 2020  versus   made by  telcos,  in order to enable  their   Verdict UK stated.
        December 2019, and a 25% increase in the   customers to make transactions such as
        number  of wallets  over the same  period.   top-ups and payments remotely. Jordan is

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