Page 76 - SAMENA Trends - June-July 2020
P. 76


        Oman 5th Most Advanced Arab Country in E-Government

        The United Nations rated the Sultanate as   guaranteed conformity of those plans with
        the 5th Arab country that is most advanced   domestic development plans, and at times
        in  the  field  of  electronic  government,   merging/incorporating them within Oman
        according to a new report on countries of   2040  Vision’s  updates. The report  said
        the world issued by the UN Economic and   that the Sultanate is among the countries
        Social Affairs Administration and published   that use drones to monitor roads, deliver
        in its website. The Sultanate ranked 50th   medical  supplies and sanitize public
        globally  in  the  index,  which  covers  193   places. It  pointed out that Royal  Oman
        countries,  after  receiving  0.7749  points   Police uses drones to guide  citizens and
        (overall). Oman got 0.8529  points in the   residents to stay at home and avoid going
        index’s  subsection  on  internet  services,   out  unless  extremely  necessary  to  avoid
        0.6967 points in the telecom infrastructure   infection  with  coronavirus  (Covid-19)
        index  and  0.7751  points  in  the  human   pandemic. Denmark was in the lead of the
        capital index In its report, the UN pointed   rating, followed by South  Korea, Estonia
        out that the  Sultanate scaled  up  the  list   and Finland. The  report indicated that,
        of “advanced  countries”  in e-government   given the Covid-19 lockdown in the world,
        till it reached the level of “most advanced   most countries  implemented  electronic
        countries” during the period from 2018 to   government  strategies  and  many
        2020. The latter was the list of countries   innovative initiatives, but a large number of
        like Turkey, Brazil, Czech Republic, Hungary   people around the world still lack access   emergencies,  governments  devised new
        and Latvia, whose  performance ranged   to  the  internet.  A  UN  official  from  the   instruments, such as Covid-19 information
        from 0.75 points to 1 point. The UN rated   Economic and Social Affairs Administration   portals,  collaborate  software modules
        the Sultanate  among  the 13 countries   pointed  out that  Covid-19  underscored   (hackathons),  medical supply e-services,
        of  the  world  that  have  very  extremely   the  role of electronic  government,  both   virtual  booking  for appointments, self-
        advanced  human  capital  (Turkey,  Brazil,   in the traditional use  of electronic   diagnosis apps, electronic permits to ban
        Mexico,  Kuwait  and  the  UAE),  noting   services or in the creation of innovative   movement, tracking apps, online work and
        that  Oman  endorsed  national  digital   crisis  management  risks.  He  explained   online.
        transformation  plans in a manner  that   that, in the case of response  to health

        Egypt Spends US$1.6B to Increase Internet Speed

        "The  government's plan for information   with  these  speeds.  The minister  pointed   or  participating  in  a  package  of  projects
        infrastructure to develop  the internet  in   out that  the government  also  seeks to   through  contracting  with the  Ministry
        Egypt is proceeding according to the plan,   continue  development  and  capacity  of Communications and Information
        as about $1.6 billion was spent to increase   building,  and to provide many services   Technology  directly, or participating in
        the speed of the internet," stated Minister   through  mobile  applications  and other   competitions  between  workers in small
        of Communications and Information    services that have developed significantly   and medium companies to obtain training
        Technology Amr Talaat. During a meeting   in Egypt. Talaat explained that the ministry   opportunities  in  the  field  of  data  science
        with members  of the  American Chamber   will  launch an initiative in cooperation   and  artificial  intelligence  at  the  expense
        of Commerce  in Cairo, a number  of the   with ITIDA and other  institutions to train   of the ministry. The training opportunity is
        chamber's leaders in Washington  and   workers in small and medium companies   set to end with a contract with the winning
        members of the Egyptian-American Joint   in the communications and information   companies. The minister pointed out that
        Business Council, the minister added that   technology sector to sharpen their skills. He   the implementation mechanism will  be
        the  government is targeting  to connect   noted that small and medium companies   through  the platform "Our Opportunity ...
        the internet to 2  million homes  at  a  cost   can participate in the implementation   Digital", which is  set to provide upon  its
        of $400  million.  Talaat  stated  that  the   of  digital  transformation  projects  in  a   launch  dozens of opportunities in digital
        average internet speed in Egypt increased   way  that  ensures the achievement  of   transformation projects with an estimated
        from 5.7  Mbps in June  2018  to 15.5   governance  and transparency through   value of the volume of businesses offered
        Mbps. “We are trying to reach 20 Mbps   three tributaries.  The tributaries  include   to small and medium-sized companies by
        at the end of 2020, and 40 Mbps in 2021,”   participation  in  implementing  projects   about LE 100 million.
        he  explained,  stressing  that  all  internet   no  less  than  10  percent  of  the  projects
        companies  in Egypt provide  the  service   assigned to the main operators' companies,

                                                                                                    76   JUNE-JULY 2020
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