Page 85 - SAMENA Trends - June-July 2020
P. 85



        Cross-Industry Synergies in the Enablement of 5G

                                                             The Middle East has been home to pioneers in
                                                             5G commercialization  and  service  innovation
                                                             since  2018. That immense  power  of 5G
                                                             connectivity  and  services are now  well  and
                                                             truly a reality. We believe 5G will be part of the
                                                             entire region’s future in the near term as all the

                                                             necessary stakeholders, including government,
                                                             operators,  and  industries,  have  been  working
                                                             together to nurture 5G commercial applications
                                                             and mature industrial chains.

                                                          The rollout of 5G networks is progressing rapidly around the world and
                                                          bringing new value to communities as well as industries of all sizes. By
                                                          the end of May 2020, over 380 operators in 125 countries and territories
                                                          had announced they were investing in 5G. In Kuwait, stc announced the
                                                          1st nationwide launch of commercial 5G networks in June 2019. Today
                                                          there are over 3,000 5G base stations covering over 90% of the population
                                                          in Kuwait, and stc will keep enhancing the network capabilities and the
                                                          digitization to improve the online sales/delivery efficiency for consumer,
                                                          home, and businesses in the country.

        Fahad Al Ali                                      As  part  of that  rapid progress,  a  mature ecosystem  is  now helping
                                                          accelerate  5G  commercialization.  Consumers  may  see this  as  more
        Chief Technology Officer                          affordable 5G smartphones and hundreds of other devices leverage 5G
        stc Kuwait                                        connectivity-such as cloud gaming, and AR/VR. On a business front, 5G
                                                          is inspiring new industrial models around the world, and we are learning
                                                          from those experiences. In places like China, industries from education to
                                                          agriculture are being supported by hundreds of 5G-powered applications,
                                                          with  more under validation every  day.  Meanwhile in Europe,  logistics,
                                                          manufacturing,  and other domains  are swiftly  building  their own 5G
                                                          model. Global telecommunications operators are also capitalizing on a
                                                          “3C approach” (Camera + Connection + Cloud) to drive revenue growth,
                                                          again underscored by the 5G network.

                                                          Regional 5G strategies
                                                          The Middle East has been home to pioneers in 5G commercialization and
                                                          service innovation since 2018. That immense power of 5G connectivity
                                                          and services  are now well and truly a reality.  We believe 5G will be
                                                          part of the entire region’s future in the near term as all the necessary
                                                          stakeholders,  including  government,  operators,  and industries, have
                                                          been  working together  to nurture 5G commercial  applications and

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