Page 73 - SAMENA Trends - June-July 2020
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Over 100,000 Cyber-Attacks Foiled in June: UAE's TRA
The National Computer Emergency cyber-attacks, during the month of June. month of June 2020 showed that the
Response Team, aeCERT, of the The TRA revealed that its monthly report cyber-attacks varied between malware
Telecommunications Regulatory Authority, on Cybersecurity developments in the (73 percent), vulnerabilities (15 percent)
TRA, responded to approximately 103,408 Federal Government of the UAE for the and phishing attacks (12 percent). aeCERT
also handled 407 cyber incidents, such
as email fraud, unauthorized access and
vulnerabilities which were classified as
350 medium cases, 52 severe, and 5 low
incidents. In terms of raising awareness
and building capabilities, the report
indicated that 2,085 awareness sessions
and 105 training courses were held in
June. The aeCERT was established in
2008 to improve practices of information
security, and protect the IT infrastructure
in the UAE from risks and violations, in
conformity with the TRA strategy that aims
to support and ensure a safer cyberspace
for UAE residents.
Saudi Arabia’s Digital Infrastructure Pays Dividends in COVID Response and
Saudi Arabia’s investment in digital deliver safe, reliable and user-centric secured emerging technologies and
infrastructure helped ease the burden of services while enabling flexibility in sharing data, expanding broadband connectivity,
COVID-19 lockdown measures, ensured data across the government ecosystem,” focusing on citizen and business needs
easy access to e-government services Khoury said. Over the last two decades, and expectations, and leveraging multiple
and is likely to support the country’s Saudi Arabia has invested heavily in digital stakeholders’ interests and engagement,
economic recovery, according to the infrastructure and digital government governments will be well positioned to reap
World Bank. In a blog post published last platforms, accelerating this agenda since rewards from such digital capabilities in
month, Dr Zaki Khoury, a senior digital the publication in 2016 of its Vision 2030 the future,” Khoury concluded. Meanwhile
development specialist at the World Bank, strategy. The strategy aims to diversify a report published last week by economic
said the kingdom’s digital capabilities have Saudi’s economy, reducing its dependence research specialist the Oxford Business
provided “a solid foundation for key aspects on oil, and develop public sectors including Group, in collaboration with telecoms
of the COVID-19 emergency response”. He health and education. The World Bank company STC, corroborated Khoury’s
cited a number of measures implemented reports that three million Saudi homes assessment. It said Saudi Arabia’s
by the government and the country’s are now connected to fixed broadband digital infrastructure has played a part
telecom operators, including ensuring and that 91% of the country’s population in containing the spread of COVID-19
business continuity by increasing mobile has access to fast 4G mobile broadband. and that the Kingdom shows promising
internet speeds and data capacity; rolling According to the Oxford Business Group, prospects for economic recovery as a
out new tools to allow public servants to its mobile internet speeds are the 10th result of its digital investments. The report
work remotely effectively; upgrading digital fastest in the world following a series of provides detailed analysis of the country’s
educational platforms; and enhancing upgrades last year. The Kingdom continues resilience ahead of the pandemic and its
mobile money transaction services. to strengthen its digital infrastructure by preparedness to withstand an unexpected
Khoury added that the government’s main deploying 5G networks and investing in shock; the speed with which policies were
online portal maintained reliable access 6,500 towers essential to provide effective implemented and their effectiveness in
to over 900 government services despite coverage, Khoury’s blog notes. “Saudi response to the outbreak; and the direct
a surge in traffic after a national curfew Arabia’s government is showing digital impact of its response on public health and
was put in place in March. The curfew was agility in addressing the COVID-19 crisis the wider economy.
lifted on 21 June. “The digital government and continues its efforts to strengthen
platforms have helped various agencies national resilience. By harnessing
73 JUNE-JULY 2020