Page 56 - SAMENA Trends - June-July 2020
P. 56


        hope  to  unlock  potential and create new   resources to maintain a consistently high   and capabilities across the globe,  China
        value for  our users.” Evident through  stc   level of services and improved accessi-  Telecom has always taken an international
        Bahrain’s  self-healing  national  backhaul   bility in the key gateway between the East   perspective to address growing market de-
        network and border-crossing  terrestrial   and the West. This partnership also comes   mands. This is in line with the company’s
        fiber cables, the Middle East is at a signif-  at a time where stc Bahrain has been ac-  tremendous  experience  of  serving  large-
        icant growth stage where the region is in-  tively establishing a strong  reputation   scale multinational corporations, account-
        creasingly considered a connectivity hub,   in the wholesale industry, enabling  it to   ing for 40% of Fortune Global  500, and
        and the future of peering. The agreement   own one of the largest wholesale market   helping businesses worldwide to be better
        allows  stc  Bahrain  and  CTG  to  expand   shares  while  promoting  Bahrain  as  the   equipped for digital transformation of their
        their service coverage  with  tremendous   GCC  ICT  hub.  With  its  extensive  network   products and services.

                                             stc  Introduces  Innovative  State  Of  The  Art
                                             Security Solution Through 5GLIVEBUS

        Kuwait  Telecommunications  Company -   providing  a safe and comfortable means   immediate response when necessary. Also
        stc announced the launch of the 5G LIVE-  of transportation that is monitored while   provided  by an easy to use application,
        BUS,  a  safe  and  smart  bus  supported  by   transporting students from their homes to   keeping  passengers safe  and monitored
        5G connectivity, creating a safe and con-  schools. stc added that its R&D team has   at any given time. Conforming to the high-
        venient transportation method for the pas-  focused  on  developing  and introducing   est  safety  standards  and to  support  the
        sengers. The first of its kind transportation   the 5G LIVEBUS technology to begin with   guidelines imposed by the government in
        innovative in the Middle East provides ad-  the transportation sector.  Equipped  with   the battle against COVID-19, the vehicle
        vance and integrated safety solutions for   a  continuous  monitoring  system, camer-  can also be equipped with fever screening
        the business owner’s and their employees,   as are covering every angle of the exterior   thermal cameras with the option of adding
        targeting all sectors and institutions of the   and interior of the bus, with the capability   artificial intelligence and facial recognition
        state, especially the transportation sector,   of tracking and recording movements. Mo-  to analyze and identify riders with  high
        which is the most vital in the development   tion sensors and an automated stop arm   body temperatures. stc concluded by say-
        of infrastructure. In a statement released   ensure the safety of riders when exiting the   ing that the 5G LIVEBUS project is an addi-
        by stc, the  Company highlighted that the   smart bus. The  GPS feature helps locate   tional initiative added to the numerous ac-
        initiative is designed  to meet  the needs   the bus and reduces waiting time for its ar-  tivities  launched  by  the Company  related
        of its strong network of relationships with   rival, in addition to temperature, humidity   to the  commercial use  of 5G technology.
        businesses in Kuwait, and is led by General   and smoke sensors to ensure the comfort   This service provides 5G connectivity and
        Manager of Sales & Account Management   of users  during  the summer season.  The   unlimited  connectivity  Dedicated Access
        at stc, Meshari Al Hamad. The innovative   vehicle  is  also  equipped  with  sensors to   (DA)  for  the  first  time  in  the  Middle  East
        concept falls in line with stc’s sustainable   monitor driver behavior to help the driver   and Kuwait for the corporate sector, which
        strategy to enable digital transformation   stay undistracted and focused on the road.   relies on the largest 5G network covering
        by investing in developing the communica-  These  technology  is connected  and re-  all areas in Kuwait, and an advanced infra-
        tions and technology sectors. The unique   porting activity to linked command control   structure to keep pace with this technolog-
        service will allow customers to enjoy the   centers  to monitor bus data  and ensure   ical revolution.
        benefits  of  digital  services  and  improve
        their business, while maintaining stc’s po-
        sition as a leading telecom and digital solu-
        tions provider in the region. The company
        added  that  the  stc  5G  LIVEBUS  initiative
        is a critical step towards supporting busi-
        ness owners at the present time and falls
        in line with government’s guidelines in the
        fight against the COVID 19 pandemic. Busi-
        nesses can ensure the safety of their em-
        ployees during the transition process with
        ease while monitoring their status instan-
        taneously and abiding to health and safety
        standards by monitoring social distancing
        through the command center. The initiative
        also contributes to the education sector by

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