Page 52 - SAMENA Trends - June-July 2020
P. 52


        The Higher Education Commission of Pakistan Deploys Microsoft Teams to
        Over 100 Universities

        In  an  effort  to  accelerate  remote learning in  a  safe  and  secure   continuity  through the provision of remote learning tools.  “As
        environment,  Microsoft is  supporting  the Higher Education   universities move to remote learning, Teams can provide an online
        Commission  (HEC)  of  Pakistan  by  deploying  Teams  for  official   classroom that brings together virtual face-to-face connections,
        online  and remote learning  interactions  across more than 100   assignments,  exams,  files  and  conversations  into  a  single
        public and private universities. The move is in response to the call   platform accessible on a  mobile  device,  tablet, PC, or browser.
        by the HEC for ideas on how to address the impact of COVID-19 on   Through this partnership, we’ve been able to provide access at the
        education and research. This pandemic has forced educators and   various institutions and are working alongside HEC to ensure the
        students to rush into distance learning. “Our strong collaboration   smooth training and rollout throughout the country,” says Jibran
        with  Microsoft has  spanned  many  areas  including  research   Jamshad, Education Lead for Microsoft Pakistan.
        innovation, capacity building, and of course the services provided   Keeping Remote students engaged
        by Office 365. The use of Teams will ease the transition for many   Other tools that  have been  revolutionizing  the education
        of our members into innovative modes of educational delivery, and   experience  of  educators  and  learners  alike  include  that  of
        also help us address the future needs of our students in rapidly   Microsoft Flipgrid, a  tool for educators  that  engages  students
        shifting  employment  markets”,  says  Dr.  Tariq  Banuri,  Chairman   through  creating and sharing  short videos. Flipgrid  includes
        for Higher Education Commission  in Pakistan.  With the help   Immersive Reader, with tools that read text out loud and provides
        of Microsoft, the move to  a  virtual  classroom environment  has   other reading assistance and accessibility features to help ensure
        allowed for seamless continuity with no disruption in the learning   all students can participate. It also enables students and learners
        experience for many students. Functions such as Whiteboard in   of all abilities to express themselves with confidence. Educators
        Teams allows for a live interactive environment, while educators   can also make use of Microsoft Streams to record their lectures
        are able to moderate classroom discussions by muting, recording   giving them automatic access through their classroom channel
        and sharing control which drives engagement. For assessments,   on Teams.  For  ease of reference,  having their assignments
        educators  are also  able to easily  create and grade quizzes in   and other class  materials  on OneNote  provides one repository
        Teams using Microsoft Forms. Many industries are adapting to a   where all  materials  are organized and easily accessible.  “We
        new way of living, working, and learning. Microsoft’s commitment   are also acutely aware of the online safety for our students as
        is centered on supporting educational institutions  to maintain   they transition to this new way of learning. Microsoft Teams, as
                                                               part of the Microsoft 365 (M365) service, follows all the security
                                                               best practices  and procedures such  as  service-level security
                                                               through defense-in-depth, customer controls within the service,
                                                               security hardening and operational best practices  proactively
                                                               protecting our customers from security threats, added Jamshad.
                                                               On the long term, HEC and Microsoft have created the Education
                                                               Transformation  Framework (ETF) – a foundational  agreement
                                                               modeled  on  the  pillars  of  capacity  building,  skill  certification,
                                                               outreach  campaigns and the annual Imagine Cup  competition.
                                                               Digital transformation is an indisputable force revolutionizing our
                                                               industries, reinventing our products, redefining our services, and
                                                               reshaping the way we work. This means that students will enter a
                                                               very different job market. Microsoft is committed to working with
                                                               HEC to provide immersive learning that will improve experiences
                                                               and education outcomes of the students in Pakistan.

        Microsoft and UNICEF Launch Youth Learning Passport in Jordan

        UNICEF’s Learning Passport, a global digital   the program that will help youth affected   platform, which is  completely  free for
        learning platform  powered by  Microsoft,   by  COVID-19  to  continue  their  learning   young people to  access and  combines
        launched  in Jordan in the  presence  of   and skills development  at home. As part   both offline and online  components,
        the  in the  presence  of the  Minister of   of its sustainability program, Zain Jordan   includes courses in advanced coding and
        Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship,   has come on board as a strategic partner   software development, digital literacy, life
        the Minister of Youth,  Zain Jordan,   to support youth  through  the  Learning   skills,  social entrepreneurship  and the
        and  UNICEF  Jordan’s  Representative.   Passport  platform.  It  is  the  first  version   English language  –  with  plans  to  scale
        Seventeen  young  people  from across  the   of the  global  Learning  Passport platform   up  and  expand  the  learning  and  training
        country  also  joined  the  virtual  launch  of   to launch in the region and in Arabic. The   opportunities in the future. “Post Covid-19,

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