Page 140 - SAMENA Trends - June-July 2020
P. 140


        The e-commerce  data  prepared by  the Ministry  of  Commerce   the coordination of our Ministry, we carry out preventive activities
        will also be an important retaining point for the comprehensive   against phishing sites, malicious internet sites and threats and
        arrangements that BTK plans to make in transition to a recipient-  vulnerabilities in critical institutions and organizations across the
        oriented mail industry. ” Deputy Minister Sayan: One of the Most   country with the works carried out in our National Cyber Incidents
        Important Dimensions of E-Commerce Security Underlining that   Response  Center  (USOM).  Within  the  scope  of  USOM  studies,
        e-commerce should be carried out safely, Sayan said, “Security   20,081 harmful connections were detected in 2019, and 16,330
        and privacy of personal data is the most important obstacle to   harmful connections were detected as  of June  2020,  and their
        the widespread spread of e-commerce services. In 2009, a third   controls were denied at the infrastructure level”. Deputy Minister
        of  Internet  users  in  EU  countries  expressed  reservations  about   Sayan ended his speech by emphasizing that they are ready to
        payment security and personal data as the main reason they did   cooperate and work together with the Ministry of Trade on this
        not shop online. Although this rate dropped to about 25% in 2015,   issue.
        it still remains the most important problem to overcome.  Under   (June 24, 2020)

                                                                                 United Arab Emirates

        The  International  Telecommunication  Union  (ITU)  and  the   its  uniqueness and importance in serving the goals of global
        Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) of the United Arab   societies aimed at achieving sustainable development and digital
        Emirates, signed an agreement on 29 June 2020 to establish an   transformation. We are proud  of our  accomplishments  to this
        International Centre of Digital Innovation, known as I-CoDI. I-CoDI   day, and we will continue working to achieve more success." At
        will help ITU Members, Sector Members and other key stakeholders   the 2014  World  Telecommunication  Development  Conference
        to integrate innovation into their national development agendas   (WTDC-14), Member States mandated the ITU Telecommunication
        and activities. The  Centre,  to be  based  in Geneva, Switzerland,   Development Bureau to strengthen ITU membership capabilities
        will  also have a virtual component.  "Innovation is at  the heart   to integrate ICT centric innovation in their national development
        of the digital  revolution and an  essential part  of the fabric of   agendas and promote a culture of innovation through enhanced
        ITU," said ITU Secretary-General Houlin Zhao. "We welcome the   partnership and a multi-stakeholder cooperation in a converged
        decision by the TRA, a long-standing partner of ITU, to establish   ICT ecosystem. (June 29, 2020)
        its future International Centre of Digital Innovation in Geneva. It
        will help catalyze efforts to turn today's digital revolution into a   The Telecommunications Regulation Authority, TRA, is cooperating
        development revolution for all." "The growing digital innovation   with  operators  in the telecommunications  sector  in supporting
        divide is at the heart of the digital divide," said Doreen Bogdan-  the UAE’s health, education and business sectors over the past
        Martin,  Director  of  the  ITU  Telecommunication  Development   three months, by launching some 19 incentives and initiatives that
        Bureau. "Innovation has been recognized as a powerful engine for   have helped maintain the activities of these sectors. In response
        promoting development, addressing socio-economic challenges   to the global pandemic of the new Coronavirus (COVID-19), the
        and increasing the overall competitiveness  of countries.  I  look   government of the United Arab Emirates has been keen to issue a
        forward to  working closely with  the TRA to  establish I-CoDI   set of decisions that contribute to ensuring the safety of citizens,
        and contributing to the  development  of innovation strategies   residents and visitors on the UAE territory. According to the Federal
        to accelerate digital transformation and the achievement of the   Competitiveness and Statistics Authority, the TRA’s support for the
        2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development". The I-CoDI design   health sector enabled 800 health and education-related websites
        phase will be completed by the end of 2020. H.E. Hamad Obaid Al   to provide services for free, in addition to several websites related
        Mansoori, Director General of the TRA, said that "this experience   to national quarantine and health participation campaigns from
        reflects the success of innovation and creativity policies pursued   March until the start of June 2020. The TRA’s initiatives aim to
        by the UAE, which resulted in hundreds of projects and initiatives   support  the health sector  by  providing free internet  access to
        that  contributed  to  achieving  the  UAE's  leading  position  in   data via mobile phone to health applications and platforms. In
        innovation. The UAE is no longer a country that imports ideas,   support of the health sector, the TRA extended the validity of all
        but rather a source of innovation and success in various sectors."   wireless permits to  hospitals and medical centers  regardless
        I-CoDI  builds on CoDI, the Centre of Digital  Innovation (CoDI)   of the date of the end of the authorization as well as provided a
        launched  by  the  UAE  in  2013,  as  part  of  the  UAE's  efforts  in   package of wireless frequency as backup to support the health
        digital  transformation  and  enhancing  the  digital  journey  of  the   sector’s wireless communication systems. In cooperation with Al
        UAE  citizens  and  Government,  through  research,  innovation,   Yah Satellite Communications Company, Yahsat, and Ministry of
        education,  training, skills  development,  quality  assurance and   Education high-speed satellite broadband services were provided
        of  advisory  services.  Engineer  Majid  Almadhloum,  Director  of   for students and teachers in multiple locations across the UAE,
        CoDI  at the  TRA,  stressed  the  importance  of this initiative and   where terrestrial broadband alternatives are unavailable. Yahsat’s
        added that "ITU's aim to transfer the experience of CoDI indicates   satellite links will provide remote users access to online libraries,

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