Page 82 - SAMENA Trends - June-August 2021
P. 82


        DCMS Unveils Plans to Trial Broadband Rollout Via UK’s Water Pipes

        Fiber  broadband  cables  could  be  fed   in water pipes in other countries such as   on   changing   regulations   to   make
        through  the  UK’s  water  pipes  as  part  of   Spain. A competition has been launched to   infrastructure sharing easier. Commenting,
        the  government’s  plan  to  speed  up  the   select a consortium, which could comprise   Stephen  Unger,  Commissioner  at  the
        nationwide rollout of superfast broadband   telecoms  companies,  utility  providers   Geospatial  Commission,  said:  ‘Fiber  is
        and mobile coverage in rural areas. Under   and  engineering  companies,  to  lead  and   the  future  of  digital  communications.  Its
        the three-year ‘Fiber in Water’ program –   deliver the project. As part of this, a region   unmatched  performance  and  reliability
        which is scheduled to conclude in March   or multiple regions of the country will be   can  seamlessly  connect  our  society
        2024  –  the  government  will  invest  GBP4   selected  to  host the trial,  and a  deadline   together. But it took over a hundred years
        million (USD5.5 million) in the project, which   for  applications  of  4  October  2021  has   to  build  the  legacy  copper  network,  so
        will also look to test solutions that reduce   been set. Meanwhile, the government body   replacing it with fiber won’t be easy … The
        the amount of water lost every day due to   has  also  confirmed  that  it  is  considering   best way to meet this challenge is to use
        leaks. Any solution used to trial fiber-optic   giving  broadband  firms  access  to  more   existing infrastructure, such as the water
        cables in the water mains will be approved   than  a  million  kilometers  of  underground   pipes that already reach every home and
        by  the  Drinking  Water  Inspectorate  (DWI)   utility  ducts  to  boost  the  rollout  of  next-  business  in  the  country.  Our  ambition
        before being used in a real world setting,   generation   broadband   –   including   must be for reliable broadband to become
        the  DCMS  noted,  though  highlighted  the   electricity,  gas  and  sewer  networks  –   as  easy  to  access  tomorrow  as  drinking
        fact that fiber has already been deployed   and  will  soon  respond  to  a  consultation   water is today.’

        Google Develops Custom Chip for Upcoming Pixels

        Google  revealed  its  upcoming  Pixel  6  smartphones  would  be   recognition and photographic abilities. Its current flagship series,
        powered by in-house chip Tensor, a move it claimed was a response   the Pixel 5, uses a Qualcomm chipset. “The team that designed
        to  computing  limitations  of  third-party  options.  The  software   our  silicon  wanted  to  make  Pixel  even  more  capable,”  Google
        giant  stated  AI  and  machine  learning  features  enabled  by  the   noted in its corporate blog. “With Tensor we thought about every
        system-on-chip (SoC) silicon would “unlock specific experiences”   piece of the chip and customized it to run Google’s computational
        on  its  handsets,  pointing  to  intended  improvements  in  speech   photography models. For users, this means entirely new features,
                                                               plus improvements to existing ones.” Alongside enabling specific
                                                               consumer features, Google claimed the security core on Tensor
                                                               combined with the device’s integrated Titan M2 chip would give
                                                               the Pixel 6 handsets the most layers of hardware security in any
                                                               phone on the market. In a social media post Google CEO Sundar
                                                               Pichai said the chip had been four years in development, adding
                                                               “Tensor builds off of our two decades of computing experience
                                                               and  it’s  our  biggest  innovation  in  Pixel  to  date”.  Other  details
                                                               released on the forthcoming flagship handsets include upgrades
                                                               to its user interface and revamped camera design compared with
                                                               its predecessor, which features a black strip across the back of
                                                               the devices housing the lenses and flash. The company plans to
                                                               launch the Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro devices later this year.

        1&1 And  Rakuten  to  Build  Fully Virtualized  Mobile  Network Based on


        1&1 has announced that it is entering into a long-term partnership   cloud-based  multi-vendor  network  architecture.  Rakuten  will
        with Rakuten to build a fully virtualized mobile network based on   take over the build of the active network equipment and will also
        OpenRAN  technology,  as  it  seeks  to  become  Germany’s  fourth   be  responsible  for  the  overall  performance  of  the  1&1  mobile
        wireless  network  operator.  With  this,  1&1  is  moving  away  from   network. 1&1 will have access to the Rakuten Communications
        conventional  proprietary  networks,  which  are  often  provided   Platform  (RCP)  stack  of  access,  core,  cloud  and  operations
        overall  by  just  one  network  supplier,  towards  a  completely   solutions  as  well  as  to  its  partner  network.  In  this  context,

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