Page 143 - SAMENA Trends - June-August 2021
P. 143
Costa Rica’s Superintendency of Telecommunications All concessions will be valid for 15 years. Interested
(Superintendencia de Telecomunicaciones, SUTEL) parties have until 9 August to present their offers to the
has initiated a sale of 470MHz licenses, which it says regulator. (July 14, 2021)
are suitable for ‘narrowband radiocommunication’.
The Croatian regulator HAKOM) has allocated radio years for all allocation areas, except in the case of
frequency spectrum in the 700 MHz (758-788 / Medimurje and Varasdin counties, where there are
703-733), 3600 MHz (3400-3800 MHz) and 26 GHz already issued permits for various 5G technology
frequency bands (26, 5-27.5 GHz) for 5G mobile valid until 2023, and for these areas new permits are
Croatia communications networks. The awards for the exceptionally issued for 13 years. The total raised for
700 MHz band at the national level were made to the state in the auction amounted to HRK358,995,433.
Telemach Hrvatska, Hrvastki Telekom and A1 Hrvatska (August 16, 2021)
for a total of HRK139,989,998 (€18,642,400). While
Telemach Hrvatska and Hrvastki Telekom will each The Croatian Regulatory Agency for Network Operations
be charged HRK46,094,099, A1 Hrvatska will have to (Hrvatska regulatorna agencija za mrezne djelatnosti,
pay HRK45,000,000. The three companies were also HAKOM) has completed its auction of 5G-capable
awarded licenses in the 3600 MHz at the national level, frequencies in the 700MHz, 3.5GHz and 26GHz bands.
for which they will be required to pay HRK54,455,750, The sale, which began on 12 July, allocated 15-year
HRK66,765,750 and HRK52,920,000 respectively. Also licenses on a national and regional basis and raised a
on a national level, they were, along with Eolo, awarded total of HRK359.0 million (USD56.1 million). Nationwide
licenses in the 25 GHz band, though for considerably 700MHz, 3.5GHz and 26GHz concessions were won by
smaller fees. In the regional 3600 MHz auction, incumbent cellcos Hrvatski Telekom (HT), Telemach
licenses were awarded to Eolo, Eco Net, Terrakom, Hrvatska and A1 Hrvatska, while Italian-owned fixed-
BeeIN, Digicom and Markoja. HAKOM notes that the wireless operator EOLO also won a 26GHz permit.
bidding process began on July 12, and the decision to Regional 3.5GHz concessions went to EOLO, Eco Net,
select the most favorable bidders and issue licenses Terrakom, BeeIN, Digicom and Markoja.
was made on August 12. Permits were issued for 15 (August 13, 2021)
The Ministry of Communications (Mincom) has first overarching telecoms law and is designed to
announced that a number of new pieces of legislation create greater coherence in the sector and improve
governing the country’s telecoms sector have officially the existing regulatory framework. It is aimed at
come into force. These include: Decree-Law No. 35 on developing technological convergence and prioritizing
Cuba Telecommunications, Information and Communication the implementation of broadband networks, as well as
protecting the interests, rights and privacy of citizens.
Technologies and the Use of the Radioelectric
Spectrum of 13 April 2021; Decree No. 42 General According to the Mincom, it will ‘contribute to the
Regulation of Telecommunications and Information political, economic and social development of the
and Communication Technologies of 24 May 2021; country, through the development and modernization
Decree No. 43 Regulation on the Use of the Radioelectric of telecoms infrastructures and, furthermore, promote
Spectrum of 24 May 2021; Resolution No. 108 the harmonious and orderly progress of telecoms/
Regulation of Interconnection, Access and Essential ICT networks and services. It also defines and
Installations of Telecommunications Networks of 9 outlines the services that are considered as Universal
August 2021; Resolution No. 107 Regulations for the Telecommunications Services, which operators must
Use of Satellite Radiocommunications Services of 9 guarantee to provide to all citizens, regardless of their
August 2021; and Resolution No. 105 National Action location, and sets out the regulations on the use of
Model for responding to Cybersecurity Incidents of spectrum on the island.
9 August 2021. Decree-Law No. 35 is the country’s (August 18, 2021)
The telecoms regulator Czech Telecommunication in the 3400MHz–3800MHz band. In a press release,
Office (CTU) has received requests from four domestic the CTU noted that the companies have made the
operators – Nordic Telecom 5G, O2 Czech Republic, requests ‘on the basis of’ the refarming commitments
PODA and Vodafone Czech Republic – seeking they entered into in the 3600MHz-3800MHz frequency
Czech Republic permission to change their radio frequency allocations band launched on 27 March 2017 (Ref. CTU-1 /
143 JUN-AUG 2021