Page 115 - SAMENA Trends - June-August 2021
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        has invested in establishing an advanced technical infrastructure   [the Healthy City award], adding a new international achievement
        according  to  the  very  best  international  practices  to  meet  the   to the kingdom’s rich track record.” (July 27, 2021)
        requirements of this license, which we look forward to opening
        wide doors for many future applications." Al-Maraj added. Trust   According to the latest 2020 ICT Pricing Trends Report of Measuring
        and e-signature services come within the package of servicers   Digital  Development,  issued  recently  by  the  International
        as  per  the  legislations  and  laws  of  the  Kingdom  of  Bahrain  in   Telecommunication Union (ITU), Bahrain elevates to the highest
        accordance  with  the  provisions  of  Articles  (20)  and  (21)  of  the   ranking  of  generations,  from  Third  to  Fourth  generation.  The
        Electronic  Communications  and  Transactions  Law.  E-signature   report verifies the variety of influences impacting the pricing levels
        services allow conducting and signing transactions electronically   for ICT services in a region; however, one governing influence on
        and remotely, and promoting and adopting e-signatures as a safe   overall affordability is the resilience of a regulatory environment.
        and reliable method when conducting transactions and services   As  found  by  the  ITU  study,  Bahrain  amongst  Arab  countries,  is
        electronically. (August31, 2021) TRA Bahrain           ranked 2nd for pricings in regard to mobile broadband services,
                                                               as it maintains affordable fixed broadband rates yet a large - scale
        The Kingdom of Bahrain is set to launch a national digital platform   data  capacity.  In  addition,  Bahrain’s  mobile  broadband  prices
        aimed  at  serving  health  facilities,  it  has  emerged.  The  yet-to-  account  for  1.51%  of  GNI  p.c.,  whereas  fixed  broadband  prices
        be-named online hub – which will reportedly be accessible via   account for 1.82% of GNI p.c, which is below the UN affordability  –  will  fall  under  the  Gulf  country’s  National   target,  therefor  allowing  Bahrain  to  meet  and  outperform  the
        Health  Regulatory  Authority  (NHRA),  and  is  due  to  launch  later   Sustainable  Development  Goal  target  before  2025,  holding
        on  this  year.  “This  system  includes  many  services,  including   prices below two percent of GNI per capita. In praising exerted
        licensing a new facility or branch, changing the classification of   efforts,  Sh.  Nasser  Bin  Mohammed  Al  Khalifa,  Acting  General
        the facility, adding a service, transferring ownership, changing the   Director of TRA Bahrain congratulates and tributes the Kingdom’s
        address, changing the name, and closing the facility or one of its   evolution in regulatory framework to HM King Hamad Bin Isa Al
        branches,” NHRA chief executive, Mariam Al Jalahma told GDN   Khalifa, and to HRH Prince Salman bin Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa
        Online. This week, the World Health Organization (WHO) opened   Crown Prince and Prime Minister. According to Sh. Nasser, this
        its 152nd office, in Manama. Bahrain became the first capital in   achievement  validates  the  Kingdom’s  advancements  in  both
        the Middle East to be dubbed a “Healthy City” by the WHO earlier   the  field  of  telecoms,  and  excellence  of  enabling  environment
        in the year. According to the NHRA, every health facility in Bahrain   of  digital  transformation,  valuing  the  wise  leadership's
        will have a dedicated page on the platform, allowing it to track   guidance  in  expanding  Bahrain  and  shaping  it  into  a  regional
        all applications, reports, and violations in one location. The page   telecom and ICT hub, seeking to continue efforts to develop the
        will also include the validity information of all employee licenses   telecommunications sector in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Sh. Nasser
        as well as medical devices. “The electronic shift aims to develop   confirms “The regulatory environment's resilience is a significant
        the quality and efficiency of services, streamline procedures and   facilitator of both ICT adoption and price reduction. Regulators
        facilitate access to services,” added Al Jalahma. The Kingdom’s   in this sector play a significant role in safeguarding consumers
        digital  transformation  is  part  of  the  Bahrain  Economic  Vision   benefits through regulating competitiveness between Operators.
        2030,  which  was  first  unveiled  in  2008.  The  country  is  among   Regulators  also  impact  market  structure  and  competitiveness
        those in Asia with the highest E-Government Development Index   through awarding licenses, allocating and designating spectrum,
        (EGDI) values, as per a 2020 report by the United Nations. It ranks   facilitating  interoperability  and  infrastructure  exchange,  and
        just  ahead  of  the  Kingdom  of  Saudi  Arabia  (KSA),  but  behind   regulating  investment,  among  other  things.  A  country  ascends
        the United Arab Emirates (UAE). “The WHO was monitoring the   the regulatory ladder to a higher generation of ICT regulation as
        response  of  member  states  and  what  was  accomplished  in   its regulatory environment matures.” He added “The pandemic of
        Bahrain deserves to be acknowledged,” said WHO representative   COVID-19 has demonstrated the critical necessity of connectivity.
        and Bahrain Head of Office, Tasnim Atatrah, during the latest WHO   This position will only expand in the following years as the globe
        office launch on Monday. “Efforts have also been made to ensure   continues to cope with impacts of the pandemic and embraces the
        the full continuity of essential healthcare services to the people   "new reality." However, continued monitoring of the growth of ICT
        who require treatment for other health conditions and who also   pricing is crucial for quality management to tackle affordability
        need to continue receiving the different services,” Atatrah added.   gaps.”
        “Manama became the first capital in the Middle East to receive   (July 14, 2021)


        The  Bangladesh  Telecommunication  Regulatory  Commission   the BTRC high officials admitted poor service quality of mobile
        (BTRC) is planning to allocate 450 MHz spectrum to the country's   network operators. They also identified lack of enough spectrum
        mobile operators in next two years, a BTRC official revealed this   against the increasing demand as one of the key reasons behind
        in a virtual public hearing. Replying to a question in the hearing,   such poor service quality. "We will allocate 450 MHz new spectrum

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