Page 116 - SAMENA Trends - June-August 2021
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        to operators, and hope that by the end of 2022 their service quality   and reliable access to voice and data traffic, network usage, and
        will  improve  further,"  Brigadier  General  Shahidul  Alam,  Director   quality information as well as BTRC's revenue. This will greatly
        General  (Spectrum)  of  the  BTRC,  told  the  hearing.  Clients  and   improve  the  BTRC's  policy-making  system  and  make  reporting
        journalists  raised  questions  and  lodged  complaints  regarding   to  the  government  more  efficient  and  faster.  Speaking  on  the
        poor  service  quality,  slow  internet  speed,  and  call  drop  etc  in   occasion,  the minister said  the signing  of the agreement  is
        the virtual hearing. Replying to the complaints, BTRC Chairman   another milestone to the journey of building a Digital Bangladesh.
        Shyam  Sunder  Shikder  said  they  were  working  relentlessly  to   The monitoring system will contribute hugely to monitor telecom
        improve the service." Two committees were formed to investigate   services and enhance its standard, he said. It will be possible to
        the reasons behind poor service quality." The BTRC said it had   immediately verify the actual condition of the telecommunication
        resolved 60 percent complaints raised in 2019, which was the last   network in urban as well as rural areas, islands, haors, coastal
        hearing before the Covid-19 break out. Replying to a question, the   areas, and remote areas. (August 9, 2021)
        BTRC chairman said the regulator would not allow a few internet
        service  providers  (ISPs)  to  dominate  the  market  and  suppress   The  Bangladesh  Telecommunication  Regulatory  Commission
        other  small  ISPs.  "If  we  get  specific  complaints,  we'll  certainly   (BTRC) has sought citizens’ and expert’s opinions, suggestions,
        take measure regarding those," he added. BTRC Director General   and  recommendations  regarding  the  new  draft  guidelines
        Brigadier  General  Nasim  Parvez  said  service  quality  does  not   for  telecom  e-waste  management.  The  use  of  technology  is
        depend on operators' service only, but it also depends on quality   constantly  increasing  in  Bangladesh,  at  the  same  time,  the
        of users' handsets. (August 25. 2021)  production  of  telecommunication  products  is  increasing  along
                                                               with the import of  telecommunication  products.  The  result  has
        The  Bangladesh  Telecommunication  Regulatory  Commission   been e-waste management. To ensure that e-waste management
        (BTRC) is going to install a telecom monitoring system at a cost   and recycling is done in an environmentally friendly manner, the
        of  Tk77.65  crore  (USD  9.13  million)  to  oversee  the  activities   Telecommunications  Regulatory  Commission  (BTRC)  has  taken
        of  mobile  operators  and  improve  the  quality  of  mobile  phone   steps to formulate “Telecom E-Waste Management and Recycling
        services.  The  regulatory  authority  has  signed  a  purchase   System  Guidelines”.  Following  this,  five  types  of  products  have
        agreement  with  Canada-based  international  company  TKC   been included in the draft guidelines under e-waste. The BTRC
        Telecom.  Under  the  agreement,  TKC  Telecom  has  to  install  a   has  sought  public  awareness  and  opinion  on  the  guideline.
        telecom  monitoring  system  within  180  days.  Minister  of  Posts   The  draft  directive  states  that  e-waste  management  must  be
        and  Telecommunications  Mustafa  Jabbar  and  Secretary  of   approved by the commission before it can be managed and that
        Posts  and  Telecommunications  Md  Afzal  Hossain  addressed   e-waste  management  organizations  cannot  conduct  activities
        the function as the chief guests. BTRC Chairman Shyam Sunder   in populated or locality areas. The draft guidelines further state
        Sikder presided over the function. According to the presentation   that  telecom  equipment  collected  through  electronic  waste
        given at the event, once the system is implemented, the process   management cannot be marketed in the country as a refurbished
        of collecting and reporting information from mobile operators will   device  in  any  way.  The  BTRC  said  that  feedback  on  the  draft
        be automated. At the same time, it will be possible to observe all   guidelines would be received by 5 pm on July 20. Feedback can
        the necessary information in real-time. This will ensure regular   be sent via e-mail. (June 26, 2021)


        The National Telecom Regulatory Authority (NTRA) has adopted   and could be convenient for the Egyptian market. The regulatory
        the  regulatory  framework  for  establishing  data  centers  and   framework  was  prepared  and  approved  to  serve  as  a  tool  for
        providing cloud computing services. This step is in line with the   organizing and facilitating work procedures for data centers and
        state’s  strategy  to  support  the  digital  transformation  process   providing  the  necessary  facilities  for  investment  in  this  field.
        and  attract  and  increase  investments  in  this  field,  in  addition   This  regulatory  framework  aims  to  attract  giant  data  center
        to maximizing the benefit of Egypt’s geographical location and   companies to the Egyptian telecom market. This will contribute
        enhancing  its  strategic  position  as  a  regional  and  global  focal   to  attracting  investments  in  the  field  of  cloud  computing  and
        point  for  data  traffic  and  a  gateway  connecting  Africa  and  the   electronic  content,  and  the  subsequent  provision  of  new  job
        Middle  East  to  Europe,  making  it  one  of  the  most  promising   opportunities  in  the  field  of  establishing  and  operating  data
        markets  in  the  rapidly  growing  field  of  data  centers.  Moreover,   centers and associated facilities. This would support the state’s
        NTRA  has  studied  the  best  international  models  and  practices   plans for digital transformation and providing electronic services
        in  the  field  of  establishing  data  centers  and  providing  cloud   provided to citizens, through  the applications provided by data
        computing  services,  as  well  as  holding  meetings  and  hearings   centers through which electronic transactions can be carried out
        with  local  and  international  companies  working  in  this  field  to   in a simpler and faster way using quick access to content hosted
        find out the best regulatory policies applicable in global markets   within data centers in Egypt. (August 22, 2021)

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