Page 62 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2023
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        Proactively set the tone at the top     The  US’ Securities  and  Exchange  Commissions  (SEC)
        Cybersecurity is a strategic activity of any
        organization.  While  most  of  successful   recognized the impact a major cyberattack can have on a
        attacks  remain  manageable   within    business and issued very recently new rules requiring all
        organizations,  only  one  data  breach  on   publicly traded companies in the US to release details of
        sensitive/personal  information  can  ruin
        hard-earned  customers and  investors   a cyberattack within four days of determining that it has a
        trust.  The  US’ Securities  and  Exchange   material impact. By placing cybersecurity at the forefront
        Commissions   (SEC)  recognized  the
        impact a major cyberattack can have on a   of their  agenda,  leaders  (management  and boards)
        business and issued very recently new rules   demonstrate  their  commitment  to  protecting  valuable
        requiring  all  publicly  traded  companies in
        the US to release details of a cyberattack   assets, sensitive information, and customer trust.
        within four days of determining that it has
        a material impact. By placing cybersecurity   advancement, the complexity and cost of   address  software  supply  chain  related
        at  the  forefront of their  agenda, leaders   cyberattacks, the regulatory framework or   risks.
        (management  and  boards)  demonstrate   even the maturity of the organization and   •   Develop partnerships and collaboration:
        their  commitment  to protecting  valuable   industry  in  which  a  specific  it  operates.   Cyber threats,  especially  those  arising
        assets, sensitive information, and customer   However, there  are  some  basic  umbrella   from technology, transcend geographical
        trust. As pointed out in one recent Kearney   measures  that  we recommend ensuring   and  organizational  boundaries,
        article , they should adopt a  proactive   they  are  in  place  during  the  digital   necessitating  a  unified  and  cohesive
        approach, ensuring  that  cybersecurity   transformation:                  approach to defense on top of individual
        strategies  align  with  the  evolving threat   •   Ensure security  is by design  and  by   approaches. Organizations  should  work
        landscape  and  organization  risk  appetite,   default:  Organizations  should ensure   with  governments  and  international
        and outcomes are regularly assessed using   security  is  by  design  during  project   entities  to  foster  collaboration  within
        right technical and operational performance   and  system  design  (e.g,  implementing   their relevant cyber ecosystem to enable
        metrics (E.g., Lost  manufacturing  hours,   DevSecOps practices)  and  by default   intelligence, best practices, and resource
        lost  engineering hours, lost  sales  hours).   in  every  configuration  to  proactively   sharing and development of standardized
        This  involves  not  only  investing  in  robust   protect  against  cyber threats.  Many   frameworks, regulations and approaches
        cybersecurity resources  and  capabilities   organizations  are  tempted  to move   to collectively address emerging threats
        (technological  and  human)  but also   fast  in  their  transformation  and  neglect   and vulnerabilities.
        commit their  personal  time  to infuse  and   cybersecurity, leaving  several  loopholes   •   Invest  in the human  factor: As
        foster a robust cybersecurity-aware culture   that  will be exploited  by hackers. While   approximately  70%  of cyber-attacks  are
        across  the  organization,  emphasizing  the   policies  and procedures  are important   caused by human errors, a cybersecurity
        shared responsibility  of all  stakeholders   to implement security by design and by   strategy  without  a  comprehensive  and
        in  safeguarding  data  and  systems.  CISOs   default,  it  is  mostly  an  organizational   innovative approach to cybersecurity
        (Chief  Information  Security  Officers)  have   mindset that need to change and evolve   education and awareness is incomplete
        an important role to play to educate, support   towards that philosophy.   and cannot yield the expected return.
        and  enable  business  executives  on  their   •   Manage  supply  chain risks:  In  recent   Consider  advanced  cybersecurity
        ability to make thoughtful and meaningful   years,  it  is  estimated  that  around 50   techniques and technologies
        cybersecurity decisions,  by  ensuring  at  a   percent  of cyberattacks  came from   After fixing the basics, organizations should
        minimum  that  assets  are  identified  and   third parties,  with  negative effects  on   move  to  a  visionary  state  and  consider
        classified,  and  executives  are  fully  aware   customer churn     reaching  20  percent    trying different approaches that will fit the
        and informed of the associated risks.  .cybersecurity-related  disruptions  in  evolving threat landscape.
                                               the  supply  chain  have  cost  businesses   •   Adopt  zero-trust  principles:
        Fix the basics                         $1  trillion  in  the  US and  Europe  alone.   implementing  a Zero  Trust model  is
        A recent study   that Kearney conducted with   Good starting  points  to mitigate  these   essential  for  bolstering  cybersecurity
        several executives worldwide, showed that   disruptions  are  to conduct regular—  and  can  safeguard  critical  assets,  as
        approximately  50%  of organizations  had   and  comprehensive—“value-at-risk”  traditional  perimeter defense  measures
        still  a  reactive  approach to cybersecurity   assessments, design disciplined vendor   prove  insufficient  against  sophisticated
        and the basics are not met. The threshold   risk  management  capabilities  and  threats. Zero Trust operates on a "need-
        of what is considered as basics is not static   implement  software  bill  of material   to-know" basis, assuming  no implicit
        and depends on numerous factors such as   veri¬fication in order to identify software   trust  of users, devices, or applications,
        the risk appetite, the state of technological   components and dependencies and thus   even  within  the organization's  network

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