Page 61 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2023
P. 61
Cybersecurity Fronts in Digital Transformation
Over the last decade, digital and technology Cutting-edge technologies
transformations have rapidly changed the way
public and private organizations operate and are surging in the region
conduct their business. These transformations and with the rise of OT and
have taken an even more drastic turn during the IoT, cybersecurity becomes
last pandemic when the world had to rapidly
adapt and shift to remote ways of working. Early an essential safeguard to
this year, very few people knew about generative protect sensitive data and
AI. Today, organizations are assessing how
Rob Van Dale disruptive this technology will be and what infrastructure, especially as it
Partner and MEA Practice ramifications it will have on the business is expected that IoT will replace
Head - Digital Transformation environment and the workplace. Across the
Middle East, technological advancement and humans as the weakest link
related innovations have been adopted as in cybersecurity (estimates
key enablers of the region’s overall economic, indicate that the number of
cultural, and urban transformation. For instance,
developing smart cities has become a top IoT devices operating solely
priority for GCC countries aiming to enhance within KSA will supersede 145
citizens' quality of life while simultaneously
promoting sustainable living. Significant million by the year 2030) .
investments are undertaken into new cities as
Hadi Faraj well as upgrades to existing ones to develop which are not only becoming more and more
smart city use cases leveraging technology complex and sophisticated but also cheaper to
(computer vision, machine learning, IoT, ...). perpetrate. This oversight often stems from a
failure to perceive cybersecurity as an equally
As these transformations generate tremendous valuable business enabler, viewing it solely as
value across the region, they are also becoming an additional cost or burden and “a set of rules
increasingly complex as they combine multiple to comply by”. However, the repercussions of
technologies within constrained environments cyberattacks can be devastating and costly
(legacy systems, business readiness, not only at the organizational level but also
available resources, …). In this context, the at a nation-state level. According to Statista,
critical importance of cybersecurity cannot the average cost of a data breach in the
Reddy Prashaen be overstated. Cutting-edge technologies are Middle East reached $7.44 million in 2022,
surging in the region and with the rise of OT emphasizing the toll cyber incidents can take on
and IoT, cybersecurity becomes an essential organizations . Considering this, it is imperative
safeguard to protect sensitive data and for organizations in the Middle East and beyond
infrastructure, especially as it is expected that to recognize that cybersecurity is not just
IoT will replace humans as the weakest link a defensive measure but more importantly
in cybersecurity (estimates indicate that the a strategic asset that builds and enhances
number of IoT devices operating solely within stakeholders trust and confidence. Embracing
KSA will supersede 145 million by the year cybersecurity as an integral aspect of digital
2030) . transformation is vital to ensure business
Guy Ngambeket operations and continuity. Below are couple
Despite a growing awareness of its significance, of recommendations, based on Kearney’s
many organizations tend to neglect cybersecurity experience working with entities across the
and/or take inappropriate measures during globe, for organizations and policy makers to
swift transformations, inadvertently leaving consider during digital transformations.
themselves vulnerable to cyber-attacks