Page 57 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2023
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        Pakistan Produced 6.07 million Mobile Phones in the First Half Of 2023

        In  the  first  half  of  2023  (January–June),  local  manufacturing   Authority (PTA), smartphones account for 56% of mobile devices,
        units  in  Pakistan  produced around  6.07  million  mobile  phones.   while  2G  devices  make  up  the  remaining  44%  of the  country’s
        However, the  country imported  only 0.53  million  mobile phones   network. During the fiscal year 2022–23 (FY23), Pakistan imported
        commercially. In June 2023, local manufacturing plants in Pakistan   $570.071  million  mobile  phones.  This  shows  a  significant
        produced approximately  1.19  million  mobile  handsets.  Similarly,   decline of 71.19% compared to the previous fiscal year 2021–22
        they only  imported  0.12  million  mobile  phones  commercially  in   when  imports  stood at  $1.978 billion.  In  June  2023,  Pakistan
        June. Out of the total 6.07 million mobile phone handsets produced   experienced a 24.03% monthly increase in mobile phone imports,
        locally in Pakistan, 4.77 million were 2G devices, and 1.3 million   reaching  $53.583  million. This  figure  is  higher  compared  to  the
        were smartphones. According to the Pakistan Telecommunication   $43.201 million of mobile phone imports recorded in May 2023.
                                                               Mobile phone imports in June 2023 witnessed a significant 66.30%
                                                               year-on-year (YoY) growth compared to the $32.220 million in June
                                                               2022. Telecom imports in Pakistan totaled $956.921 million during
                                                               the  fiscal  year  2022–23  (FY23).  It  shows  a  negative  growth  of
                                                               64.45% compared to the $2.684 billion recorded in the same period
                                                               of 2021–22. Compared to June 2022, overall telecom imports in
                                                               June 2023 grew by 11.18%, reaching $96.481 million compared to
                                                               $86.777 million. Additionally, on a month-on-month basis, telecom
                                                               imports increased by 19.07% in June 2023 compared to $81.028
                                                               million  in  May  2023.  Furthermore,  imports  of other  apparatus
                                                               reached  $386.850  million  in  the July-June  FY23  period. In  June
                                                               2023,  imports  of other  apparatus  amounted to $42.898  million,
                                                               showing a 21.37% decrease compared to June 2022, when they
                                                               were $54.557 million. On a month-on-month basis, it experienced
                                                               13.41%  growth compared  to May  2023,  when  it  was  $37.827

        Jordanians Consumed 1.38B GB Of Data in Q1 2023

        A government source revealed  that  Jordanians'  consumption of   gigabytes. The source attributed the increase in internet and data
        internet  and  data  services  has  risen  by 20.3  percent  during the   consumption to  several  key  factors, including  the  growth  in  the
        first  quarter  of  the  current  year  compared  to  the  same  period   number of  internet  and  mobile  communication services  users,
        last  year.  The  source, who chose to remain  anonymous,  stated   people's  increased  reliance  on the  internet  for social  and  work
        that  Jordanians  consumed approximately  1.38  billion  gigabytes   purposes, the  digital  transformation witnessed  across  various
        during  the  first  quarter  of  the  current  year,  compared  to  1.154   economic sectors, and the digital transformation of government
        billion in the same period last year, Al-Ghad news reported. The   services. The source indicated that the local market is witnessing
        source explained that Jordanians' internet and data consumption   the  initial  stages  of introducing  5G  services.  As  its  expansion
        during  Q1  2023  was  as  follows: Jordanians  consumed around   continues, this will constitute a qualitative addition to the existing
        947.7 million gigabits through broadband fixed internet networks,   internet networks, including 3G and 4G, and fiber optic networks.
        while total consumption of data by Jordanians through wide-scale   This is expected to meet users' data service needs, likely leading to
        mobile communication  and  internet  networks (including  3G, 4G,   a substantial increase in internet usage in the coming years.
        Advanced 4G, and early-stage 5G) was approximately 440.9 million

        ADSL Internet Subscribers in Egypt Up By 11% YoY in June 2022

        The number of ADSL internet subscribers in Egypt rose by 10.7%   in June 2021. On the other hand, the number of USB modem users
        year on year (YoY) in June 2022 to 10.5 million, compared to 9.5   went down 34.5% YoY in June 2022 to 2.1 million from 3.2 million
        million, the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics   in  the  same  month  of the  prior  year.  Meanwhile,  the  number of
        (CAPMAS) announced.  The  number of mobile  internet  users   mobile phone lines amounted to 98.30 million in June 2022, down
        increased 14.9% to 68.5 million in June 2022, up from 59.7 million   0.3% from 98.6 million lines during the same month last year.

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