Page 63 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2023
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perimeter. This approach minimizes offering a comprehensive view of the of improper privileges on organizations
lateral movement and potential damage attack chain for better threat detection. resources and assets.
from cyber incidents. Employing micro- AI-driven models, leveraging machine
segmentation enables strict access learning, will identify patterns indicative At last, we advise organizations to
controls within network segments, of cyber threats and suggest adapting to continuously assess the impact of
limiting attackers' reach. Treating all evolving attack techniques. emerging technologies on cybersecurity
network objects as potentially malicious • Reinforce authentication and by augmenting their threat intelligence
and using multifactor authentication authorization: Reinforcing identity capabilities with an emerging tech
and identity and access management and access management is crucial observatory and collaborating with their
solutions further enhances security. in transformation context where relevant RDI ecosystem to identify ways to
• Enhance detection and response organization are sometimes dealing with tackle evolving threats.
capabilities: Organizations should multiple systems from several different
migrate from traditional signature-based providers and on different infrastructures. In summary, organizations should embrace
threat detection to behavioral-based, AI- It is very challenging to orchestrate cybersecurity as a strategic asset, and
enabled threat detection and response. the identification, authentication, and must proactively address basics, adopt
By utilizing one or more of technologies authorization across all these systems advanced techniques like zero-trust
such as SIEM (Security Information and in the organization and intruders can principles or behavioral AI-enabled threat
Event Management), SOAR (Security take advantage of these complexities to detection, and continually assess emerging
Orchestration, Automation, and impersonate real users and gain access technologies' impact on cybersecurity
Response) or XDR (Extended Detection to systems and data with sometimes to ensure secure and successful digital
and Response) and combining them with elevated privileges. By applying transformations. These actions should
a cybersecurity data platform enhanced behavioral and biometric authentication, be driven by top leadership and boards of
with AI capabilities, organizations can organizations can mitigate some of public and private organizations, as well as
significantly bolster their detection and risks of intrusion. In addition, using from Nation states.
response capabilities. For example, XDR authorization policies based on trust
can integrate data from multiple sources, scoring will also help reducing the risks
5 Percentage of customers that stopped using organization’s product or service