Page 53 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2023
P. 53


        Bahrain Tops GCC Countries with Most Affordable Fiber Broadband

        The  latest  Arab  Price  Benchmarking  Report  confirms  Bahrain’s   the latest Arab benchmark report. Consumers in Bahrain benefit
        position  as  one of the  Arab regions  most competitive   from some of the lowest prices for the essential services required
        telecommunications markets. The report highlights the country's   to engage in the digital society. Everyone in Bahrain is using the
        telecom services as being among the most competitively priced in   internet  and  all  of  us  can  access  ultra-fast  broadband  services.
        both the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries and the wider   We  are pleased to see  the  collective  efforts  made by industry
        Arab world. The report highlights notable reductions in residential   players and the TRA, as evidenced by our ranking among the top 20
        fixed  broadband  prices  (18.6%)  and  in  Mobile  Broadband  (16%)   countries globally for both fiber rollout and fiber service adoption.
        between 2021 and 2022, attributed to the TRA’s efforts in promoting   Moreover, the  TRA  acknowledges  the  need  for  further  action
        competition within  the  broadband market. As a result,  Bahrain   to ensure  Bahrain  becomes one  of the  world's  best-connected
        ranks among the top 20 countries worldwide in fiber penetration,   destinations, where all consumers can purchase the services, they
        according to 2023 Fiber to The Home (FTTH) Broadband Global   require at competitive prices.”
        Ranking, published by FTTH Council Europe. Also, mobile prices
        in Bahrain are the most affordable in the GCC, with a decrease of
        up to 58.5% between 2021 and 2022. This significant drop can be
        attributed  to the  introduction of new mobile packages  offering
        lower  prices  and  enhanced  benefits.  The  report  also  highlights
        that  Bahrain’s  leased  line  prices  are  among the  cheapest  in
        GCC, below the Arab average, and on par with The Organization
        for Economic Cooperation  and  Development  (OECD)  average.
        Bahrain’s telecommunications industry is rapidly growing, with a
        7.6% growth in fiber broadband subscriptions and a 7% increase
        in  fixed  broadband  data  usage  between  2021  and  2022.  The
        Kingdom's commitment to providing high-speed internet services
        is evidenced by the fact that 86% of all residential premises are now
        able to buy fiber broadband. As of June 2023, 68% of households
        have  active  fiber  connections  and  42%  of  households  have
        wireless home broadband (5G) which means that all households in
        Bahrain have access to ultra- fast broadband services. The latest
        residential survey highlights that 100% of people in Bahrain utilize
        internet services, and 100% of households have access to ultra-fast
        internet  services.  TRA’s  General  Director,  Philip  Marnick  affirms:
        “A competitive  market  ensures  that  consumers and  businesses
        obtain their desired services at reasonable prices. It is good to see
        the recognition of our leading position and competitive prices in

        Quality of Telecom Services at Dhofar, Here's What TRA Says

        The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) has issued   speed for data service covered by the 5G network in Sahel Atin
        a  report  on  the  quality  of telecommunication  services  in  tourist   by Oman  Telecommunications  Company (Omantel)  was  263
        sites  in  the  Dhofar Governorate, which was conducted  between   Mbps, with an average of 95 Mbps. While the highest download
        July  31  and  August  3.  These  measurements  included  the  Attin   speed  for  the  same  service  was  covered  by  the  Omani  Qatari
        Square, Ain Hamran, Dahariz Beach, Al-Haffa Market, Al-Mughsail,   Telecommunications  Company (Ooredoo)  at  505  Mbps,  with  an
        Wadi  Darbat,  Al-Haffa  Walk  and  Sha'at.  The  highest  download   average of 311 Mbps. In Wadi Darbat, the highest download speed
                                                               for 5G data service by Omantel was 164 Mbps, with an average of
                                                               49 Mbps. The highest download speed covered by the Ooredoo was
                                                               1303 Mbps, with an average of 421 Mbps. The authority conducts
                                                               these surveys using specialized measurement tools and approved
                                                               methodologies that simulate the user’s experience, aiming to raise
                                                               the level of awareness of beneficiaries and enhance competition in
                                                               the sector. The most important indicators such as coverage level,
                                                               data download speed, percentage of successful calls, and other
                                                               indicators are measured.

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