Page 29 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2023
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specific phenomena. That's going to help look like in the future". In May 2023, Typhoon five days before it changed course in the
with progress in the field." Another reviewer Mawar caught the world's attention as the eastern waters of the islands of Taiwan. In
noted that "the results themselves are a strongest tropical cyclone of the year thus addition, in order to continuously advance
significant step beyond previous results. far. According to the China Meteorological leading AI weather forecast models, stable
This work will, in my opinion, make people Administration, Pangu-Weather accurately cloud environments, work suites, and
reevaluate what forecasting models might predicted the trajectory of Typhoon Mawar corresponding O&M are also essential.
Kearney Adds Seasoned Venture Capital and
Innovation Professionals to its Team
Kearney, a leading global management “We’re excited to welcome Silicon Foundry Foundry’s ability to scale globally, as well
consulting firm, today announced the ac- to the Kearney family and look forward to as to extend the reach of the sectors we
quisition of Silicon Foundry, an advisory partnering with their world-class experts in currently serve, and range of solutions we
firm that helps corporations navigate new providing best-of-breed innovation services can offer. We’re equally as excited for the
technologies and market shifts and engage for our clients,” said Ben T. Smith IV, Part- impact this combination will have on our
with the global innovation ecosystem. This ner, Americas Lead for Telecommunica- current and future clients, who will benefit
acquisition represents the firm’s commit- tions, Media, and Technology and Member from the firm’s brain trust and access to
ment to helping C-suite executives truly of the Kearney Board of Directors. “Given the thousands of Kearney professionals
transform their organizations, by providing Kearney’s global reach, the ability to pro- around the world.” Corporate leadership
corporate executive leaders worldwide with vide clients across Europe, Middle East, teams increasingly express interest in tap-
access to the most cutting-edge new tech- and Asia with direct access to some of the ping into the innovation ecosystem for stra-
nologies, start-ups, and venture investors most disruptive start-ups across the major tegic partnerships, investments, and acqui-
at the core of the innovation ecosystem. As global technology ecosystems will truly set sitions but often lack either the expertise or
Kearney approaches 100 years of helping the firm apart from our competitors.” “We network to reach those in Silicon Valley and
clients evolve their business models, this are thrilled to join forces with Kearney,” said beyond. “As the pace of innovation con-
acquisition is yet another example of its Neal Hansch, CEO of Silicon Foundry, “and tinues to accelerate, corporations recog-
industry leadership and dedication to en- in doing so, to leverage and further enhance nize the need to stay better connected to
hancing expertise and expanding services the range of its resources, the depth and the investors, entrepreneurs, and thought
to better respond to the uncertainty and vol- breadth of its relationships with top exec- leaders who are driving this change. Silicon
atility of the modern business landscape. utives and entrepreneurs spanning all ma- Foundry will help our clients participate in
Businesses now understand and empha- jor industries, and add to the full range of this ecosystem efficiently, and when done
size the importance of access to the ven- expertise and services capabilities across correctly, will play a key role in helping them
ture world to improve business agility and the firm. Becoming a part of the Kearney continue to transform and evolve,” added
increase their overall ability to innovate. family will immediately accelerate Silicon Evan Gutoff, Kearney Partner and Americas
Strategic Transformation Lead, and Manag-
er, Kearney Venture Capital. The symbiotic
relationship will benefit both sides, bring-
ing Kearney teams and consultants closer
to the innovation ecosystem while provid-
ing Silicon Foundry with a strong network
of corporate executives from which it can
continue to expand. “This acquisition reaf-
firms our firm’s commitment to innovating
the management consulting model, and
providing transformative services to our cli-
ents and learning opportunities to our con-
sultants and professionals,” added David
Hanfland, Kearney Partner and Americas
Region Chair.