Page 33 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2023
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                                             Over Quarter Million  Users  Subscribe  to  Oman

                                             Broadband Company’s Optical Fiber Network

        The  number  of subscribers  to  the  optical   reviewed. The CEO of the Oman Broadband
        fiber  network  (Fiber)  in  Oman  Broadband   Company  confirmed  that  the  company's
        Company exceeded 250,000 till the end of   work team continues its efforts to expand
        July  2023.  The  number of subscribers to   in the various governorates of the Sultanate
        the  optical  fiber  network  (Fiber)  in  Oman   of Oman, so that the expansion plan for the
        Broadband Company exceeded the quarter   fiber optic network will reach the areas of
        million barrier until the end of July 2023 by   "Awtab" and "Suwaihra" in the Wilayat of So-
        250,046  subscribers, while  the  total  units   har, and "Al-Khashda”," Hillat Al-Rawashid”,
        covered in the various governorates of the   "Majz Al-Sughra" , "Abu Al Darous" , "Al-Ghu-
        Sultanate of Oman reached about 697,527   waisa"  ,  "Sur Al-Shiadi"  and  "Al-Qasha’"  in
        units. Engineer Sultan bin Ahmed Al Wahai-  the Wilayat of Saham. In addition to "Al-Am-
        bi, CEO of the Oman Broadband Company,   ra" and "Al-Rumais" in the Wilayat of Barka,   coverage of high-speed home Internet net-
        said that the total subscribers to the opti-  and a number of areas in Ja'alan Bani Bu   works, in addition to providing jobs in the
        cal fiber service in the Dhofar Governorate   Ali, and the Rusayl area in the Governorate   field  of  information  technology  in  various
        until the end of July of this year amounted   of Muscat, among others. Al Wahaibi indi-  governorates. "The partnership model with
        to 14,585 subscribers, while the total units   cated that the company seeks, through the   the governorates will contribute to finding
        covered  reached 65,615  units. "Pointing   work  team, to activate  the  model  of part-  investment opportunities for the governor-
        out that the sites for the extension of the   nership with the governorates in providing   ates  in  line  with  the  national  broadband
        fiber optic network and the new sites that   broadband infrastructure in order to provide   strategy  and  benefit  from  strengthening
        are planned to be included in the expansion   and improve Internet services, support the   the education, health and other sectors," Al
        plan in the Dhofar Governorate have been   economic system, and broader and faster   Wahaibi added.

                                             Protiviti Named a 2023  Best Workplace for
                                             Millennials by Fortune and Great Place to Work

        Global  consulting  firm  Protiviti  has  been   verse, equitable, and inclusive, inspiring our   organizations are eligible. “With the largest
        named to the 2023 list of Best Workplac-  people to grow and become the best ver-  share  of  the  workforce  today,  the  work-
        es  for Millennials™  by  Fortune  magazine   sion of themselves,” said Jessica Harrison,   place experience of millennials says a lot
        and  Great  Place  to Work®.  The  annual   vice president of human resources Protiviti.   about  your organization,”  said  Michael  C.
        list, which is based on anonymous survey   “Our purpose-driven work culture support-  Bush, CEO of Great Place To Work. “These
        responses  from more  than  500,000  U.S.-  ed by in-depth training, thoughtful mentor-  workers are looking for  authentic  leader-
        based  millennial  employees,  recognizes   ing relationships, and collaboration creates   ship, meaningful work, and a healthy work
        companies that create  the  most consis-  an empowering experience where everyone   environment – and they show loyalty  to
        tently  positive  experience  for millennials.   can thrive.” The Best Workplaces for Millen-  those  who can deliver.” In  2023,  Protiviti
        This marks the fifth time Protiviti has made   nials list is highly competitive. Great Place   was named to the Fortune 100 Best Com-
        the  list  in  the  large  company category   to Work uses  rigorous analytics and  con-  panies to Work For® list for the ninth con-
        (1,000 or more employees). “We are proud   fidential  employee  feedback  to  determine   secutive year, to the Best Workplaces in the
        to  provide  a  flexible  workplace  that  is  di-  the list. Only Great Place to Work-Certified™   Bay  Area™  list  for  the  fifth  time  and  was
                                                                                 named by Seramount a Best Workplace for
                                                                                 Multicultural Women for the third year in a
                                                                                 row. In 2022, Protiviti was named one of the
                                                                                 Best Workplaces for Parents™, and to the
                                                                                 Fortune lists of Best Workplaces for Millen-
                                                                                 nials™ and Women™. The firm was also rec-
                                                                                 ognized by Seramount as a Best Company
                                                                                 for Dads and one of the 75 Top Companies
                                                                                 for Executive Women. Additionally, Protiviti
                                                                                 was named one of the 2022 PEOPLE Com-
                                                                                 panies That Care®.

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