Page 31 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2023
P. 31


        Nokia and BT Group Demo Enhanced 5G SA Uplink Aggregation

        BT Group and  Nokia  have  announced the  successful  uplink
        aggregation of two carrier components in a 5G Standalone (SA)
        live network spectrum. The tests were conducted at BT Group’s
        facility  in  Adastral  Park, Ipswich, using  Nokia’s  5G  AirScale
        portfolio and a device powered by a Snapdragon 5G Modem-RF
        System from Qualcomm Technologies, following initial lab-based
        trials. According to BT, uplink speeds of more than 230Mbps were
        achieved in the test, with downlink speeds of more than 1Gbps also
        recorded. It was noted that demonstration was ‘conducted with 15,
        30 and 40MHz NR2600 carrier independently aggregated with a
        40MHz NR3500 carrier component’. The tests were undertaken as
        part of BT Group’s efforts to ensure that, when 5G SA services are
        launched via its mobile unit EE, it maintains its 5G network quality
        for end users. Commenting, Greg McCall, Chief Networks Officer
        at BT Group, said: ‘Carrier aggregation will be key to delivering the
        very best 5G experience to our customers, with this latest trial in   success of achieving 4CA in 5G SA downlink, and we look forward
        partnership  with  Nokia  demonstrating  significant  performance   to achieving  further  milestones  in  this  space  as  we  continue  to
        increases  in  terms of uplink  speeds.  This  builds  on last  year’s   progress towards 5G SA.’

        Nokia Tasked with Canada 5G Upgrade

        Finnish vendor Nokia agreed a deal with Canada-based cable TV   experience by boosting data rates and network capacity. The deal
        and telecoms company Eastlink to enhance and modernize its 5G   involves site expansion and upgrades, with the first Nokia-powered
        network covering seven provinces. Nokia stated it will deploy its   location to go live this month. Eastlink is a relatively small operator
        AirScale portfolio including its 5G RAN to improve Eastlink’s mobile   in the country, which has invested around $500 million since 2013
                                                               to grow its  mobile  services. It  provides  a  range  of residential,
                                                               business and public sector services in seven Canadian provinces,
                                                               as  well  as  Bermuda. CEO  Jeff Gillham  said  it  expects  Nokia  to
                                                               cover “a  sizeable  portion”  of its  mobile  RAN  over  the  next  few
                                                               years. Nokia partnered with various government entities in Canada
                                                               in 2022 to construct an R&D facility focusing on the development
                                                               of various technologies including 5G. Its major rival Ericsson also
                                                               made a splash in Canada this year, agreeing a five-year partnership
                                                               with the country’s government to pump more than CAD470 million
                                                               ($350 million) into two R&D centres and step up research into a
                                                               range of new technologies.

        Nokia, TPG Telecom and  MediaTek  Demonstrate  360-Degree Video
        Broadcasting Using 5G Uplink Carrier Aggregation

        Nokia, in collaboration with TPG Telecom and MediaTek showcased   powered by its ReefShark chipset. MediaTek provided its 5G mobile
        a ground-breaking live 360-degree video broadcast on the future   platform using  the  MediaTek  M80  5G  modem,  which has  been
        of the  Metaverse,  enabled  by  Nokia’s  state-of-the-art  5G  Uplink   incorporated into the Dimensity SoC series. The demo used the
        Carrier Aggregation (CA) technology, TPG Telecom’s commercial   combination of a 15 MHz carrier on the 700 MHz band (n28) and
        5G network  and MediaTek’s 5G mobile chipset  technology.  The   a 90 MHz carrier on the 3.6 GHz band (n78) using Uplink Carrier
        demonstration highlighted how CA technology can transform the   Aggregation technology to achieve a peak uplink throughput of 159
        experience of watching TV, movies and sports, and took place at   Mbps. During the demonstration, Leslie Shannon, Nokia’s Head of
        Nokia’s  5G  Futures  Lab, Sydney, Australia.  By  combining two or   Trend and Innovation Scouting gave a talk about the future of the
        more sub-6 GHz frequency bands, Nokia’s CA technology delivers   Metaverse. The talk covered how 360-degree video livestreamed
        optimized  5G  uplink  speeds,  enabling  real-time  transmission   over  5G  is  a  key  component of  some  Industrial  Metaverse
        of high-quality  360-degree  video.  The  demo utilized  solutions   experiences,  allowing workers, for example,  to view a  remote
        from  Nokia’s  latest  energy-efficient  AirScale  portfolio  including   location through a VR headset while remotely controlling a robot
        baseband,  massive  MIMO, and Remote  Radio  Head  products,   in that location doing a potentially dangerous job, such as handling

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