Page 24 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2023
P. 24


                                             Successful Entry into Service of The Multi-Mission

                                             EUTELSAT 10B Satellite

        Eutelsat  Communications  (Euronext  Paris: ETL)  announces  the   10B satellite will boost our global connectivity services with High
        successful  entry  into  service  of  the  multi-mission  high-capacity   Throughput  capacity,  to  meet  increasing  in-flight  and  maritime
        EUTELSAT 10B satellite at the 10°East orbital position. Responding   demand. EUTELSAT 10B’s Ku-band payload complements the Ka-
        to strong growth in  demand for mobile connectivity, EUTELSAT   band of the EUTELSAT KONNECT VHTS satellite, that will enter into
        10B is  carrying  two multi-beam  High-Throughput Satellite (HTS)   service progressively in Autumn, reflecting our ability to serve our
        Ku-band payloads: a payload covering the North Atlantic corridor,   customers in both Ka- and Ku-bands with the best-in-class space
        Europe, the  Mediterranean  basin,  and  the  Middle  East,  offering   assets.  Moreover, this  satellite  brings  innovative  new  resources
        significant throughput in the busiest air and sea traffic zones, and   that  will  be  able  to complement  Eutelsat’s  GEO-LEO  offering.”
        a second payload to extend coverage across the Atlantic Ocean,   EUTELSAT 10B is also carrying two widebeam payloads in C-band
        Africa, and the Indian Ocean. Firm multi-year capacity commitments   and in Ku-band to ensure continuity of the video services on the
        are secured with several leading maritime and in-flight connectivity   EUTELSAT 10A satellite, whose operational life is scheduled to end
        service providers, - and discussions are well advanced with others.   later this year. The 10° East location that EUTELSAT 10B occupies
        These  partners,  such  as  Panasonic  and  Intelsat,  will  rely  on   has been operated by Eutelsat since 1987 and provides unrivalled
        EUTELSAT 10B to provide ships and airlines with mobile connectivity   coverage of Europe, the Middle East and Africa for video services.
        services, in air and at sea, for passengers and crews. EUTELSAT   Historic clients such as Arqiva and Eurovision will be able to benefit
        10B will also cater Eutelsat ADVANCE services, a global network   from the  newest  resources  and  enhanced  services  at  10°  East.
        of unparalleled coverage providing high-end connectivity to users   Laurence  Delpy,  General  Manager  for the  Video  Business  Unit,
        beyond  the  range  of terrestrial  networks, through an  innovative   said: “With EUTELSAT 10B we are bringing the newest resources
        satellite  network-as-a-service experience.  Cyril  Dujardin,  General   and enhanced services to 10° East, one of Eutelsat’s long-standing,
        Manager  for the  Connectivity  Business  Unit,  said:  "EUTELSAT   leading orbital locations and a key position for professional video
                                                               networks. Satellite maintains an integral role in the media supply
                                                               chain, particularly to support the live transmission of major news
                                                               and  sporting  events.  Our  clients  can  look  forward  to  an  ever-
                                                               better  service with this  powerful new satellite.” EUTELSAT 10B
                                                               is  an  all-electric  satellite  with  a  powerful  5th  generation  digital
                                                               transparent processor, offering capacity allocation flexibility and
                                                               an optimal spectrum use. Built by Thales Alenia Space and based
                                                               on  the  Spacebus NEO  platform, the  satellite  was  launched  on
                                                               23 November 2022 from Cape Canaveral, Florida. A state-of-the-
                                                               art  technological  mastery, on  a  par with  the  coming EUTELSAT
                                                               KONNECT VHTS satellite,  EUTELSAT10B  brings  unparalleled
                                                               cutting-edge in-orbit assets to Eutelsat’s fleet.

        AVS Leverages Optimum Coverage of EUTELSAT 65 West A Satellite Over
        Brazil to Expand Broadcast Services

        AVS, a  leading  Brazilian  service  provider  and  integrator in  the   VP, Media Sales Americas, said: "We are delighted to support this
        public  and  private  sectors, has  signed  multiple  contracts  with   partnership with AVS through EUTELSAT 65 West A. Our 'Planned C
        Eutelsat  Communications (Euronext  Paris:  ETL)  for capacity  on   Band' solution offers a transparent and cost-effective proposition
        its  EUTELSAT  65  West  A  satellite. This  partnership  has  allowed
        AVS to deploy public channels  such as  TV ALEPR,  TV ALESC,
        TV  ALEPE and  TV  ALBA on  the  EUTELSAT  65  West  A satellite,
        avoiding interference generated by the activation of 5G, underway
        in  the country. Brazil  is  implementing  5G  in  the  3.5  GHz  band,
        which  is  currently  used  to  support  satellite  TV  services  in  the
        C-band. The planned C-band of EUTELSAT 65 West A is a single
        frequency band with  a frequency range  between  4  .5GHz  to
        4.8GHz, operating at 800MHz above the 5G operating frequencies
        in  Brazil.  Consequently,  EUTELSAT  65  West  A  allows  for cost-
        effective geographic expansion for broadcasters, as filters do not
        need to be installed to avoid 5G interference. Commenting on the
        contracts, José Ignacio González-Núñez, Eutelsat Senior Regional
                                                                                                  24  JULY-AUGUST 2023
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