Page 15 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2023
P. 15


        Omantel Celebrates Triple Win at Global Carrier Community Awards in

        Berlin, Emphasizing Strong Leadership and Industry Excellence

        Omantel, the leading provider of integrated
        telecommunication  services  in  the
        Sultanate  of Oman,  scored  an  enormous
        victory  at  the  prestigious  Global  Carrier
        Community Awards recently held in Berlin,
        winning  three  significant  titles.  Sohail
        Qadir, former VP of Wholesale at Omantel
        and  recently  appointed  CEO  of Zain
        Omantel  International  (ZOI  - Omantel  and
        Zain Group’s new joint venture specialized
        in  global  wholesale  business),  was
        recognized  as  the  'Most  Influential  and
        Inspirational  Wholesale  Executive of the
        Year'. Qadir’s leadership  has  been  pivotal   'Telecom and  Tech Woman of the  Year.'   was recognized as  the  company bagged
        in  launching  and  driving  ZOI,  positioning   This achievement marks Al Ghabshi as the   the  'Best Subsea Cable  Operator  of the
        the  company  for even  greater success   first Middle Eastern woman to receive this   Year' award.  This  recognition  celebrates
        in  the  international  wholesale domain.   prestigious award, an honor that testifies to   Omantel's  comprehensive  international
        Commenting  on  the  achievement,  Qadir   her instrumental role in  driving Omantel's   wholesale  network, with  the  majority of
        said, "This recognition is a testament to the   expansion in the global wholesale domain.   subsea cables that connect the region with
        strong  foundation  that  Omantel  has  built   “I am truly honored to receive this award.   the  rest  of  the  world passing  through  it.
        over the years. As we transition into the new   I have only joined the  wholesale  industry   These triple awards stand as a testament to
        era of ZOI, we are poised to take this legacy   back in 2019 but it has been a fast-learning   Omantel's  robust  and  influential  presence
        forward, combined  with  Zain’s extensive   journey  since  then.  I  would like  to  thank   in  the  wholesale  industry, its  dedication
        regional presence and success in the retail   Omantel,  management,  colleagues,  and   to  gender  diversity  and  equality,  and  the
        and digital arenas, to elevate our role into a   even our wholesale customers and partners   influential leadership that continues to drive
        global powerhouse and reshape the future   for all  their  trust  and  support.  this  global   its  growth.  ZOI  is  set  to take  this  journey
        of the telecom wholesale industry. Due to   recognition marks an important milestone   forward  and  further  expand  its  presence
        its unique characteristics, ZOI has strongly   in  my career and gives  me enormous   in  the  international  wholesale  scene.  As
        positioned  itself  as the  gateway from  the   motivation  to  further  excel  and  positively   Omantel celebrates these achievements, it
        Middle  East  to the  world”.  In a historic   represent my beloved country.” Al Ghabshi   remains committed to pushing boundaries
        moment for the industry, Huda Al Ghabshi,   commented. Lastly, Omantel's unwavering   and  leading  digital  transformation  on  a
        Senior Manager of Capacity and Submarine   commitment to global  connectivity, which   global scale.
        Cables  at  Omantel,  was  awarded  the   was  demonstrated  throughout the  years,

        Omantel Reinforces the Importance of the SME Sector Through a Slew of

        Enhanced Offerings

        Omantel, the leading provider of integrated   smart  devices, and  other valuable  prizes   100,000  free  SMS  marketing  messages
        telecommunication &  ICT services in  the   in  four weekly  draws  and  a  grand  draw.   using  the  Oman  first  big  data  marketing
        Sultanate  of Oman, is  intensifying  its  fo-  The  promotion  targeted  new  subscribers   platform “TASIL”, as an incentive for SMEs
        cus on the SME sector through a slew of   to enterprise  products (such as Postpaid   to use ICT solutions and sign up for the dif-
        enhanced  offerings,  to underline  the  vital   Mobile  line,  Fixed  Broadband packages,   ferent services. Omantel is the Sultanate’s
        importance  SMEs  hold  in  Oman’s  econo-  A’amali,  ICT  services  &  etc.)  and  existing   first  and  leading  integrated  telecommuni-
        my. Among the key initiatives that were an-  customers who upgraded their plans. Spe-  cations services provider, enabling the digi-
        nounced recently  is  the  upgraded A’amali   cial  workshops  tailored  for SMEs  are  be-  tal economy to flourish, allowing new ways
        service  under  the  tagline  ‘More  business,   ing conducted on a regular basis to create   of doing business and delivering a world of
        less  worries’,  which  includes  various  bun-  awareness on using the latest technologies   information &  communications  technolo-
        dles and tailored services to SMEs to kick-  for enhancing their productivity & business   gies. While striving to ensure an optimum
        start their journey. The service gives unlim-  operations efficiency. Two main workshops   customer satisfaction, Omantel plays a key
        ited Internet and free mobile and fixed line   held so far dealt with the Internet of Things   social role to provide the required support
        calls within a company. In addition, Oman-  (IoT), Strategic Thinking, Innovation in Busi-  and  assistant  to  all  sectors  amongst  the
        tel launched a “Lucky Draw” promotion for   ness  and Key to Financial  Management.   Omani society.
        SMEs, rewarding them with travel vouchers,   Prizes were given in lucky draws, including
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