Page 160 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2022
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                         The Communications Regulatory Authority (Autorita per   other firms to deploy networks in underserved areas. In
                         le Garanzie nelle Comunicazioni, Agcom) has given the   April WINDTRE said it would transfer 7,000 rural mobile
                         green light to a proposed joint venture between WINDTRE   towers and around 50 employees to a new networks
                         and Iliad which will deploy a shared mobile network in   subsidiary and Iliad would then acquire a 50% stake,
        Italy            rural areas of the country. The watchdog says there are   with the JV used to build the shared 5G infrastructure.
                                                                        The towers cover around 25% of Italy’s population.
                         no issues regarding competition, saying the tie-up will
                         be of benefit to rural customers and could encourage   (August 10, 2022)

                         The Ministry  of Internal Affairs and Communications   plans for further  spectrum  allocations. In a keynote,
                         (MIC) has issued  an administrative guidance  to   Atsushi Umino, Deputy Director-General for International
                         mobile  network  operator  (MNO) KDDI Corp,  ordering   Digital Infrastructure Promotion at Japan’s Ministry
                         it to take measures to prevent a repeat of the recent   of International  Affairs and Communications  set the
        Japan            network failure that left more than 30.91 million KDDI   target of achieving 98 per cent 5G population coverage
                                                                        nationwide by end-March 2024. Japan plans to begin
                         customers without services for 61 hours. The outage –
                         which was sparked after KDDI initiated routine network   assigning spectrum in the 2.3GHz band later this year
                         maintenance – occurred on 2 July and lasted until 4   and triple allocations across all  compatible  bands in
                         July. On 3 August the MIC took the ‘rare’ decision to   2025. Umino added the government will also introduce
                         issue the MNO  with a warning  to ensure it does  not   a  process  for prioritizing  remote  areas currently
                         happen again. ‘We took the incident extremely seriously   unsuited for commercial base station deployments and
                         as it was longer and more widespread than past network   provide financial support to promote 5G development,
                         disruptions,’ said telecoms minister Yasushi Kaneko in   with the aim of closing the coverage gap. In addition,
                         handing  out the written guidance. The  minister went   it will promote infrastructure sharing by setting subsidy
                         on to state that KDDI ‘should make the utmost efforts   requirements for operators. The government  also
                         to avoid a  recurrence  with the full awareness  that it   laid out plans to decentralize data centers to improve
                         plays  a  crucial  role in supporting essential societal   resilience and add redundancy. Tokyo houses 60 per
                         infrastructure’. Meanwhile, in the wake of the network   cent of Japan’s data centers: the government plans to
                         failure the MIC is drawing up new telecom policy, due   build more than 12 regional data centers over the next
                         by end-2022, to ensure end users will remain connected   five years. The initiatives are part of efforts unveiled in
                         in an outage by allowing them to connect to another   March to  boost  cooperation  between the public and
                         operator’s network. (August 4, 2022)  private sectors to revitalize rural economies, which have
                                                                        faced depopulation as people migrate to major cities
                         Japan prepared for an expected surge in demand for   for employment, Umino explained.
                         data  traffic  once  full  5G  deployment  is  reached  by   (August 3, 2022)
                         upping  its  near-term coverage  targets and outlining

                         The  Jersey Competition  Regulatory Authority  (JCRA)   for the supply of wholesale leased lines enabling
                         has concluded a review of competition in the market   other licensed  operators  to  migrate services while
                         for  business  connectivity,  and  ruled  that  fixed  line   also providing greater transparency  and certainty
                         incumbent JT will be required to take further steps to   for all  business users’. Commenting  on the matter,
        Jersey           open up the wholesale market to other operators and   Peter Hetherington, Senior Economic Case Officer for
                         will continue to be subject to price controls. According   the JCRA,  said: ‘Business connectivity  services are
                         to  the  regulator,  by  directing  JT  to  supply wholesale   vital in supporting the Jersey economy and ensuring
                         leased lines to other operators, it is ‘promoting effective   it continues  to grow and remain competitive. This
                         competition  and choice  in the market’.  Of  note,  the   consultation was an extremely important and valuable
                         JCRA  has  confirmed  that  the  price  at  which  JT  can   exercise that  has  resulted  in better competition  in
                         offer wholesale leased lines to  other operators  is  to   the business connectivity  market that  will  lead to
                         be capped at 31% below the retail price, which it said   increased choice, lower prices, and improved benefits
                         equates to a further reduction of 11% on JT’s current   for customers.’
                         wholesale  prices. Meanwhile,  the regulator  claims to   (July 20, 2022)
                         have developed ‘a more robust regulatory framework

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