Page 158 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2022
P. 158


                         The government  has  ordered  state-owned telco   billion on pan-India  3.5GHz  and 26GHz  spectrum
                         Bharat  Sanchar  Nigam Limited  (BSNL) to only work   alongside  900MHz  (three circles),  1800MHz  (six
                         with domestic vendors for its 4G and 5G projects, the   circles) and 2100MHz  (six  circles) blocks.  Regarding
                         Times of India writes.  The localization effort  is  part   its  strategy,  in  particular its  decision  to  eschew  the
        India            of the government’s ‘Make in India’ policy, which aims   700MHz band, Airtel CEO Gopal Vittal was quoted as
                                                                        saying: ‘This spectrum acquisition … has been a part of
                         to  fuel the growth and development  of the country’s
                         manufacturing industry by encouraging the use of goods   a deliberate strategy to buy the best spectrum assets
                         and services produced in India. During discussions with   at  a  substantially  lower relative  cost compared to
                         BSNL’s management, communications minister Ashwini   our competition. This will allow us to raise the bar on
                         Vaishnaw was quoted as saying of the operator’s long-  innovation and address the emerging needs of every
                         delayed network upgrade and expansion plans: ‘We are   discerning customer who demands the best experience
                         infusing so much money (through the revival package)   in India.’ Vi’s total spend amounted to INR187.8 billion
                         because BSNL is as strategic company in a strategic   and included the purchase of 5G spectrum in the 3.5GHz
                         sector. In a strategic public sector undertaking (PSU),   band for 17 circles and the 26GHz band in 16 circles. Vi
                         we will use only trusted inputs and technologies which   also acquired additional 4G spectrum in three circles:
                         are “Made in India” under the ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’ [self-  1800MHz and 2500MHz spectrum in Andhra Pradesh;
                         reliant India] program.’ The official went on to dismiss   2100MHz  spectrum  in Karnataka;  and 2500MHz  in
                         doubts regarding the reliability  of  locally  developed   Punjab. Finally, Adani paid a total of INR2.1 billion for
                         solutions, saying that some ‘teething problems’ were to   26GHz licenses in six circles: Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat,
                         be expected but would be addressed and improved over   Karnataka, Mumbai, Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu.
                         time.  The government  last  month approved a  revival   (August 2, 2022)
                         package for BSNL valued at more than USD20 billion,
                         including funds for the allocation of 4G airwaves and   The Department of Telecommunications  (DoT) has
                         the rollout of 4G infrastructure.              published  a  consultation  paper  on the need  for an
                         (August 15, 2022)          overhaul of the legal framework governing the country’s
                                                                        telecommunications  industry.  The short  document
                         India has completed its 5G spectrum auction, which saw   argues that, in light of the rate of change in the market
                         the four bidders – Reliance Jio Infocomm (Jio), Bharti   in recent  years, there is  a  need for the regulatory
                         Airtel, Vodafone  Idea  (Vi) and Adani Data  Networks   environment to  be updated  to  keep pace with  those
                         –  spend  a  total  of  INR1.5  trillion  (USD18.97  billion)   developments.  The  DoT’s  paper provides little in the
                         on frequencies  in the 700MHz, 800MHz,  1800MHz,   way of specific proposals and the ministry has invited
                         2100MHz,  3.5GHz  and 26GHz  bands. There were   comments  from industry  stakeholders  by  25  August
                         few surprises in terms of bidding, with mobile market   2022. In terms of specific plans, DoT said that the new
                         leaders Jio and Airtel spending heavily to shore up their   law  should simplify  the regulatory  framework  whilst
                         4G spectrum holdings and prepare for their respective   providing for continuity of existing rules and guidelines
                         5G launches,  whilst  cash-strapped  Vi bid more   to  minimize  disruption and promote investment. In
                         conservatively on 5G airwaves in selected markets, and   particular,  the new law should not modify terms and
                         newcomer Adani acquired 5G frequencies in a handful of   conditions with retrospective effect in a way that would
                         selected markets. Notably, the sale saw the Department   negatively impact those affected by the change. The
                         of Telecommunications (DoT) finally offload a portion of   new law should also provide for the licensing of new
                         700MHz frequencies, after its previous two attempts to   players within the value chain such as infrastructure
                         sell spectrum in that band failed due to the high reserve   providers, Right of Way  (RoW) providers and service
                         prices set by the government. Prices for the sub-GHz   providers. The  paper highlights  seven  key areas that
                         band were still set too high for most of the participants,   need to be addressed, the majority of which have been
                         however, and only Jio bid for the frequencies, securing   contentious issues over the last decade. The topics in
                         2×10MHz nationwide. Jio’s total spend at the auction   question  are: spectrum  management,  which the DoT
                         was  INR880.8  billion,  nearly half of which  (INR364   says should be more flexible; RoW, with the development
                         billion) was  from  its  pan-India  700MHz  purchase. In   of common ducts and an effective dispute resolution
                         addition to the 700MHz band, Jio also acquired pan-  process  to be priorities;  the scope  of the Universal
                         India  spectrum  in the 3.5GHz  and 26GHz  ranges, as   Service Obligation Fund (USOF); the development of a
                         well as 800MHz airwaves in four circles and 1800MHz   system to ensure that penalties  are proportionate  to
                         in six.  In  a  statement  following  the auction,  Jio said   offences; public safety and national security, including
                         that  it  was  prepared for a  rapid  5G  rollout: ‘Jio has   provisions for national emergencies and an update set
                         acquired a unique combination of low-band, mid-band   of  safety  standards  for  equipment;  the  simplification
                         and mmWave spectrum, which coupled with our deep   of the  procedures for mergers  and  acquisitions;  and
                         fiber network and indigenous technology platforms will   provisions for insolvency with regards to continuity of
                         enable us to provide “5G Everywhere” and “5G For All”.’   service and spectrum rights.
                         For its part, meanwhile, Airtel spent a total of INR430.8    (July 25, 2022)

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