Page 164 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2022
P. 164


                         A  recent  meeting  of Russia’s  State  Commission for   2020 MTS was awarded a commercial nationwide 5G
                         Radio Frequencies (SCRF) under the Ministry of Digital   mmWave license in the 24.25GHz-24.65GHz  band
                         Development, Communications & Mass Media resolved   (within the ‘n258/26000’ official band), valid for five years,
                         to transfer millimeter wave (mmWave) frequencies in   although MTS admitted that requirements for Russian-
        Russia           the 24.25GHz-27.5GHz band from existing radio relay   produced  equipment might restrict its  development
                         station  usage to  5G  access networks.  The Ministry
                                                                        of services in the band. Temporary  trial  5G permits
                         has developed  proposals for amending  the national   have meanwhile  been  issued for other  frequencies
                         frequency  table in accordance  with the  resolution.   in the 25.25GHz-27.5GHz  range, supporting pilot/
                         Furthermore, a resolution was reached to proceed with   test networks for operators including MTS, MegaFon,
                         plans to allocate the ‘4GHz’  band to public  wireless   Rostelecom/Tele2 and Beeline,  while MTS currently
                         services usage to help support network operators’ 5G   operates  a  4.9GHz  5G  user pilot  in several cities.
                         rollouts. Initiatives may  come into force from 2023   Furthermore, in December 2021 the SCRF allocated the
                         onwards.  The  Ministry  also  clarified  that  all  such   4400MHz-4555MHz and 4630MHz-4990MHz bands to
                         developments should be implemented using Russian-  the multi-operator New Digital Solutions joint venture
                         produced base stations only. Only a small part of the   under a two-year test permit.
                         mmWave band has so far been released for 5G: in July   (July 8, 2022) TelecomDaily

                         The  Independent  Communications  Authority  of   bands within the designated  frequency  ranges is  to
                         South Africa (Icasa)  has  begun  the process of   increase nationwide broadband access for all citizens
                         making  more radio frequency  spectrum  available  to   by 2025. “The Authority reiterates its determination to
                         telecommunications  operators  who want to provide   support the development and uptake of IMT services
        South Africa     broadband services. Icasa said that the purpose of the   for  the  benefit  of  economic  growth,  job  creation  and
                         notice is to solicit views from interested stakeholders   access by the people of South Africa to online services,
                         regarding the IMT radio frequency spectrum bands to   information and  communication.  The current IMT
                         be considered by  Icasa further stated that the second   Roadmap process and the Long-term Spectrum Outlook
                         phase of the IMT Spectrum  licensing  process  will   consultation  signal the Authority’s commitment  to
                         provide additional capacity to licensees in order to meet   making the necessary spectrum available in an orderly
                         the continuous demand for capacity growth in mobile   and timely fashion,”  Icasa  said  in a  statement. “The
                         services. The authority said that this will also contribute   current information memorandum is primarily focused
                         towards achieving the capabilities and requirements of   to proceed with the licensing of the unsold “Lot 9” in
                         IMT-2020 systems and beyond for the deployment of   the 800 MHz  radio frequency  band,  resultant from
                         Fifth Generation (5G) Networks in order to achieve the   the inaugural auction, and those mid band IMT radio
                         South Africa Connect targets, as well as to contribute   frequency channels that are currently and immediately
                         to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.   available", Councillor Peter Zimri of Icasa said.
                         The main aim of licensing the low and mid frequency   (August 21, 2022)

                         South  Korea’s  Ministry  of Science  and ICT  (MSIT)   3.42GHz),  having reviewed the  usage plans  for the
                         has  confirmed  it  plans  to  award  new  5G  suitable   spectrum  submitted  by the  MNO  last  month. Earlier
                         frequencies  to  mobile network operator (MNO)  LG   this month the MSIT revealed that LG Uplus was the
                         Uplus. In December 2021 the MSIT said it would open   only company to  have  applied for the frequencies  in
        South Korea      bidding for a 20MHz block of spectrum in the 3.5GHz   question. According to local press reports, meanwhile,
                         band (3.40GHz-3.42GHz),  following  a  request  by  LG   it is understood that LG Uplus will pay KRW152.1 billion
                         Uplus, before subsequently stating the new frequencies   for its new spectrum, with the frequency allocation itself
                         would be priced at KRW135.5 billion (USD113 million).   to be valid between 1 November 2022 and 30 November
                         However, in February 2022 it delayed the awarding of   2028. Of note, as part of the spectrum award LG Uplus
                         the frequencies  amid a continued  dispute  between   has agreed to an obligation under which it must have
                         operators related to the terms of the frequency sale.   constructed a total of 130,000 5G base stations by the
                         Now, in a press release confirming its decision regarding   end of this year, rising to 150,000 by the end of 2025.
                         the spectrum allocation, the MSIT said it plans to award   (July 15, 2022)
                         LG Uplus a 20MHz block in the 3.4GHz band (3.40GHz-

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