Page 159 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2022
P. 159


                         The Commission for Communications Regulation   lenge to ComReg’s December 2020 decision to auction
                         (ComReg) has launched a consultation on a proposal to   the rights across the 700MHz, 2100MHz, 2300MHz and
                         issue short-term licenses for spectrum in the 700MHz   2.6GHz spectrum bands. With the sale process set to
                         and  2100MHz,  as  it  seeks  to  avoid  ‘significant  con-  utilize a ‘combinatorial clock’ format – whereby partic-
        Ireland          sumer disruption’. With existing concessions in these   ipants bid on generic lots of spectrum, rather than indi-
                                                                        vidual lots – Three has claimed this format would put it
                         bands scheduled to expire in October 2022, the regula-
                         tor had hoped to have concluded a planned multi-band   at a competitive disadvantage.
                         spectrum auction of 700MHz, 2100MHz, 2300MHz and   (August 3, 2022)
                         2.6GHz  frequencies  prior to that  date.  However,  last
                         month the High Court issued a stay order preventing the   The Commission for Communications Regulation (Com-
                         auction from proceeding, following an appeal against   Reg) has announced that the High Court has made an
                         the regulator’s plans for the sale process by local cellco   order granting a stay on the auction of spectrum in sev-
                         Three Ireland. Now, with a view to ensuring the auction   eral bands which had been scheduled to get underway
                         delay does not impact consumers, ComReg has pro-  today (25 July). Earlier this month Three Ireland asked
                         posed putting in place a short-term (up to six months)   the High Court to halt the multi-band spectrum auction
                         licensing  framework for 700MHz  and 2100MHz  fre-  while it awaited judgment on its main challenge to Com-
                         quencies from 2 October 2022. In terms of proposed   Reg’s December 2020 decision  to auction  the rights
                         fees, the regulator intends to charge EUR401,000 per   across the 700MHz, 2100MHz, 2300MHz and 2.6GHz
                         2×5MHz block in the 700MHz band for a three-month   spectrum bands. With the sale process set to utilize a
                         period  and  EUR212,000 for  the same size block  of   ‘combinatorial clock’ format – whereby participants bid
                         2100MHz spectrum. Further, as part of an accelerated   on generic lots of spectrum, rather than individual lots –
                         consultation process, it is calling for input from interest-  Three claimed this format would put it at a competitive
                         ed parties by 31 August 2022, while it envisages issuing   disadvantage. Now, issuing a press release regarding
                         a final decision and final draft regulations by mid-Sep-  the High Court’s ruling, ComReg noted that the stay has
                         tember 2022. (August 25, 2022)  been granted ‘subject to Three providing certain under-
                                                                        takings’, while Mr. Justice McDonald was said to have
                         Following the news that Ireland’s High Court had last   expressed the view that the stay will remain in place
                         month had made an order granting a stay on the auction   ‘for no more than a few months. That being said, with
                         of spectrum in several bands which had been scheduled   ComReg noting that the effect of this judgment is that
                         to start on 25 July 2022, the Commission for Communi-  its multi-band spectrum auction is now effectively sus-
                         cations Regulation (ComReg) has now launched an ap-  pended from progressing any further pending a final rul-
                         peal against that ruling. In a press release announcing   ing, it has suggested that is unlikely to be able to issue
                         the development, ComReg confirmed it had lodged its   new long-term licenses in advance of existing conces-
                         appeal on 25 July, while noting that on 29 July the Court   sion expiring on 15 October 2022. Given that, the regula-
                         of Appeal made directions setting down the appeal for   tor is seeking submissions to a consultation in which it
                         hearing on 19 October 2022. Three Ireland asked the   has proposed the issuing of short-term rights of use for
                         High Court to halt the multi-band spectrum auction in   spectrum in the 2100MHz band.(July 25, 2022)
                         early July, while it awaited judgment on its main chal-

                         Having opened  a  consultation  on new Electronic   said it was satisfied there were no ‘substantive’ issues
                         Communications  Licenses in  March 2022,  the Isle   with the licenses and has pressed ahead with releasing
                         of Man’s Communications  and Utilities  Regulatory   the draft concessions for review. Previously, the CURA
                         Authority (CURA) has now released draft concessions.   stated that the country’s new overarching legislation –
        Isle of Man      In an Information Notice  regarding  the CURA said   the Communications Act 2021, passed in April 2021 –
                         that these draft licenses will be available for a 14-day   created ‘a need for a revision of the Authority’s policy
                         period for review and for license holders to notify it of   in terms of issuing licenses, specifically to modernize
                         any issues. Following this period, the new concessions   its approach to licensing services to bring the licensing
                         will  be  officially  assigned.  According  to  the  CURA,  it   regime in the Isle of Man in line with international best
                         received just  a  single response to its  consultation   practice’. To that end, three main policy changes had
                         related to the new licenses,  that being  from Manx   been proposed by the regulator, those being: for licenses
                         Telecom. However, the regulator said that this response   to have a specific end date as opposed to the current
                         ‘did not comment on any of the specifics in the licenses   position whereby concessions were revocable on one
                         and instead, in the opinion of the Authority, sought to re-  year’s notice; that the distinction between ISP and ‘full’
                         open a closed consultation on the principles and policy   telecommunications licenses would be removed; and
                         underpinning the new licenses and also discussed the   for fees to be levied at the same proportion and turnover
                         Authority’s licensing policy, alleging the Authority was   as in an ISP license. (July 27, 2022)
                         not following  previous practice’.  As such,  the CURA
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