Page 130 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2022
P. 130


        CITC Performed the Globally First Live Demo of the AFC System to Enable

        Wi-Fi 6E Technology

                                                                                 The Communications  and Information
                                                                                 Technology Commission has performed the
                                                                                 first global live demo of an end-to-end AFC
                                                                                 system to enable WiFi 6E technology, which
                                                                                 aims to enable outdoor WiFi 6E usage, in
                                                                                 collaboration  with  HPE  and Federated
                                                                                 Wireless. This trial is a continuation  of
                                                                                 Saudi Arabia’s  global leadership  as  the
                                                                                 country with largest amount of license-
                                                                                 exempt  spectrum  globally  and  the  first
                                                                                 country in Europe, Middle East and Africa to
                                                                                 make the entire 6 GHz band license-exempt.
                                                                                 The demo is  an  important  milestone  for
                                                                                 adopting  the data-driven of spectrum
                                                                                 smart management in Saudi Arabia as well
                                                                                 as expanding the capabilities of WiFi 6E to
                                                                                 enable the full realization of the potential of
                                                                                 WiFi technologies while protecting existing
                                                                                 users in the band, in addition to expanding
                                                                                 collaboration  between  the commission
                                                                                 and its  global  partners. The  commission
                                                                                 also seeks  to adopt  the  latest spectrum
                                                                                 management  systems and technologies
                                                                                 to further enhance the quality of wireless
                                                                                 services such as  public  WiFi  and enable
                                                                                 the widespread adoption of WiFi 6E across
                                                                                 Saudi Arabia.  These efforts  are also  a
                                                                                 continuation  of CITC’s global leadership
                                                                                 in wireless technologies  and  WiFi  6E,
                                                                                 in  line with  its  mandate to  support  the
                                                                                 digital transformation of KSA as its digital

        WOM Closes Avantel Long-Running Merger

        The   long-running  merger  between  on  22 August. Back in May 2021 mobile
        Colombian  sister companies  Partners   newcomer  WOM  announced  plans to
        Telecom  Colombia (WOM)  and Avantel   stage a ‘merger by absorption’ of its sister
        closed  on 19  August,  after belatedly   company, Avantel. WOM  was  created  by
        receiving  the  green-light  from  the  Icelandic-owned, UK-based private equity
        Superintendency    of    Companies   firm  Novator  Partners  in  2019  to  bid  in
        (Superintendencia  de Sociedades) on 14   the country’s multiband spectrum auction.
        July.  WOM  has  urged Avantel customers   Subsequently, in July 2020 it was confirmed
        to swap their SIM card free of charge at a   that Novator had acquired an unspecified
        WOM retail branch ahead of 26 September,   majority stake in debt-wracked local telco
        at which point ‘Avantel will cease to exist   Avantel and launched a restructuring of the
        as an operator’. The ability to recharge pre-  business.
        paid subscription balances was scrapped

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