Page 131 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2022
P. 131


        DoT Updates RoW Rules to Accelerate 5G Rollout

        India’s Department of Telecommunications   thorities for the installation of telecom in-  submitted via the DoT’s portal and adjusted
        (DoT) has  amended  the rules concerning   frastructure over private property as long   the administrative fees related to RoW. Dis-
        Right of  Way  (RoW) with  the intention  of   as written notice is given beforehand along   cussing the amendment, Telecom Minister
        accelerating 5G network construction. The   with  certification  from  a  structural  engi-  Ashwini Vaishnaw said: ‘5G requires more
        amendment introduces new rules that set   neer attesting to the structural safety of the   towers,  poles,  fiber  and  bandwidth.  This
        out the conditions and fees for the use of   building where the mobile tower or pole is to   will require the telecom industry to launch
        street furniture, the installation of small   be established. In addition, the amendment   more  telecom  infrastructure.’  The  official
        cells and telephone lines and establishes   clarified  elements  of  the  existing  rules,   went on to note  that the introduction  of
        that  permission is  not required  from au-  which require that all RoW applications are   the central portal for RoW had led to a sub-
                                                                                 stantial reduction in approval time for ap-
                                                                                 plications in the areas where the rules have
                                                                                 been  fully  implemented,  from 435  days
                                                                                 in 2019 to 16 days in July 2022. The min-
                                                                                 ister also claimed that 5G services would
                                                                                 be launched in major cities by October this
                                                                                 year,  following which deployments  would
                                                                                 be accelerated  to  cover sub-urban and
                                                                                 rural areas.  The Economic  Times quotes
                                                                                 SP Kochhar, DG of industry group Cellular
                                                                                 Operators Association of India  (COAI) as
                                                                                 saying of the amendment: ‘Access to the
                                                                                 existing infrastructure, deployment of new
                                                                                 infrastructure and the high cost involved in
                                                                                 it were major challenges the telecom sec-
                                                                                 tor always came across, which will now be
                                                                                 eased down with the new RoW rules.’

        3.5GHz 5G Permitted in Four More State Capitals; Other Locations Postponed

        Until 28 October

        Brazil’s National Telecommunications Agency (Agencia Nacional   er state capitals to 28 October, as suggested by the government’s
        de Telecomunicacoes, Anatel) has confirmed that the country’s   Group for the Implementation of Solutions for Interference Prob-
        national mobile operators are able to launch Standalone (SA) 5G   lems (Grupo de Acompanhamento da Implantacao das Solucoes
        services using the 3.5GHz frequency band in a further four state   para os Problemas de Interferencia, GAISPI). Brasilia was the first
        capitals a week ahead of schedule. Florianopolis (Santa Catarina),   location green-lit for SA 5G, with Vivo, TIM and Claro all switching
        Palmas (Tocantins), Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro) and Vitoria   on services during the week commencing 4 July. Belo Horizonte,
        (Espirito Santo) all received the green light on Thursday 18 August   Joao Pessoa, Porto Alegre were next in line (29 July), with Sao Pau-
        and 5G services can be switched on from Monday 22 August. In   lo following on 4 August, and Curitiba, Goiania and Salvador joining
        a related development, Anatel’s Board of Directors has approved   them on 16 August.
        the postponement of the release date for 5G frequencies in all oth-

        Macau Readies 5G Sale After 2 Operators Line Up

        The Macau  Post and Telecommunications  Bureau (CTT)   part. The CTT explained the next step will be to open the bidding
        indicated  two operators  expressed  interest in participating  in a   today (15 August). Efforts will then be made to carry out the award
        5G spectrum auction, although four licenses to operate the next-  and  licensing processes during  2022.  Commercial  5G  services
        generation  technology  networks are potentially  up for grabs.   are expected to be introduced in early 2023. CTM claims its 5G
        Macau Telecommunications Company (CTM) and China Telecom   network has been fully operational since June 2021. Meanwhile,
        (Macau) each  submitted  their  proposals  by the  deadline  of 12   mobile operators in Hong Kong launched 5G services in Q2 2020.
        August. SmarTone and 3 Macau appear to have opted not to take
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