Page 134 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2022
P. 134


        Romania’s ANCOM Lays Out 5G Auction Proposals

        Romanian regulator ANCOM (National Authority for Management   across all bands. The regulator has laid out its proposed alloca-
        and Regulation in Communications) has begun a consultation on   tions and reserve prices for each band. The 700MHz band will have
        its upcoming 5G spectrum  auctions. Spectrum  in the 700MHz,   six 2×5MHz blocks available at a reserve price of EUR55 million per
        1500MHz, 2600MHz and 3400MHz-3800MHz frequency bands will   lot, as well as three unpaired blocks of 5MHz SDL for EUR14 mil-
        go to auction later in the year, and ANCOM has proposed a reserve   lion per lot. In the 1500MHz band, eight unpaired blocks of 5MHz
        price of EUR694 million (USD693 million) for 555MHz of spectrum   SDL will be available for EUR6 million per lot, while in the 2600MHz
                                                               band four blocks of 2×5 MHz FDD will be up for auction with a
                                                               reserve price of EUR3.25 million per lot. Finally, 40 unpaired blocks
                                                               of 10MHz TDD will be available in the in the 3400MHz-3800MHz
                                                               band for EUR6.5 million per lot. Licenses will be valid from either
                                                               2023 or 2026, with a validity period of 20 years. This does not apply
                                                               to the 2600MHz band; there are active usage rights in this frequen-
                                                               cy which extend for another six years and three months, and so
                                                               permits for this band that are sold in the upcoming auctions will
                                                               be aligned with these. ANCOM’s draft proposals require winning
                                                               bidders to provide broadband coverage in urban areas and along
                                                               major transport routes and hubs, as well as connecting 600 un-
                                                               derserved localities. Stakeholders have until 27th July to provide
                                                               feedback on the proposed license costs and payment terms.

        FCC Establishes ECIP  to Help Make Underutilized Spectrum  Available to

        Rural Carriers, Tribal Nations

        The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has voted to cre-
        ate a new ‘Enhanced Competition Incentive Program (ECIP)’ to es-
        tablish incentives for mobile licensees to make underutilized spec-
        trum available to small carriers, Tribal Nations and entities serving
        rural areas. The new program encourages licensees to partition,
        disaggregate or lease spectrum to better match available spec-
        trum resources with entities that seek to provide needed services
        to under-connected communities. The action builds upon Con-
        gressional goals in the ‘MOBILE NOW Act’ to incentivize beneficial
        transactions in the public interest. Transactions through the new
        program must offer at least half of the licensed spectrum from a
        given Wireless Radio Service license to an unaffiliated eligible enti-
        ty for long-term use within specific geographic parameters.

        Democrats Push for US Net Neutrality Reinstatement

        US politicians Senator Edward J. Markey, Senator Ron Wyden and   sweeping than ever. My legislation would reverse the damaging
        Representative Doris Matsui have introduced the ‘Net Neutrality   approach adopted by the Trump FCC, which left broadband access
        and Broadband Justice Act’, as they seek to classify broadband   unregulated, and consumers unprotected. It would give the FCC
        access as a ‘telecommunications service’ under Title II of the Com-  the tools it needs to protect the free and open internet, creating
        munications Act, giving the Federal Communications Commission   a just broadband future for everyone in our country.’ According to
        (FCC) the appropriate authority to reinstate net neutrality protec-  TeleGeography’s GlobalComms Database, in December 2017 the
        tions. Senator Markey commented: ‘The Net Neutrality and Broad-  FCC voted in favor of repealing Net Neutrality rules. The plan was
        band Justice Act reflects the undeniable fact that today, broad-  approved following a 3-2 vote – split along Republican-Democrat
        band is not a luxury. It is essential. That means the potential harms   party lines. As such, the FCC’s Restoring Internet Freedom Order
        that internet users face without strong net neutrality protections   took effect on 11 June 2018, scrapping the Title II rules and revert-
        and without the FCC able to exercise its proper authority are more   ing internet services to their Title I ‘information service’ status.

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