Page 125 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2022
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        The Innovation Power of O3b mPOWER

                                                               The first system of its kind, O3b mPOWER, built on the commercial
                                                               success of SES’s current O3b MEO (Middle Earth Orbit) system,
                                                               is able to constantly evolve, adapt and change to address new
                                                               customer needs, during its lifetime.

                                                               Since its unveiling in 2017, O3b mPOWER has been a strategic
                                                               initiative and major undertaking for SES, from its own engineering
                                                               and product management to collaboration with a wide range of
                                                               hardware, software and services partners.

                                                               Leading the charge from a  technology  perspective is  Stewart
                                                               Sanders, SES’s Executive Vice President of Technology and O3b
                                                               mPOWER  programme manager.  The launch of the initial  O3b
                                                               mPOWER constellation only months away, we spoke with Stewart
                                                               to better understand the power and potential of the O3b mPOWER

                                                                  O3b mPOWER’s real superpower  is its
                                                                  software  that  is  spanning  the  satellites,
                                                                  ground  stations,  modems, antennas  and
                                                                  even  through  to  the  cloud.  Our vision  for
                                                                  the  future of satellite-based  connectivity
                                                                  is that customers are able to simply order
                                                                  what  they need  depending  on  locations,
                                                                  capacity and other  service parameters

        Stewart Sanders                                           – and the  software-driven  orchestration
        Executive Vice President of Technology                    implements  the  service automatically  in
        SES                                                       real-time.

                                                               From your perspective of being at the forefront of O3b mPOWER
                                                               development, what makes it so unique and exciting?
                                                               What really excites me in O3b mPOWER, is that it was conceived as
                                                               a holistic system that encompasses space, ground and software
                                                               with unprecedented flexibility to deliver services nearly anywhere
                                                               and on-demand. With the constellation’s capacity and flexibility
                                                               being the first in the industry, O3b mPOWER opens up entirely new
                                                               capabilities and applications for customers in terms of satellite-
                                                               based connectivity.

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