Page 13 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2022
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IoT's Role in Future Industry Developments
The following are everyday devices/ the EU (see Figure 4) are on the rise. • Banking and finance: Banks will
services/jobs that would get the most By leveraging data from a multitude of expand their use of sensors and data
overhaul thanks to IoT advancement devices and sensors, smart buildings analytics to collect more data to
(Reference: AImultiple): are creating a productive environment provide us with personalized services.
• Cars: With the supply increase of 5G for the occupants by lighting, thermal • IoT in banking has the potential
network around the globe, carmakers comfort, air quality, physical security, to help consumers cultivate
will be able to take advantage of IoT’s sanitation and more at lower costs and healthy financial habits and curtail
potential to increase the production, environmental impact than buildings indulgences and improve the quality
efficiency, and safety of driverless that are not connected. of banking experience.
cars. • Machine learning: Smart home hubs, • Agriculture: Since 1990s, there has
• Smart cities: More cities will be able thermostats, lighting systems, and been a decrease in the worldwide
to automate, remotely manage, and even coffee makers collect data on employment in agriculture relative
collect data through devices like visitor your habits and patterns of usage. In to the global workforce. One reason
kiosks, video camera surveillance most cases, the data is collected to as to why that’s happened is the
systems, bike rental stations, and help facilitate training of IoT devices increase in automation and IoT related
taxis. In addition, they will invest in that leverage machine learning to technologies being used in agriculture.
more IoT ecosystems that track data improve algorithm accuracy and That has led to more food and greens
and allow for appropriate measures predictions. Having access to larger of higher quality than ever before being
to be taken for resource management, amounts of data means machines brought to our dinner tables with less
traffic control, city planning, crime can draw upon more resources to human intervention. That trend is only
curtailing, and more. make themselves more integral to our likely to continue more forcefully in the
• Smart buildings: Smart buildings in everyday lives. future.
Role of Mobile Operators in IoT prises (MSMEs) to serve bigger markets. used by refugees to find safe passage and
Development communicate with friends and family, while
With 412 million unique mobile subscrib- Meanwhile, improvements in network mobile applications are used to provide
ers and 93% mobile broadband population coverage and resilience along with higher health and education solutions to those
coverage in MENA, mobile technology con- smartphone use have better enabled the fleeing conflict.
tributes to this goal as a provider of critical region to cope with disasters and conflicts,
infrastructure and a platform that allows particularly in war-torn countries such as SDG 9 aims to build reliable infrastructure,
micro-, small and medium-sized enter- Syria and Yemen. Smartphones have been promote inclusive and sustainable