Page 10 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2022
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services quickly. Alternatively, our client
could be a CSP wanting to replace its leg-
acy BSS system to remove the restrictions
on service capacity, expand its customer
base, and support business growth.
Q. Who are the key clients that Nexign
collaborates with in the region? How are
your solutions benefiting them?
A. We have recently implemented the
Marketing Campaign Management System
for Zain Kuwait. This system represents a BI-
integrated solution for diversified campaign
management during the customer lifecycle
and allows its users to define target
segments and schedule, execute, and track
the performance of marketing campaigns.
It also enables the company to increase
response rates and the effectiveness of
sales and marketing initiatives. Now Zain
Kuwait has an excellent tool to make
targeted offerings to diverse groups of its
clients and boost customer satisfaction,
loyalty, and retention.
As a member of the SAMENA Council, Nexign receives a
lot of support in the issues of promotion, consultation, Q. What are you eyeing for the year 2022-
2023 and anticipating as a member of
and interaction with partners, and we would like to SAMENA Council?
thank the Council for its assistance. A. In our opinion, trends for digital
innovations, advanced employee
Besides, the platform is built on the for large systems with high-reliability experience, and 5G monetization will
cutting-edge open-source tech stack and requirements. continue in the upcoming years. The
microservices architecture that allows for importance of agility will also grow, and more
developing each of Neon’s components as Q. How has Nexign positioned itself for the CSPs will continue to transform towards
an individual IT product. Therefore, it could Telecom Operators of the Middle East, and the IT direction to effectively respond
be easily deployed and rapidly scaled in what is an ideal partner-of-choice profile to new market and user requirements.
accordance with new requirements and that you always seek? Additionally, telecom providers will
experiences. For example, if the HR team A. We support end-to-end digital trans- continue to focus on creating ecosystems
wants to include employee bonuses and formation by closely partnering with cus- and developing partner networks, as it will
incentive programs or add an internal tomers to solve their specific needs. Our help them optimize the value chain and
corporate market with virtual currency solutions and approaches are tailor-made find new revenue sources. As a member
to its Intranet Platform, the company no to address the requirements and goals of of the SAMENA Council, Nexign receives a
longer faces the need to add changes to its our clients, ranging from a quick launch of lot of support in the issues of promotion,
core system. Instead, new microservices a mobile business to large-scale business consultation, and interaction with partners,
are easily created to adapt to new tasks. In transformation. For instance, our target and we would like to thank the Council for
addition, if an error occurs in one module, customer could be a CSP embarked on the its assistance. We are certainly looking
the rest of the platform continues to work journey to becoming a digital service pro- forward to expanding our collaboration
correctly. This factor is vitally important vider and aiming to launch up-and-coming and working on new projects together.