Page 109 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2022
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            The number of intelligent devices in homes has increased             grapple  with skills  issues as  digital
            exponentially: by 2025,  90%  of  people  will  use  personal        become rapidly widespread. To tackle the
            assistants on their smart devices.  Intelligent devices also         skills  issue and improve organizational
            play a role in the ways consumers interact with enterprises.         agility, digital enterprises are increasingly
                                                                                 investing in technologies such as Robotic
            It is estimated  that,  during  the  pandemic,  customers            Process Automation (RPA), AI, and
            spent 25% more time with those companies whose digital               Machine Learning (ML). Organizations that
                                                                                 effectively use AI-augmented  automation
            transformation plans enabled them to quickly and easily              to boost efficiency and contain costs will
            adapt to the realities of the crisis.                                gain  a  significant  competitive  advantage
                                                                                 as the digital economy evolves.
        commerce. The Saudi Arabian government,    Thriving in the Digital Economy
        for example,  has introduced  a  digital-by-  To thrive in a digital-first world, organizations   Infrastructure Buildouts  and the Cloud:
        default and mobile-first approach to public   need to transition into digital enterprises.   Organizations seeking  to transform into
        services as part of its Smart Government   Fueled by data, a digital enterprise provides   digital  enterprises, master  data,  and
        Strategy  2020–2024.    And  e-commerce   personalized experiences  to  customers   use  intelligent  automation  often  face
        already accounts  for 17% of  all  retail   through  digital platforms,  backed  by   challenges  with their  existing,  legacy
        business in GCC, compared to the 3% share   constantly evolving and expanding digital   Information Technology (IT) environments.
        it enjoyed just five years ago.      infrastructure. However, 62% of enterprises   Most  have multiple,  disconnected  IT
                                             in the Middle East are yet to reach sufficient   systems that hinder  organization-wide
        The Future of Operations and Work: Digital   digital transformation maturity to take   change.  A digital  enterprise's  capacity
        is also changing how work is conducted,   advantage of  the digital  economy.    To   to  generate  revenue  depends  on the
        with increasingly  automated operations   get there, they  must  re-invent  business   responsiveness, scalability, and resiliency
        and location-agnostic working cultures. It is   models, create new customer experiences,   of its  infrastructure, applications, and
        predicted that, by 2025, the manufacturing   reimagine work models, and innovate with   data  resources.  Cloud-centric digital
        sector will have 103 robots for every 10,000   partners. Such efforts often face significant   infrastructure  and  applications  are
        employees.   At  the same  time, working   internal  challenges,  which  organizations   essential for any organization's transition
        culture has  experienced  a  dramatic shift   must overcome through  well-executed   into a  digital  enterprise.  Many  features
        since 2019. The hybrid work model of the   change management.            needed  for the digital economy are now
        future will not be constrained by the location                           only available in cloud-based applications,
        of employees, offices, or other resources.   Data  Use and AI-Infused Analytics: The   requiring  organizations  to  rapidly
        By  2023,  70% of G2000  organizations   success  of any  organization in  the new   modernize legacy applications into cloud-
        are expected to have deployed remote or   economic  paradigm will  depend  on   native versions, to support new customer
        hybrid-first work models that redefine work   its  capacity  to  collect,  synthesize, and   and operational use cases.
        processes.                           analyze data, as well as its ability to apply
                                             resulting insights  at  scale.  However,   Embrace the Future
        The Future of Consumers and Living: Just   most organizations struggle  to achieve   Today, a nation's future heavily depends
        as  in the workplace, digital technologies   such  success  due to the large volume   on advancements  in science,  knowledge,
        have a significant impact on homes. The   and variety  of available  data.  AI-based   innovation, and technology. Many countries
        number of intelligent devices in homes has   automation can enhance  each  step in   in the Middle  East  are nurturing  such
        increased exponentially:  by  2025,  90%  of   the business intelligence  and analytics   advancements by developing foundational
        people will use personal assistants on their   process,  from  finding  and  preparing  to   elements  —  such as  infrastructure, data,
        smart devices.  Intelligent  devices  also   exploring,  analyzing,  and acting  on  data.   and skills — through investments in critical
        play a role in the ways consumers interact   Such  solutions can also help  businesses   technology enablers like 5G, the cloud, and
        with enterprises. It is estimated that, during   re-architect into  data-native  enterprises,   AI.  For digitally  determined  enterprises
        the pandemic, customers spent 25% more   creating  superior customer  experiences   in the region that have embarked on their
        time with those companies whose digital   and making more informed decisions.   digital journeys, renewed  focus  on  these
        transformation plans  enabled  them to                                   foundational  elements  and technology
        quickly and easily adapt to the realities of   Skills Availability and Process Automation:   enablers will reveal significant opportunities
        the crisis.                          In the digital economy, organizations   to thrive in the new world.

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