Page 107 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2022
P. 107



        Toward Excellence in the Digital Economy

        Over the last two decades, digital technologies have transformed
        society at unprecedented scale, changing the ways we live, work,
        play, commute, and interact. Indeed, today, digital technology has
        the potential to make widespread social and economic advances.
        The  COVID-19 pandemic  has only reminded  us of this fact,
        teaching the world that it must build digital resiliency to prepare
        itself to better handle unforeseen, disruptive events. Going further,
        to prosper in the new world we find ourselves in, it has become
        critical for nations to understand and cater to the digital-based
        economic construct that we refer to as the digital economy. Overall,
        the digital economy as a share of the total economy has, in general,
        been growing and those countries with larger digital economies,
        relative to the whole, have proven to be more resilient.

        Defining the Digital Economy and Key Trends
        According to  the Organisation for Economic  Co-operation  and
        Development  (OECD), the digital economy  encompasses  all
        economic activities reliant on, or significantly enhanced by, digital
        inputs, including digital technologies, digital infrastructure, digital
        services, and data.  This can be taken as a broad definition. As
        such,  the emergence  and evolution of this  digital  economy  is
        characterized by three key trends.

        The Dominance of Digital Business Models: The digital economy is
        often called the platform economy due to the dominance of digital
        business models and the digital platforms that enable them. Key
        examples include the dominance of digital-native players — think
        Careem and Noon in transportation and retail — as well as the shift
        to apps and the closure of bank branches.
                                                                Safder Nazir
        The Shift from Providing Services to Creating Experiences: In the   Senior Vice President, Digital Industries
        digital economy, organizations differentiate themselves by creating   Huawei Middle East
        digital experiences for customers. For example, the public sector
        is actively pursuing a whole-of-government approach, breaking
        institutional silos to provide a  seamless digital experience  to
        citizens through initiatives such as national government service
        portals, customer journeys, national digital identities, and more.

        The Rise of Industry Ecosystems: In the digital economy, traditional
        and linear value chains,  with limited partner  engagement,
        have given way  to scaled-up,  integrated  ecosystems  that  use
        software platforms to deliver value. For example, leading banks

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