Page 108 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2022
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        are engaging with  Financial  Technology   economic  growth and urbanization have   in the country  has  already fallen, by  34%
        (FinTech)  pioneers to enhance services   created  economic divides  within national   between  2016 and  2020, coinciding  with
        and  innovate  rapidly  within  the  financial   boundaries. However, the rise of the digital   the launch of several digital banks, such as
        services industry.                   economy has revitalized efforts to bridge   Liv., E20., NEO, NEOBiz, and CBD Now.
                                             the gap. For example, Huawei's TECH4ALL
        The Importance of the Digital Economy in   digital inclusion initiative aims to improve   Today,  every  GCC country  has  a  national
        the Post-Pandemic World              levels  of  education,  environmental  vision focusing on  the  development  of
        Today, the impact of digital is  visible   protection,  and healthcare, as  well as   non-oil  sectors for economic growth,
        everywhere, from  accessing  essential   promote more balanced  development,   local value and employment creation, and
        services and purchasing products through   through clear actions: making  digital   social development. National leaders have
        digital platforms, to  the shift to  virtual   technologies  more affordable,  improving   recognized the importance of the digital
        methods  of learning  and working. The   wider society's digital skillset, and   economy  in  achieving such visions.  For
        digital economy is of particular importance   creating digital  ecosystems that  help   example, Saudi  Arabia  has  launched  a
        to national leadership because of its impact   developers build applications for different   Digital Economy Policy that aims to have
        in three key areas.                  communities.                        the digital  economy's  GDP share on par
                                                                                 with other leading global economies.  A
        Economic  Growth: As we've already   The Implications for the Middle East  little further east, the UAE plans to double
        touched on, digital economies have become   The  Middle  East  has  made  significant   the size  of its  digital  economy  in just  10
        significant contributors to Gross Domestic   progress in the  adoption  of digital   years.  Indeed, all of the countries of the
        Product (GDP). China's digital economy, for   technologies over the last decade. Mobile   region have undertaken initiatives to realize
        example,  was valued  at US$5.4 trillion in   broadband  penetration  across  Gulf  ambitious policy goals, focusing on data,
        2020, contributing to 40% of the country's   Cooperation Council (GCC) countries is now   Artificial  Intelligence  (AI),  the  cloud,  and
        total  GDP.  Significantly,  it  helped  the   at 100%  and more than 50% of consumers   5G-enabled services.
        country overcome the challenges posed by   in the region already shop online. In the UAE,
        the COVID-19 pandemic, contributing to an   80% of digital payments are contactless.    The Future of the Digital Economy
        overall growth in GDP of 9.6%.       With  respect to  the prevalence  of digital   Digital  technologies are proliferating and
                                             skills among the population, GCC countries   touching  more and more aspects of the
        Employment Creation:  The  fundamental   are ranked on par with major global players   economy, particularly in terms of the ways
        shift in the ways work is done in the digital   such as Hong Kong, Germany, South Korea,   products  and services  are consumed
        economy  creates  new opportunities for   and Ireland.                   and delivered,  the  way transactions  are
        job creation. The sharing economy model,   Changing  consumer characteristics have   conducted,  and how operations are
        for example,  is already providing millions   also changed  the nature of businesses   performed. It's  predicted  that,  by  2022,
        with viable livelihoods. China's own sharing   in  the region. Government-to-consumer   more than half of the global economy will
        economy grew 1.3% year-on-year in 2020   interactions  in the UAE, for example, are   be based on or influenced by digital.
        and presently has an estimated labor pool   now predominantly  digital and there are
        of 6.31 million people.              plans  in  place to  close half  of  existing   The Future of Services and Commerce:
                                             government service centers by the end of   Organizations today are taking a  digital-
        Reaching   the  Underserved:  Rapid  2022.  Indeed, the number of bank branches   by-default approach to services and

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