Page 114 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2022
P. 114


                                                               GCRA Issues Final Decision Following

                                                               Leased Line Market Review

                                                               A final decision regarding market definitions and the designation
                                                               of  significant  market  power  (SMP)  status  as  it  relates  to  the
                                                               provision of leased lines in Guernsey has been published by the
                                                               Guernsey  Competition  and Regulatory  Authority (GCRA). In  line
                                                               with a proposed decision  issued by the regulator  back in April
                                                               2022, the key elements of the GCRA’s final decision include: that
                                                               no operator  has  been  designated as  holding  SMP  in  the retail
                                                               market, while Sure Guernsey  has  been  designated  as  having
                                                               SMP  in  the wholesale market; and that  while the retail  market
                                                               is not considered  to be  susceptible  to ex ante regulation,  the
                                                               wholesale market is. Previously, the GCRA has said the purpose
                                                               of its ‘Business Connectivity Market Review’ had been to examine
                                                               the competitive conditions that prevail regarding the delivery of
                                                               business connectivity services in on-island retail and wholesale
                                                               markets and apply appropriate remedies  where competition  is
                                                               found to be deficient.

        CA, Operators Agree on Interim Termination Rates Following Challenge

        The  Communications Authority of Kenya (CA) has announced   the introduction of new rates, saying the move would negatively
        that it has agreed on an interim fixed and mobile termination rate   impact on its revenue and profitability, and arguing that the CA
        (FTR and MTR) with telecoms operators following a consultative   should  have adopted  a cost  modelling  approach  to determine
        process. As such, a rate of KES0.58 (USD0.005) per minute will   the termination rates, rather than an international benchmarking
        apply  from  1  August 2022  for a  period  of twelve  months, after   methodology.  Following  Safaricom’s application,  the tribunal
        which the CA will issue new rates based on the outcome of an   suspended  the CA’s  decision  and the regulator  engaged  with
        ongoing network cost study. The CA issued a determination on   telecoms operators to reach a compromise on the rates. The CA
        interconnection rates in December 2021 which would reduce the   says that with the adoption of the interim termination rate, ‘it is
        FTR  and  MTR from KES0.99  to  KES0.12  per minute effective 1   expected that operators will remain incentivized to invest in quality
        January  2022.  Shortly  after  this, however,  Safaricom petitioned   and innovation as consumers  enjoy affordable  communication
        the Communications and Multimedia Appeals Tribunal to block   products and services.’

        Gabon  and  Togo  Sign  MoU  on  Free


        Gabon  and Togo  signed  a  Memorandum  of Understanding
        (MoU) on 4 August to abolish roaming charges between the two
        countries. The telecoms regulators of the two countries noted the
        agreement will result in a substantial drop in the price of mobile
        services (voice, data and SMS) while roaming, with outgoing calls
        billed at the local rate and no charge for incoming calls. In order
        to  ensure swift  implementation  of the deal, a  delegation  from
        Togolese mobile operators Togocom and Moov Africa Togo arrived
        in Libreville on 6 August to discuss the technical aspects with their
        counterparts at Gabon Telecom (Moov Africa) and Airtel Gabon.

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