Page 88 - SAMENA Trends - January 2022
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        company generated Tk 37.55 crore in revenue in the fiscal year   the regulatory and licensing guidelines on satellite operations, the
        2019-2020 by providing services to 33 TV stations. Against the   commission mentioned that it would issue licenses for a period of
        earnings, the company’s operating expense was Tk 20.38 crore in   15 years. Under the guidelines, the local and foreign companies
        the fiscal year under consideration. In the fiscal year 2018-2019,   would be get license from the commission. The licenses would
        the BSCL incurred Tk 14.78 crore in operating losses and in FY   provide direct to home (DTH), cable TV, backhaul connectivity and
        2019-20, it made Tk 17.17 crore in operating profits. Meanwhile,   emergency  telecommunication,  satellite internet  for broadband
        the government has initiated a move to launch another satellite   services,  digital services,  VSAT or VSAT hub  services and any
        by  2023.  To this  end,  the BSCL  on January  19, 2021  assigned   other services approved by the commission.
        multinational consultancy firm PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory   (January 11, 2022)
        as a consultant for the launch of the country’s second satellite. In


        The  National Telecom  Regulatory Authority  (NTRA)  has issued   also helps with enforcing the state’s policy of Industry 4.0 and
        the regulatory  framework for providing Internet of Things (IoT)   foster digital  information by  establishing a  large number  of
        services in Egypt. IoT is  deemed  one  of the most important   sophisticated  systems  operated  via  IoT  technologies  across
        mainstays of Industry 4.0, operating major systems as well as   different sectors. These  technologies  would also  contribute
        digital  services of  smart  cities, including  smart  home,  smart   to mechanizing  business  cycles and providing sophisticated
        meter, and smart transportation. In fact, this step comes in line   e-services to citizens. Al-Gamal, has further pointed out that the
        with the state’s strategy to foster digital transformation across   regulatory framework to provide IoT services was adopted and
        its different sectors and polarize as well as increase investments   approved by the NTRA in conjunction with Egypt’s 2030 Vision,
        in this field. Moreover, it aims to support the state’s future plans   which entails the foundation of a number of cities similar to the
        to establish further smart cities. To this end, the NTRA studied   New Administrative Capital. Such a framework seeks to allow the
        the optimum international modules and practices  with  respect   creation of a number of modern smart systems in smart cities
        to IoT services. Additionally, meetings and hearing sessions are   and communities. It  also  helps with  the transformation from
        currently being arranged by the NTRA with a number of local as   traditional to modern smart systems to expedite and facilitate the
        well as global organizations operating in the field to figure out   process of e-service provision. IoT services is a term that refers
        the best regulatory  policies  applicable  in international  markets   to all equipment interconnected via telecom networks, where data
        as  well  as  fitting  Egypt’s  telecom  market.  Such  a  framework   is exchanged to fulfil the requirements and needs of citizens in all
        was actually prepared and approved to act as a regulatory tool   life aspects. IoT apps are also diversified according to different
        facilitating IoT service procedures.  Furthermore, Hossam  Al-  aspects of usage, including end-user, commercial, and industrial
        Gamal, the  Executive President  of the  NTRA,  has declared  that   infrastructure, as well as government activities.
        the new  regulatory  framework  aims  to  polarize  investments   (January 13, 2022)
        to  establish  IoT  networks and sophisticated  app platforms.  It


        The Ministry of Communications announced, that it has received   with the tripartite agreement between Iraq, The Kingdom of Jordan
        offers from a French company to build the Iraqi satellite, while   and the Arab Republic  of Egypt,"  he  said, stressing  that "the
        noting that the financial cost of its construction has not yet been   experience of Egyptians, French and all companies that contribute
        determined.  "The  offers made by Iraqi, Arab and international   to the development of the telecommunications situation and the
        companies  specialized in the manufacturing  and developing   Iraqi satellite can be used." "The satellite will benefit the revenues
        the Iraqi  satellite  are  still  continuing  for the Informatics and   of the Ministry of Communications by participating through space
        Telecommunications public company," ministry spokesman Raad   frequencies, communication network frequencies.”
        al-Mashhadani told The Iraqi News Agency (INA). "There are also   (January 12, 2022)
        Egyptian companies that have submitted their offers in accordance

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