Page 95 - SAMENA Trends - January 2021
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        Deputy Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Dr. Ömer Fatih   industry,  Sayan  said,  "SMEs,  which  constitute  99.8  percent  of
        Sayan, spoke at the event on “The Power of Domestic Production   active companies in our country, as in many countries, are the main
        and SMEs in Technology", organized by the Union of Chambers   sources of economic growth and business development. SMEs,
        and  Commodity  Exchanges  (TOBB)  and  Vodafone.  Stating  that   job creation, "It plays an important role in promoting  domestic
        information  and communication  technologies  are the leading   demand through innovation and competition." Reminding that the
        actors in every sector, Sayan said that the investments to be made   Ministry and the Information Technologies and Communication
        in  this  field  are  developed  by  directly  affecting  all  other  fields.   Authority (BTK) have issued various regulations with the aim of
        Sayan explained that as the  Ministry, in line with the  "National   supporting SMEs in the information and communication sector
        Technology  Move"  initiated  by  President,  they  consider  the   and getting more shares from the sector, Sayan said that in 3G
        development of a sustainable domestic and national ecosystem   concession  agreements  and  4.5G  authorization  certificates,
        in the field of information and communication technologies as a   mobile operators  will  make their investments in electronic
        strategic goal and that they carry out important works in this field   communication networks. at least 10 percent of said they want
        together  with  stakeholders.  Emphasizing  that  one  of  the  most   to ensure the product or system established to develop SMEs in
        important  tools that  direct the economy  is  the manufacturing   Turkey. (January 20, 2021)

                                                                                 United Arab Emirates

        United Arab Emirates (UAE) telcos Etisalat and Du have raised the   15th anniversary of his Accession Day. The message was full of
        foreign ownership limit on their shares from 20% to 49%. A report   evidence that the UAE nation is indeed able to achieve and lead in
        from Gulf News cites financial analysts as saying that the move   various fields. We meet at the start of this year to affirm progress
        will  allow for strategic  partnerships  and invite further  foreign   in cooperation between government and local entities to realize
        investment – both passive and  active – as  the two  operators   UAE’s visions and future goals.” Mr. Al Housani stressed that the
        look to capitalize on the country’s growing 5G market. Etisalat   UAE was able to make strides in Open Data last year, reaching
        also has international operations across the Middle East, Africa   the 16th place globally. He added: “We will continue our meetings
        and Asia. Currently only around 5% of Etisalat’s shares are held by   and joint cooperation to achieve all entitlements as today we are
        non-Gulf nationals, while the level at Du is below 1%. Both telcos   just  a  few months away  to celebrating  our golden  jubilee,  the
        are majority owned by the UAE government.              deadline  set  by  our  wise  leadership  to  realize  UAE  Vision  and
        (January 21, 2021)                        National Agenda Objectives. This requires further efforts from us
                                                               as a national OSI team, and action to increase communication,
        The  General  Authority  for Regulating  the Telecommunications   coordination and cooperation between our government entities, in
        Sector  (TRA)  organized  the  first  meeting  of  2021  of  the  Online   order to have an increased activation of smart services in line with
        Service Index (OSI) Executive Team, an indicator of UAE Vision   UAE Vision 2021 and the goals of the National Agenda.” During
        2021 National Agenda. The meeting, held virtually, was attended   the meeting, participants reviewed the big leap made by the UAE
        by OSI team members representing 11 federal entities, including   in Open Data, according to the Open Data Watch, which measures
        local  electronic/digital  governments.  The  meeting  aims  at   the inclusiveness and openness of official data and statistics. It
        reviewing best government  practices  for the year 2020, and   also includes an assessment of UAE Open Data Portals across 3
        international developments, especially with respect to the special   key sectors, 22 categories and 65 sub-indicators. Furthermore,
        circumstance that the world has gone through in recent months.   the  meeting  addressed  the  Open  Data  Race,  one  of  the  open
        The meeting reviewed key  achievements made by  the UAE  in   data team initiatives in cooperation with 14 government entities,
        Open  Data,  and  the  substantial  development  in  the  UAE  Open   which contributed to raising UAE's ranking to 16th in the Global
        Data Portal. The UAE advanced to the 16th place globally in the   Open Data Index. The meeting reviewed the achievements of UAE
        2020 Open Data Inventory (ODIN) report, issued by the Open Data   Hackathon in its previous sessions. Priorities of the National OSI
        Organization, covering 187 countries, to record a jump of 51 ranks   Team are to provide a sustainable environment and an integrated
        at once, compared to the 2018 report. On this meeting, Salem Al   digital infrastructure and to achieve the goals set at the global
        Housani, Acting Deputy Director General of the Information and   level. The Team acts in accordance with major global trends in
        mGovernment  Sector, and  Chairman  of the  OSI Team, said: “At   the UN e-Government Survey, namely: bridging the digital divide,
        our first meeting this year, I find nothing better than to start with   Open  Data,  promoting  use,  multichannel  services,  Connected
        inspiration from the message of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed   Government (G2G), and e-participation.
        bin Rashid Al Maktoum, which he addressed to his people on the   (January 12, 2021)

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