Page 91 - SAMENA Trends - January 2021
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        Telecom  sector has  emerged as  a  prominent contributor  to   conducted number of successful raids against illegal VoIP setups
        Pakistan’s economy and the sector contribution to the national   this  year  to  curb  grey  telephony.  The  Annual  Report  further
        exchequer  has  shown  an  increase  of  129%  in  year  2020  when   revealed that PTA was ranked as 4thgeneration telecom regulator
        compared to year 2019, despite economy being under pressure   by the ITU, which places PTA in top five regulators of Asia-Pacific
        due to COVID effects. As per Pakistan Telecom Authority (PTA)   region. The Pakistan Citizen Portal recognized PTA as the best
        Annual Report 2020, released here today, the sector contributed   performing  organization  in  complaint  redressal  satisfaction.
        PKR 278 billion (including PTA deposits to national exchequer) in   The above performance is a testimony that the sector and the
        FY 2020 as compared to PKR 121 billion in FY 2019 registering   regulator are moving in the right direction under the continuous
        Year-on-Year  growth  of  129%.  A  surge  in  demand  for  telecom   support and guidance of the Government of Pakistan in the form
        services due to lockdown resulted in significant growth not only in   of prudent policies and directions that spur the growth of digital
        subscriber base but also in the usage of telecom services. Today,   technologies. While commenting on the situation arising due to
        data usage stands at 4,498 Peta Bytes(FY2020) as compared to   Covid-19,  the  Annual  Report  further  added  that  year  2020  was
        2,545 Peta Bytes (FY 2019) showing a growth of over 77%. This   an extraordinary year around the world, unexpected, unforeseen
        substantial growth would not have been possible if the networks   and unanticipated events unfolded and changed the way world
        were  not  upgraded.  The  country  currently  has  international   was functioning.  The new normal, replaced focus of the world on
        bandwidth connectivity of 3.1 Tera Bytes and around 47,000 cell   telecoms and digitalization, the global telecom sector responded
        sites, of which 90% are 4G enabled sites. According to the PTA   to  the  demands  and  so  did  Pakistan.  Being  at  the  forefront,
        Annual Report, in the last five years, total broadband subscription   while the country was acclimatizing to the changed conditions
        in the country grew by 175%. Today broadband subscribers have   towards  normalization,  PTA  assured  network  upgradations,
        crossed 90 million showing a growth of around 8% in FY2020.   traffic optimization, load balancing that resulted in uninterrupted
        Pakistan has a total broadband penetration of 42.2% in FY2020.   service provision.
        The  telecom  networks  are  currently  available  for  87%  of  the   (January 15, 2021)
        population and PTA is working with operators to increase their
        network  coverage  for  remaining  13%  unserved  people  of  the   Federal  Minister  for  Finance  and  Revenue,  Dr.  Abdul  Hafeez
        country. The total teledensity now stands at 82% with over 172   Shaikh, chaired the meeting of the Advisory Committee for the
        million mobile subscribers and 2.2 million fixed-line subscribers.   release  of  Next  Generation  Mobile  Services  (NGMS)  spectrum
        In 2020, the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) across the economy   in  Pakistan  held  at  the  Finance  Division.  Federal  Minister  for
        was affected due to global lockdowns, however, telecom sector   Science  and  Technology  Fawad  Chaudhry,  Federal  Minister  for
        made an iconic share of 25% (USD 623 million) in the total FDI   Information  Technology  and  Telecommunication  Syed  Amin  ul
        made in the country. Total investment made by the local operators   Haque, Adviser to the PM on Commerce Abdul Razak Dawood,
        grew  by  14.25%  and  a  total  of  USD  734  million  were  invested   Chairman PTA Major General (R) Aamir Azeem Bajwa, Secretary
        locally.  Total  revenues  of  the  sector  reached  PKR  537  billion   Ministry  of Information Technology  and Telecommunication,
        in FY 2020, which was mainly generated by mobile sector. The   Executive Director Frequency Allocation Board and other senior
        financial gains have been equally enjoyed by telecom consumers,   officials participated in the meeting. The Chairman PTA briefed
        the affordability of telecom services in Pakistan have improved   the  Advisory Committee  about  the  latest developments  in the
        over the  years and currently the per GB  broadband  prices  are   sale of available spectrum of next generation mobile services in
        as low as USD 0.20 which is amongst the lowest in the region.   the  country.  While  appreciating  the  sale  of  maximum  possible
        Similarly,  due  to  Device  Identification  &  Registration  System   spectrum,  the Finance Minister  stated that  it  will  contribute
        (DIRBS) introduction government revenues increased many folds   towards overall economic  growth through  digitalization and
        with tax collection on handset imports.  The local manufacturing   improve the quality of broadband services in Pakistan, he added.
        of handsets has enlivened the telecom ecosystem, with growth   The Committee was also briefed that the hiring process for the
        in  local  4G  device  manufacturing  crossing  34%.    Pakistan   consultants was completed in December 2020 as per procedure
        experienced trials of 5G services which were one of the few firsts   and newly hired consultants are on board for the sale of available
        in  the  South  Asia.  PTA  is  aiming  for  spectrum  auction  of  LTE,   spectrum within the current financial year. The Finance Minister
        VoLTE services in 2021 as a precursor to 5 G. The regulator is   urged the consultants to follow a proactive approach and meet
        also gearing up for auction of spectrum for high speed broadband   the given deadlines effectively. He emphasized that the time is of
        services  in  AJK  &  GB.  PTA  Annual  Report  informs  that  the   essence in the release of NGMS Spectrum and the whole process
        regulator  this  year  awarded  110  licenses  for  different  telecom   of auction must be transparent for strengthening and expanding
        services and issued 91 commencement of service certificates to   communications  /  IT  Services  across  the  country.  The  next
        the operators. PTA conducted QoS surveys across Pakistan for   follow-up meeting of the Advisory Committee is expected to take
        data,  voice  and  SMS  services  and  the  operators  were  directed   place in March, 2021.
        to  take  corrective  measures  where  they  underperformed.  PTA   (January 15, 2021)

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