Page 97 - SAMENA Trends - January 2021
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                         JobMaker plan announced in June last year. With the   in joint applications.” “Telstra noted that ‘partnerships
                         5G initiative currently under  design,  Australia’s three   will be an integral component of any grant applications
                         mobile network  operators  (MNOs)  -  Optus, Telstra   that  demonstrate new, compelling  uses of 5G’; in
                         and  TPG  Telecom  -  are  all  pushing  the  case  for   particular,  Telstra  identified  that  joint  applications
                         partnership  to be a  key criteria for applicants  to get   will be critical for bringing together different aspects
                         access to the government funding. Optus is the most   of emerging technologies  and will  be necessary  to
                         public  of the three in pushing  for MNO  involvement   demonstrate the full potential of 5G,” the government
                         in funded  projects,  expressing  alarm  at  the prospect   noted.  “Optus  and  TPG  Telecom  also  raised  the
                         of  projects  being  funded  “without  any  involvement   importance of  working with  the telecommunications
                         from  an  MNO”.  “Optus  has  been  concerned  to  note   sector  as a  partner to deliver high  quality projects
                         preliminary feedback which  suggests  the  initiative   in a  timely manner”, it  added,  saying some of this
                         might be structured in such a way that applications for   commentary came directly from an industry workshop.
                         projects could be progressed without any involvement   Optus  argues that  any  5G  trial  will  ultimately  require
                         from  an  MNO,”  it  said  in  a  submission.  “This  would   infrastructure and spectrum to check that it can scale
                         be  ill-advised,  as MNOs  have existing  expertise,   -  and that  trialists  should  use existing 5G  networks,
                         infrastructure,  and  access  to  spectrum.  “There  is  a   rather than spend  any government  money building
                         real risk that the funding under this initiative may be   their own, in  order to  prove  their concept  scales
                         exhausted  on niche projects that  have  no pathway   appropriately.  In  its  own  submission  [pdf],  Telstra
                         to  scalability,  or  granted to  applicants that  are  not   similarly  argues  that  government  funding  should  not
                         in the business of networks and are not equipped to   be  spent  on  “the  deployment  of  5G  infrastructure  or
                         consider 5G as a holistic technology solution. “Strong   testbeds”, but instead be concentrated on developing
                         participation  by the MNOs  will likely produce  better   new  use  cases  for  5G.  Part  of  the  argument  stems
                         results and a better return for taxpayer funding. “The   from the  relatively small  amount  of money  on offer
                         government should consider the suitability of framing   for the scheme,  with  funded  projects likely  to  fall
                         … partnership as a requirement in all applications to the   into the $500,000 to $1 million range, though various
                         initiative.” Optus also pressed the case for “minimum   parties had sought slices of between $200,000 and $2
                         quotas of projects” to be “awarded to MNOs who lodge   million  through  the  initial  consultation  process.  The
                         compliant applications”. Optus is not alone in pressing   government is currently formulating the guidelines for
                         the case for partnership with a telco to be a key criteria   grant funding and expects to make them available - as
                         to  secure  government  funding.  Communications   well as open applications - early this year.
                         officials noted on December 23 last year [pdf] that “the   (January 5, 2021)
                         telecommunications industry saw significant potential

                         The  Utilities  Regulation  and Competition  Authority   analysis to support any recommendations made.’ The
                         (URCA) has confirmed that it is evaluating the feasibility   evaluation process is scheduled to commence in the
                         of licensing a  third Bahamian  mobile operator   first quarter of 2021 and conclude in 2Q21. According
                         to compete  with  Bahamas  Telecommunications   to  TeleGeography’s  GlobalComms  Database,  BTC’s
        Bahamas          Company (BTC) and ALIV. As per the recently released   monopoly  was  disrupted  just  over four years ago,
                         ‘Draft  Annual  Plan  2021’  document,  URCA  notes:  ‘As   when ALIV launched on 23 November 2016. Strategic
                         set out in the draft electronic communications sector   shareholder Cable Bahamas (REV) received the nation’s
                         policy, the government  of the Bahamas  will  consider   second wireless licensee the previous year, defeating
                         whether further liberalization of the mobile telephone   rival  bidder  Virgin  Mobile  Bahamas.  Digicel  Group
                         market should  be  undertaken  in the form of a third   pulled out of the bidding process early on, wary of the
                         mobile operator. The policy requires that URCA provide   strict  rollout  obligations  attached  to  the  concession.
                         advice and recommendations  to the government   (January 7, 2021)
                         on this matter, including  a  feasibility and market

                         The  Belgian government  approved  draft legislation   place by early 2022. The process had been stalled by
                         which  will  finally  enable  the  country’s  long-delayed   the lengthy delay in forming a new federal government
                         5G mobile spectrum auction to be staged. The cabinet   and disagreement  among the regions over  how the
                         approved  five  royal  decrees  proposed  by  telecoms   auction  revenues,  which are expected  to be at  least
        Belgium          minister Petra De Sutter, as well as draft amendments   EUR800  million  (USD974  million),  should  be  divided.
                         to the electronic communications  law  required to   The  five  decrees  cover  frequency  usage  in  various
                         proceed  with the auction,  which is  expected  to take   bands,  namely:  the  allocation  of  the  2.6GHz  band,

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