Page 98 - SAMENA Trends - January 2021
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                         including  the  possibility  for the  Belgian  Institute for   after one year, 99.5% after two years and 99.8% after
                         Postal  Services  and  Telecommunications  (BIPT)  to   six years. With regard to the thorny issue of radiation
                         withdraw unused user rights in that band; the option   standards, the minister has stressed that operators will
                         for  the  BIPT  to  extend  existing  2G  (900MHz  and   have to respect regional regulations, as ‘it is not for the
                         1800MHz) and 3G (2100MHz) licenses due to expire in   federal government to dictate the rules. The next step
                         March 2021 until the auction has been completed; the   will be to present the proposal to the Inter-ministerial
                         allocation of the 700MHz band, also referred to as the   Committee  on Telecom  and Broadcasting  and the
                         ‘second digital dividend’, for 5G services; the allocation   Coordination  Committee  of the federal  government
                         of  the  1427MHz-1517MHz  range,  standardized  for   and regions, following which parliament must approve
                         SDL  by  the  3GPP  and  therefore  suitable  for  use  by   the  legislation  and  the  BIPT  can  begin  planning  the
                         mobile operators with other frequency bands; and the   technical details of the auction. Meanwhile, Proximus
                         allocation of the 3400MHz-3800MHz (3.6GHz) band for   CEO Guillaume Boutin has told L’Echo that the coverage
                         5G services. The draft amendment to Article 30 of the   targets set out in the draft legislation are feasible and
                         Law of 13 June 2005 on Electronic Communications,   that  he expects  that  the deployment of 5G  services
                         meanwhile,  concerns  the  fees for the  use  of the   will ‘go  very quickly’, indeed  even  faster than the  4G
                         spectrum. The texts also specify that operators will be   rollout, as the low frequency 700MHz band will enable
                         required to provide 5G coverage to 70% of population   coverage of a wider area, (January 25, 2021) L’Echo

                         The  telecommunications  regulator will  launch  a   interveners  are scheduled  to begin  presentations  on
                         multi-day review of the  Canadian  Broadcasting   Friday and continue over eight days until Jan. 26. The
                         Corp.’s  broadcasting  licenses.  The  CRTC  says   Canadian Media Producers Association will make the
                         electronic  hearings  will  begin  at  10  a.m.  before  its   first presentation. Others include the Canadian Olympic
        Canada           five-member  panel.  The  Canadian  Radio-television   Committee, Quebecor Media Inc., Friends of Canadian
                         and  Telecommunications  Commission  will  first  hear   Broadcasting  and  the  Office  of  the  Commissioner  of
                         from the public broadcaster which is seeking to renew   Official  Languages.  CBC’s  response  to  the  intervener
                         licensees for its various English- and French-language   presentations  is  scheduled  for  January  27.  (January  11,
                         audio and audio-visual programming services. Seventy   2021)

                         Competitions  for  5G  spectrum  in  the  700MHz,  AWS   will  go  head-to-head  for  the  available  700MHz  band
                         and  3.5GHz  bands  in  Chile  will  proceed  to  a  series   frequencies, whilst the two will also face competition
                         of independent  auctions,  sector  watchdog  the   from Claro for the AWS airwaves. Finally, the 3.5GHz
                         Department  of  Telecommunications  (SUBTEL)  has   range will be contested by WOM, Claro, Movistar, Entel
        Chile            confirmed,  after  the  initial  technical  offers  submitted   and  Borealnet.  SUBTEL  notes  that  the  auctions  will
                                                                        take place in ascending  order based on the amount
                         by  the  interested  parties  were  tied.  Spectrum  in  the
                         26GHz band, however, will be awarded to all three of   of  spectrum  available,  starting  with  the  700MHz
                         the companies that submitted offers – Claro, Entel and   frequencies – for which there is a single 2×10MHz block
                         WOM – without auction, as there is sufficient available   – on 8 February, followed by the AWS band (2×15MHz)
                         bandwidth  to  fulfil  the  requests.  Regarding  the  other   on 11 February and the 3.5GHz frequencies (150MHz)
                         three bands, WOM and would-be newcomer Borealnet   on 16 February. (January 18, 2021)

                          The  Communications   Regulatory  Commission  GlobalComms  Database,  in  December  2019  Partners
                          (Comision de Regulacion  de Comunicaciones,  CRC)   (representing  Icelandic-owned,  UK-based  private
                          has  reportedly ordered the country’s  cellcos  to  sign   equity  firm  Novator  Partners)  successfully  bid  on
                          interconnection  agreements  with  market  newcomer   frequencies in the 700MHz band and 2500MHz bands in
        Colombia          Partners (WOM), ahead of the latter’s planned network   Colombia’s multi-band spectrum auction. In July 2020,
                          launch.  According  to,  the  watchdog   meanwhile, Novator Partners acquired an unspecified
                          handed down its ruling on 28 December 2020, quoting   majority  stake in  Colombian  mobile operator  Avantel
                          a  CRC  spokesperson  as  saying:  ‘The  decisions   and  launched  a  restructuring  of  the  business.  CEO
                          contained  in the issued  resolutions  will  be  the basis   Chris Bannister has  indicated  that  a  full commercial
                          for Partners Telecom Colombia to materialize access,   switch-on will take place in the first quarter of 2021,
                          use and  interconnection  relationships  with  Comcel   under the WOM brand that Novator currently uses in
                          and Tigo-Une, for which the parties must comply with   Chile.
                          the  defined  schedule.’  According  to  TeleGeography’s    (January 7, 2021)
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