Page 98 - SAMENA Trends - January 2020
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                         million) to manufacture 5G kit. It was among the first to   television companies,  reports Veja. According  to a
                         express its disappointment about the delay, with Tiago   resolution  published  in  the  Official  Gazette,  “quality
                         Machado, director of government relations for Ericsson   goals  are  established from  the consumer’s  point
                         LatAm South, telling FT politicians and regulators must   of view and must  be met equally  by  all  providers of
                         “take proper measures to make sure this goes forward   pay-TV services”. The main new development is that
                         in a timely manner”. The delay could have one positive,   every operator should have an Ombudsman to receive
                         by providing Brazil’s government more time to decide if   customer complaints, with a ten-day deadline to deal
                         it will allow Huawei to participate in 5G network builds.   with them. Once that deadline has expired, if there is
                         Brazil is one of many countries facing from pressure   disagreement with the measures adopted, consumers
                         from the US to ban the  Chinese  vendor  on  security   can take their demands  directly to Anatel. Unlike
                         grounds. (January 13, 2020)  before, customers now have predictable situations in
                                                                        which they can exercise unilateral breach of contract.
                         Brazil’s National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel)   (December 29, 2019)
                         has reviewed  the  quality requirements  for cable

                         Chile’s telecoms  watchdog  has begun  public   licenses, Subtel has stipulated that the winning bidder
                         consultation  on plans to auction spectrum  for 5G   must  use the spectrum  for the  rollout of LTE-A  Pro
                         services, inviting ‘all members of the digital ecosystem’   or 5G services. Concessions in the two higher bands,
                         to participate in the process,  which  will  run  until 14   meanwhile,  must be used for 5G.  The regulator  also
        Chile            February 2020. The Department of Telecommunications   set out coverage requirements for the licenses,  with
                                                                        the 700MHz licensee’s  footprint  to cover 200  square
                         (Subsecretaria  de Telecomunicaciones,  Subtel)  has
                         proposed selling off spectrum in four bands via separate   kilometers of each commune in the five most populous
                         and independent processes, although each concession   regions  (Santiago Metropolitan,  Valparaiso, Biobio,
                         will  be valid for 30 years and carry technological   Maule and Araucania)  and 100 square kilometers of
                         restrictions. The frequencies available are as follows:   each commune in the other eleven regions. Holders of
                         one  2×10MHz  block of 700MHz  spectrum  (703MHz-  licenses in the other three bands, however, are expected
                         713MHz/758MHz-768MHz); 2×15MHz in the 2100MHz   to cover a  portion of each commune  nationwide  as
                         band     (1755MHz-1770MHz/2155MHz-2170MHz);    follows: 2100MHz,  100  square  kilometers; 3500MHz,
                         15 10MHz  blocks in the 3500MHz  band (3300MHz-  40 square kilometers; and 28GHz, one square kilometer.
                         3400MHz, and 3600MHz-3650MHz); and two tranches   (January 15, 2020)
                         of 400MHz  in  the 28GHz  range.  For the two  FDD

                         The Chinese government has awarded a 5G trial license   by the end of 2020, according to a recent statement by
                         to state-owned cable TV operator China Broadcasting   MIIT. Recent data from MIIT showed that Chinese state
                         Network  with  the aim  of  accelerating  the nationwide   carriers have already deployed a  total  of 126,000  5G
                         deployment of 5G in the country. Through this license,   base stations across the country. Chinese telcos China
        China            the broadcaster will be allowed to run trials in the 4.9   Mobile, China Telecom and China Unicom had launched
                         GHz frequency range in 16 cities including Beijing, the   commercial 5G services in November 2019. The service
                         Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT)   was initially available in large cities including Beijing,
                         said. In June, China Broadcasting Network had obtained   Shanghai,  Shenzhen,  Hangzhou, Nanjing and Tianjin.
                         a license for the provision of commercial 5G services.   According  to previous reports, the three operators
                         At that time, the government also granted licenses to   were expecting  to operate  nearly 130,000 5G base
                         China Mobile, China Telecom and China Unicom. The   stations by the end of 2019. China Mobile announced
                         new test frequency license means that the state-owned   plans  to  install  50,000  5G  sites  by  end-2019, while
                         broadcaster has officially obtained the right to use 5G   China Unicom and  China Telecom  each target about
                         frequencies  in relevant regions across China. At the   40,000, according  to  press  reports.  According to  the
                         end of last year, the MIIT issued licenses for 5G trials   China Academy of Information and Communications
                         in a number of cities across China. Commercial rollout   Technology, 5G technology is expected to create more
                         of 5G in China was initially expected to occur during   than 8 million jobs in China by 2030. It is forecasted
                         2020.  However, the  Chinese  government  decided  to   that 28% of China’s mobile connections will be running
                         accelerate  5G  deployment will  trigger investment in   on 5G  networks by  2025,  accounting for about one-
                         the Chinese market. All the 300 prefecture-level cities   third of all  5G connections  globally, according to a
                         in China are expected to be covered by a 5G network   previous report by the GSMA. (January 7, 2020)

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